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人教版八年级英语寒假作业-作业十八姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whatdo you have to do besidesthe room at home ?I have to take out the trash.Aelse; cleaningBelse; cleanCother; cleaningDother; clean2 . _ it is to fish by the lake in _ weather!AHow great fun; such a fineBWhat great fun; such fineCWhat a great fun; such fineDHow a great fun; so fine a3 . We are ready to offer help_you_.Ato, at any timesBfor, at any timeCfor, at any timesDto, at any time4 . Its_ late now, but there are still _ people at the bus stop.Amuch too; too muchBmuch too; too manyCtoo much; much tooDtoo much; too many5 . _ fine weather it is! Id like to go fishing.AWhat anBWhatCHow6 . Can youmy bookme?I need itAtake;toBbring;forCtake;forDbring;to7 . Knowledge comes from questioning. If we ask questions and dont be afraid of making mistakes, we will make rapid progress and be a good learner.Adare notBdare toCdidnt dare8 . Besides a balanced diet, what else should I pay attention to _ my body? You should pay attention to doing exercise regularly.AshapeBshapesCshapingDto shape9 . I wantto the library. I enjoybooks there.Ato go; to readBgoing; readingCto go; readingDgoing; to read10 . Mary has been a league member three years .AforBsinceCinDon二、阅读单选Mr. Brown and Mr. Green work in the same office. They are good friends. Mr. Brown says to Mr. Green in the office, “I would like to have a small party(聚会) in my home on Sunday evening. Would you and your wife(妻子) like to come?” Mr. Green says, “Thanks a lot. Id love to. Let me tell my wife about it.” So Mr. Green goes to the other office and calls his wife. About half an hour later, he comes back and looks very worried. “Whats up?” asks Mr. Brown, “Is your wife at home?” “No,” says Mr. Green. “She isnt at home now, but my little daughter is in. My daughter says her mother goes out to look for(寻找) her.”11 . What do Mr. Brown and Mr. Green do?ATheyre teachers.BTheyre friends.CTheyre office workers.12 . Where will they have a party?AIn their office.BIn Mr. Browns home.CIn Mr. Greens home.13 . Mr. Brown wants _ to come to the party.AMr. Green and Mrs. GreenBMr. GreenCMrs. Green and her daughterDMrs. Green14 . What does the word(单词) “worried”mean in Chinese?A生气的B高兴的C焦急的15 . Mrs. Green _.Ais at homeBgoes out to look for her daughterCgoes shopping with her daughter三、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇填空16 . It is certain that Lydia is the youngest and _ (聒噪的) girl of the five sisters.17 . Sudden death is a _ (严重的)disease and does great harm to human beings.18 . Mr. Darcy really believed that if she did not have such poor relations, he might be in _(危险)of falling in love with her.19 . Each family has realized the importance of education, so parents try to _(提供)more chances of further study for children.20 . She is _(luck) enough to lose the most faithful friendship in the world.21 . Once the homeless man came to a group of _ (fisherman), and said, “God be with you.”22 . The doctor said to the young lady, “Dont you know health leads to _ (nature) beauty?”23 . Mary is terribly worried about her son because he refuses to tell her anything about his _(feel) and opinions.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、

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