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仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级下学期3月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its my turn to give a presentation. I feel so upset.Just_. I bet youre the best.Agive it upBgo awayCtake it easyDhave no idea2 . Look, there is a boy in the garden. _ boy is playing _ violin.AA,不填BA,theCThe,theDThe,a3 . -_these things?-Theyre 15 yuan.Ahow many isBHow many areCHow much isDHow much are4 . His grandfather likes _ newspapers after supper.AwatchingBreadingCseeingDlooking at5 . - Would you help me with the report? Its too difficult to work with the data.- . ANever mindBWith pleasureCThats rightDNot at all6 . 一Im very nervous nowIm afraid 1 will fail the test一, Lisa .You can do itAI think soBDont worryCNever mindDCongratulations7 . Excuse me, can I get my ticket? You will get your ticket three days later.AwhereBwhatCwhenDhow8 . Please tell me _ .Awhat is your favorite subjectBwhy you like English bestChow is your motherDhow old are you9 . Be careful _ that bottle, its filled with hot water.AinBtoCatDwith10 . My grandparents love me very much, and I love_, too.AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs11 . Sometimes, life may be_ unhappy things, but we should be active and strong.Afull ofBfamous forCsimilar toDdifferent from12 . Nick Browns _name is Nick.AfirstBfullCfamilyDlast13 . How often do you exercise? _ because I am very busy with my work.AHardly everBOftenCAlwaysDUsually14 . Alice was ill, she stayed at home the whole day yesterday.AbutBandCorDso15 . How was your interview with the boss? _.APerfectBIm not sureCThats rightDCouldnt be better二、补全对话6选5A: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you usually do?B:16 . What about you?A:I often go to the movies.B:17 . How often do you go to the movies?A:18 . B:What is your favorite film?A:19 . B:Who do you usually go with?A:20 . B:Are you going to the movies this weekend?A:Yes. Would you like to go with us?B:Id love to, but I have to shop then. Have a good time with your friend!A:Thank you. Bye!AI go to the movies once a week.BI like movies, too.CI usually go shopping.DMy friend, Lily.ECINDERELLA(灰姑娘)FHow often do you watch them?三、补全短文5选5Just as I got to the airport .I realized I had left my laptop in the hotel. Mr. Dean, the driver of the taxi, said, I “will go back for it .” Then he left.I went into the airport and thought about what to do next. I should call the hotel first. But I didnt know the telephone number of the hotel. 21 . As I was walking around, I saw a woman who was wearing a uniform. She was a clerk in the airport. I asked her for help. She then got online using her mobile phone, found what I wanted and also called the hotel using her mobile phone for me.22 . I told him that I had left my laptop in the hotel, but I didnt know exactly where it was. I told him to look for it in the room I had stayed in and the hotel restaurant. I also told him to hurry because I had to get on the plane by 7:55. 23 . Ten minutes later, the man found my laptop and called me back. I was very happy and told him to wait for Mr. Dean, who would fetch it for me as soon as possible. Then I began to wait for Mr. Dean. I hope that there wouldnt be any traffic jams on his way to the hotel and back to the airport.Finally, Mr. Dean came back with my laptop. 24 . I was the last person to get on the plane. 25 . It was important to me as I had to attend an important meeting the next day. 根据材料内容,把下面五句话还原到文中空白处,并将其标号填入表格相应的位置。AA man working in the hotel answered the phone.BI appreciated those who had helped me find my laptop so that I could return to my home country on time.CSo I went to look for the “Information Desk. ”DI was so happy that I gave him a big hug.E. He agreed to help me look for it .四、完型填空When I entered Berkeley. I was confident of winning a scholarship.As a Straight-A student, I believed I could take some _ subjects . One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he_ in class.After the first exam, I was_ to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, since English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained_ I decided to try harder, although I didnt know what that_ because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77 again. I reasoned with Professor Jayne again, he listened patiently but wouldnt change his_.One more test before the final exam. One more_ to improve my grade. So I redoubled my_ and, for the first time, learned the meaning of the word “thorough”. But everything just went as before.The final was coming. No matter what grades I got, it wouldnt cancel C-pluses. I thought I _ kiss the scholarship goodbye.Finally I decided for once I d have _with the test .The night before the final, I d _treated myself to a movie.A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jaynes office. He_to be waiting for me. “If I gave you the A-pluses you expected, you wouldnt continue to work as hard.”I stared at him,_ that it was just his trick. but I had worked my head off.I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the _ A-plus given. And of course I received my scholarship. Ive always remembered Professor Jaynes lesson: you must set your own _ of excellence.26 . AboringBfairCchallengingDsimple27 . AdiscoveredBpresentedCactedDreceived28 . AshockedBscaredCcrazyDanxious29 . AannoyedBsilentCuneasyDhelpless30 . AmissedBrepeatedCimprovedDmeant31 . AmindBstyleCgradeDgoal32 . AwayBstepCchanceDchoice33 . AdecisionsBeffortsCmemoriesDnotes34 . AmightBshouldCmustDcan35 . AtroubleBtrickCriskDfun36 . AalwaysBneverCstillDeven37 . ApretendedBseemedChappenedDmanaged38 . ArealizingBsupposingCforgettingDwondering39 . AlastBonlyCworstDnext40 . AruleBmethodCstandardDform五、阅读单选Li Peng is a good student. On weekdays he gets up at six in the morning. He has breakfast at home. Then he reads English from 6:30 to 7:00. He goes to school at seven. He has four classes in the morning. He has lunch at school, but on Sundays he has lunch at home with his family. He has three classes in the afternoon. He leaves school at 5:00. He often has dinner at home. In the evening he sometimes watches TV. Sometimes he does his homework. He goes to bed at ten oclock every night.41 . When does Li Peng get up on weekdays?A. At five thirty. B. At six.C. At six thirty. D. At seven.42 . How long does it take Li Peng to read English after breakfast?A. 6:30 B. 7:00 C. an hour D. thirty minutes43 . Where does he have lunch on Sundays?A. At home B. At schoolC. In a store. D. At his uncles home44 . Does he sometimes watch TV in the evening?A. No, he doesnt. B. No, he cant.C. Yes, he does. D. I dont know45 . How many classes does Li Peng have every day?A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.阅读理解ASeveral years ago, Kevin Stephan, then aged 11, was playing baseball when a player accidentally hit him with a bat.Kevin fell down and his heart stopped. Penny Brown, the mother of another player, was watching the game.Penny usually worked in the evenings as a nurse, but luckily that evening she wasnt working. Penny ran to helped Kevin and saved his life.Nearly seven years later, Kevin was washing up in the kitchen of the Hillview Restaurant in Buffalo, New York State. Normally, 18-year-old Kevin had school in the afternoon, but that week there were exams and he didnt have any class. At about 2 p.m., Penny Brown was having lunch with her family in the restaurant. She was eating when some food got stuck in her throat. She was very frightened because she couldnt breathe.Kevin was a volunteer firefighter in his free time and he ran to help. A waitress tried to help her, but the food was still stuck in Pennys throat. Kevin pulled his hands quickly into her stomach and saved Pennys life. He didnt know it was Penny, but his mother, Lorraine Stephan, was also having lunch in the restaurant. She realized that Penny was the woman who saved Kevins life, seven years before, at the baseball game. Both Penny and Kevin were completely amazed by the coincidence(巧合)!46 . What happened during the baseball game?APenny fell down.BPennys son was hit.CKevin hit someone.DKevins heart stopped47 . Why was Penny at the game?AShe liked playing baseball.BHer sons friend is the player.CHer son was playing baseball.DShe was working as a nurse.48 . What did Kevin usually do in the afternoon when he was 18?AHe had some exams.BHe studied at school.CHe worked as firefighter.DHe worked in a restaurant.49 . From the last paragraph, we know that _.APenny couldnt breathe because she was frightened.BKevin helped Penny when some food was in her throat.CKevin was having an exam while Penny was having lunch.DPenny and Lorraine were having lunch together at that moment.50 . What can we learn from the story?ANo pain, no gain.BIt is better to give than to take.CA friend in need is a friend indeed.DGod helps those who help others.六、阅读判断Many people love travelling to different countries, but if you plan to go abroad, you should know how to behave properly in different situations around the world.Most travelers enjoy meeting new people, but sometimes you can be rude without saying anything. In Russia, you should never shake hands in a doorway. And if youre travelling in Thailand, never touch peoples heads or point your feet at people. When the Japanese meet new people, they like giving business cards-but you should read the card carefully, not just put it in your pocket.In most countries in Europe, people expect a lot of eye contact (交流) when you talk to them, but in many Asian countries, a lot of eye contact seems unfriendly. In South America, people usually stand quite close to each other when they talk, but in countries like the USA, you need to give people more personal space. Also, its rude to interrupt(打断) Japanese people while they are talking to you. You must wait until they finish before you start speaking.In restaurants in China, you can leave a bit of food on your plate, and its OK to start smoking before other people finish eating, but you mustnt do these things in the UK. When in India, remember to eat with your right hand. Also avoid leaving empty bottles on the dinner table in Russia-thats bad luck.With so much to think about, its not surprising that many people prefer going on holiday in their own countries-or you might just decide to stay at home! 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。51 . In Russia, you are not supposed to shake hands in a doorway or leave empty bottles on the dinner table.52 . In Thailand, you can touch peoples heads or point your feet at people.53 . In most European countries, a lot of eye contact seems unfriendly when you talk to people.54 . In restaurants in UK, its OK to leave a bit of food on your plate and start smoking before other people finish eating.55 . The passage tells us how to behave properly in different situations around the world.七、填写适当的单词补全句子词汇运用56 . _(在中) the 10 best films of 2018, Operation Red Sea红海行动comes on the top of the list.57 . This kind of drink has too much sugar in it. Its bad for your health. _(可能) youre right.58 . I dont have enough money to buy that dress. Can you_(借给) me 600 yuan?Sorry, but I think the price is a little high.59 . I like wearing trainers because they are very _(舒服的).60 . _(绅士) should be kind to others around.61 . Whose _ (围巾) are these? Theyre Peters.62 . The _ (价格) of the leather basketball is too high.63 . The materials of the show _ (包括)old newspapers, CDs and other things.64 . Few families use _(radio) because of the smart phones.65 . What a _(love) girl she is! Everyone loves her.66 . We should spend an hour _ (plan) the trip well.67 . I think two kilograms of beef _(be) enough for five of us.68 . He enjoys _(lie) on the bed when he is free.69 . Daniel, _ (listen) to the teacher carefully, please!70 . The apple juice in the cups_ (taste) very good.71 . What about_(let)me go dancing with you?八、用所给单词的正确形式填空II. 根据所给词的正确形式填空72 . This is my sister. _(she)name is Betty.73 . Its time _(have)a rest now.74 . Please open _(you)book.75 . How many _(people)are there in your family?76 . Where _(be)your father and your mother?77 . What class _(be)your sister in?78 . There _(be)a book and two pens in my bag.79 . Lets _(play)football after school.80 . My mother is a _(teach). She teaches(教)English.81 . _(do not)play football on the street.九、单词填空阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Hello! My name is Linda Green. I can82 . (说) my Chinese name-Li Mei.83 . (现在) Im in Shengzhou. These are my family photos. The boy in84 . (黑色) is my brother, John. Look! Whats85 . (在下) his hand? Oh, its a86 . (字典). And I have87 . (七) cousins, they are sitting(坐) near the88 . (桌子). We all go to the same school. In89 . (我们的) school, we have friends90 . (到处). I like volleyball, I think its91 . (轻松的).十、回答问题Have you ever watched Shadow Play (皮影戏)? It is an art mixing music and shadow play. The player holds the human characters behind the paper screen and plays a series of stories. The characters are usually made of cowskin. When it becomes dark, the players set up the light and paper screen and start their show. Shadow Play came from Shanxi during the Western Han Dynasty two thousand years ago, which is named Daoqing Shadow Play.The stage of the Shadow play is always a table covered with a large piece of paper. The light was behind the paper screen. As the shadow player moves his fingers, the characters come to life and their looks, dresses and movements can be clearly seen from the other side of the screen. The player is also the lead singer. All the characters are played and voiced by himself.Playing the characters well is not an easy job. It always takes a player ten to twenty years. In order to protect the traditional Chinese art, the Museum of Daoqing Shadow Play has been built in Gansu. Many artists are trying to spread it around China, even all over the world.92 . What are the characters of the Shadow Play made of? (不超过10个词)_93 . What is the stage of the Shadow Play? (不超过10个词)_94 . Why has the Museum of Daoqing Shadow Play been built? (不超过15个词)十一、材料作文95 . 请根据下列表格中的要点写一封推荐信,推荐你班的李华为本年度的青年奖获得者。姓名李华性格善良,友好,乐于助人爱好爱好看书,野营学习情况各门功课成绩好,对历史知识了解很多。最喜欢英语,每天花很多时间练习说英语。主要事迹上周,一个八岁的小男孩迷了路,他把小男孩送到警察局,小男孩的父母很感激他。要求:1.词数80左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2.条理清楚,语句通顺。3.参考单词:organize组织Dear Sir/ Madam,I want to recommend Li Hua for this years Youth Award._Yours faithfully,Wang Lei十二、其他96 . In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others?AattitudeBathleteCattractive第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、填写适当的单词补全句子1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、材料作文1、十二、其他1、

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