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人教版八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ delicious the food is!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a2 . His answer is wrong.Can you give me a _ one,Jerry?Sorry,Im afraid I cant.AsimpleBdeepCcorrect3 . Could you ask her _, please? I have something to tell her.OK.Acall me backBto call me backCcall back meDto call back me4 . my cousin is very young, she can help with the housework. AOnce; 不填 BThough; butCAlthough; 不填5 . No _ here! Havent you seen the sign?AsmokingBto smokeCsmokes6 . The girlred doesnt likeblack clothesAwears;wearingBputs on;dressingCdresses;inDin;wearing7 . Why should I correct that mistake right now, Mum? Its OK, I thinkWell, honey, it will _ big trouble in the futureAadd toBsay toCpoint toDlead to8 . -Did you buy any giftsyour family in the gift shop?-No, I didnt. The things in it were so expensive.AtoBforCAtDon9 . -Mary has made great progress this term. -_, and_.Aso she has; so have youBso she has; so you haveCso has she; so you have10 . is it from the village to your school? About 10 minutes walk.AHowBHow longCHow farDHow much11 . Dont arrive late for class, or Miss Green will _us by making us clean the classroom.AhateBpunishCwarnDtreat12 . - I didnt see you at the party yesterday. Why?- Because I _ for an important person from America at that time.Awas waiting B. is waiting C. will wait D. have waited13 . too late isyour health.ASleeping, bad forBSleep, good forCSleeping, good for14 . Many successful people have the same quality- they never _ no matter what difficulties theyve had.Astay upBcheer upCgive upDtake up15 . Do you know the price of the ticket?YesEach _ ¥180ApaysBcostsCtakesDspends二、完型填空完形填空。通读短文,掌握大意,从所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出一个最佳选项My name is Bill. Im an English boy. Im a student_a high school(高中). Im in Class 4, Grade 8. Li Lei is my friend. We are in_class. He is thirteen. Here is a photo of_family. It is new. Please_it. His dad is_English teacher. The one_is his mom. She is a doctor(医生). He has_sisters. Their names_Fangfang and Lingling. They look the same. They are high school students,_They_a nice cat. They like it very much.16 . AinBtoCandD/17 . Athe sameBdifferentCsameDthe different18 . AheBhimCherDhis19 . Alook atBlookCgiveDsee20 . AtheBanC/Da21 . Aa redBin redCredDin a red22 . AthreeBfourCtwoDone23 . AisBbeCamDare24 . AtoBandCtooDbut25 . AhaveBhasCareDis三、阅读单选My grandfather is eighty years oldHe always complains about how fast things have changed,and he often says that life used to be better“Families arent families the way they used to be”A 1ot of families have broken upIf husband and wife have problems with their marriage,they no longer stay togetherAnd mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children,but now everyone is busy workingNo one has time to 1ook after children at homeAnd the cars! No one walks any more;more and more people driveWe used to walk five miles to school on schooldays,even in winterBut now we dontAnd in school children dont have to think any moreIn math classfor example,we used to add,subtract, multiply and divide(加减乘除)in our headsKids dont use their heads any more;instead,they use calculators(计算器)Most families have computers nowIn the past we didnt have computersWe didnt even have lightsMy mother used to spend all day cooking in the kitchenBut now we dont often eat homecooked foodAnd people dont talk to each other any moreThey are too busy to talk,too busy to eat,to busy to think. Life used to be simple,but it isnt any more26 . My grandfather thinks the life now is _ Avery goodBworse than it used to beCbetter than it used to beDthe same as it used to be27 . What does the underlined word “marriage” mean in Chinese?A生活B工作C婚姻D家庭28 . What has happened these years according to the passage?AChildren dont have to think any more in schoolBStudents use calculators in math classCStudents used to walk to school,but now they dontDAll of the above29 . What changes have happened to some families?There are lights at home;People like to eat homecooked food;Lots of families have computers;Lots of couples(夫妇)live apart because of unhappy problemsABCD30 . Which is TRUE according to the passage?ALife now is much simplerBPeople have much time to talk with each other nowCThe grandfather only complains and pays no attention to the better life nowDLots of mothers stay at home and look after their childrenTim walked towards the park. He was on his way to find Mr. Thomas, the gardener and apologized to him. He wanted everything to be the way it was before.He could hear a big growling and barking in the distance. When he looked up, he say Mrs. Green and Bluebell on the path in front of him. Bluebell was attacking a tall thin man with dark hair. It took him a few moments to recognize him. It was the same man who crashed into him outside the gym. Bluebell was attacking the man because the man was trying to run away with Mrs. Greens handbag.“Hey, you!” shouted Tim.Bluebell released the mans leg and barked at Tim. The man seized his chance and ran like the wind, with Mrs. Greens handbag under his arm. Tim followed. He chased the man past some houses, then through a car park, then up a hill, then along the High Street, then through an open air cafe and past the library.The police inspector raised his hand for silence. “We have caught a young man. He is helping us with our enquiries. We believe he is the Wrightham mugger.”“Who is the mystery hero?” shouted one of the reporters. “What we know is this. A schoolboy chased after the suspect. The suspect tripped and dropped the stolen handbag. He also dropped his wallet, and inside the wallet we found a gym membership card with the suspects photograph and name on it. He made our job very easy.”31 . The underlined word “seized” has the similar meaning as _.AlostBcreatedCcaughtDthought of32 . Which of the following is not true about Bluebell?AIt was Mrs Greens dog and helped her.BIt helped the police to catch the mugger.CIt barked at Tim and let the mugger go.DIt was attacking the mugger to get a bag.33 . How was the mugger caught?ABluebell helped the police find out the man in the street.BTim caught him when he crashed into him outside the gym.CHe lost a gym membership card with his photo and name on it.DHe was found in a gym while he was doing exercise there.34 . From the story, we can lean Tim is a/an _ schoolboy.AbraveBcleverCcarefulDimpatientYour body is specialno two people in the world are alike. Although you are different from everyone else, you have exactly the same body parts as the people around you, doing different jobs that keep all of us alive.What is inside my head? Your head houses the most valuable part of your body-your brain. As you are reading, your eyes send pictures to your brain which makes meaning from what you see. Your brain helps you to remember and think, and makes sure your body is doing what it should.What is my skin(皮肤)for? Your skin covers your body. In most parts of your body, the skin is just as thick as half a centimeter(cm). If you have your skin cut, it will have a quick cure(愈合)and stop viruses (病毒)from getting into your body. Your skin also helps you feel the heat and coldness of the environment around you. Hair grows from inside the skin. When you feel hot, extra heat comes out through your skin. As a result, your body temperature(温度)drops.How do I move? Muscles(肌肉)are found in most parts of your body. They work with your bones to help you move whenever you cry or smile, eat or speak, walk or dance, etc.Why do I breathe? Your body needs to take in oxygen(氧气)from the air and give out the unwanted carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the body. When you breathe, air comes through your nose and mouth into your lungs where oxygen flows to different parts of your body. What makes me sneeze(打喷嚏)?When dust or a strong smell gets into your nose, you sneeze. This is the way your body cleans up the dust in your nose. Your lungs push out the air and try to clear your nose. What does my heart do? Your heart is a very special muscle. It is slightly bigger than your fist(拳头)and grows bigger as you do. If you place your hand on your heart, you will feel your heart beating which forces blood to move around your body.35 . Which part is the most valuable part of your body?AMy skin.BMy brain.CMy mouth.DMy nose.36 . If you have no skin covering your body, what would happen?AViruses cant get into our body easily.BOur body can be guarded(保护)by our hair.CExtra heat can only stay inside our body.DWe cant feel the changes in temperature.37 . What can you learn about your body?ASneezing is a way to clear our nose.BOur heart is the same size from birth.CWe take in carbon dioxide to stay alive.DOur muscles stop working when we cry.38 . Which is the best title for this passage?AWhat Your Body NeedsBHow Your Body WorksCWhy Your Body GrowsDWhen Your Body Moves四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空.(10分)39 . He is very lazy.He _his homework every day. ( not do )40 . Lucy _ the piano when I went to see her last night. ( play )41 . Listen! Someone(cry) in the next room.42 . He told me that the sun(rise) in the east.43 . Well go to the beach if it(not rain)tomorrow.44 . ( not be ) late for school.45 . The short play (write) by Lu Xun in 193246 . My mother went out an hour ago.she (be)back in half an hour.47 . you (finish)your work? Not yet.48 . Li Ming(read ) this book two days ago.49 . Tom wishes _(learn)Chinese some day.五、多任务混合问题My mother is a junior high school teacher. She (A)_ English.My mother gets up at 6 oclock every day and has breakfast at 6:30 a.m. She always (B)arrives at school at 7:25 a.m. (C)She usually has two lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, she has one lesson. (D)放学后, she plays volleyball with her students.(E)_ the evening, she cooks dinner. After dinner, she prepares her lessons. (F)She sometimes helps me do my homework. She usually goes to bed at 11 p.m.50 . 在文中(A)和(E)的空白处填入一个适当的单词:_51 . 文中画线部分(B)的同义词语或近义词语_52 . 文中画线部分(C)指代的是:_53 . 将文中画线部分(D)译成英语_54 . 将画线部分(F)改写为:She sometimes helps me _ my homework.六、话题作文55 . 书面表达假如你是Han Mei,下面是一封你的笔友Alice给你的e-mail,请根据e-mail的内容,给她写一封回信。与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。要求:(1)语句通顺,书写工整。(2)可用所给提示词,加以适当发挥。(3)60-80词。Dear Han Mei,Im afraid Ive got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, “Be careful while crossing the street.” “Put on more clothes.” “Did you do a good job at school?” and so on. Im annoyed(烦恼). What shall I do?Alice第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、五、多任务混合问题1、六、话题作文1、

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