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人教版九年级英语二模试题(无听力部分)一、单选题1 . He has a new _. He _ at a supermarket.Ajob;jobBwork;workCwork;jobsDjob;works2 . How was your vacation in America?It couldnt be worse! I dont _ want to talk about it.AevenBhardlyCeverDmainly3 . _ wonderful invention! I cant believe my eyes.AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow4 . Hes already come back to Australia, _?Yes. We watched a movie together last night.Aisnt heBdoesnt heChasnt heDhas he5 . Theyll have a football game _ it rains.AifBunlessCalthough6 . Turn off the water while you _ your teeth or washing your face.Awere brushingBbrushCare brushingDbrushed7 . You _ buy anything because we have got enough for the picnic.Aneednt toBdont need toCneed toDdont need8 . Its a bit hot in the room. You may _ your coat.Aturn onBtake offCshut off9 . I want to watch Jurassic World _ second time because it is a fantastic movie .AtheBaCanD/10 . -Could you tell me _?-You can take the No. 1 bus.Ahow can we get to Xingyi AirportBhow we can get to Xingyi AirportChow do we get to Xingyi AirportDhow we got to Xingyi Airport11 . - Your spoken English is much better now.- Thanks. Our English teacher often asks me _ English as _ as I can.Ato talk manyBto speakmuchCto saymanyDto tellmuch12 . The air is _ polluted and PM 2.5 pollution is really harmful _ childrens health.Abad; forBbad; toCbadly; forDbadly; to13 . -Shall we go to help the old lady cross the street?- _AThat is very kind of you.BYou are right.CIt doesnt matter.DThats all right14 . Hes going to _ an artist when he _ up.Ado; growBdo ; growsCbe; growDbe; grows二、完型填空I never expected to spend some of my first year at university filming The Finnegans. Id only ever acted at school, but Id loved the book _ I was eleven. My grandmother used to say I was just like Polly Finnegan and I always _ myself playing her.Id taken a year off to go travelling before university. While I was in Chile(智利), my mother emailed me to say there were plans to turn the _ into a TV drama. I knew I had to go for the part. She was _ at first, but sent my photo to the _ and asked him to meet me. I flew back and got the _.The outdoor _ started, so I got permission(同意)from the university to be away for three weeks. Once I was back at university, I got up at 6:00 a. m.to write essays(论文) Id _. I didnt tell my university friends, but they found out and thought it was great.It was an amazing experience-Im so _ .When I graduate from university, I surely want to make _ my work.15 . AsinceBifCuntilDas though16 . AhopedBenjoyedCimagined.Dminded17 . AdreamBbookCstoryDarticle18 . AgladBinterestedCsurprisedDwilling19 . AteacherBfriendCreporterDdirector20 . ApartBcareerCmoneyDprize21 . AexercisingBfilmingCwringDdressing up22 . Athought ofBmissedClovedDfinished23 . AbusyByoungCluckyDgreat24 . AactingBdirectingCcomposingDhosting三、阅读单选Protection groups in North America are arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolves. Some groups believe wolves should be killed. Others believe wolves must be protected.wolvesFor Killing WolvesIn Alaska, the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago because people were killing hundreds of them. However, laws were made to protect the wolves. So the wolf population has greatly increased. Now there are so many wolves that they are destroying their own food supply.A wolf naturally eats animals in the deer family. Many of the animals have been destroyed by the very cold winters and by changes in the wild plant life. When the deer cant find enough good, they will die.If the wolves continue to kill large numbers of deer, their prey will disappear some day. The wolves will, too. So we must change the cycle (循环) of life in the wild land. In another northern state, wolves kill cows and chickens for food. Farmers believe it necessary to kill wolves in some areas.Against Killing WolvesAccording to most stories, hungry wolves often kill people for food. Even today, the stories of the “big bad wolf” still spread among the people.Actually wolves are afraid of people and they seldom travel in areas where there is a human smell. When wolves eat other animals, they usually kill the very young or the sick. The strongest isnt killed. No animal would have lived through the centuries if the weak members had lived. It has always been a law of nature.Researchers have found wolves and their prey living in balance. The wolves keep the deer population from becoming too large, and that keeps a balance in the wild plant life.The real problem is that the areas where wolves can live are being used by people. Even if wild land is not used for human needs, the wolves cant always find enough food. So they travel to the nearest place, which is often a farm. Then there is danger. The “big bad wolf” has arrived! And everyone knows what happens next.25 . Why has the wolf population greatly increased?ALaws were made to protect the wolves.BWolves could find enough food on farms.CThey could eat strong and healthy animals.DPeople leave the areas where wolves live.26 . The word “prey” in Paragraph 4 probably means _.Afarmers who are destroying forestBpeople who are living near wolvesCanimals that are killed for foodDwolves that are killed by people27 . Some people are against killing wolves because _.AThere are too many deer in the wild landBWolves help to keep the balance in the wild landCWolves are afraid of people and never kill peopleDThere is a very small wolf population in the wild land28 . What is probably the best title for this passage?AWhy did wolves almost disappear?BShould wolves be killed or protected?CDoes wolves change the cycle of life?DWhy does wolves kill people for food?Dear Mr. Lee,Im happy to get your email.You say your company wants to buy 30 computers.Our company sells(卖) different kinds of computers.Im sure you will(将) be happy with our computers.Do you have time this Sunday?Id like to visit you at 3:00 pm at your office and introduce(介绍) our computers to you.Our company is at No.201,Shanghai Road.Welcome to our company and have a look.I also send you some photos of our company and our computers.Please write back to me.Best wishes!Jenny29 . Mr Lee wants to .Ameet JennyBhave lunch with JennyCbuy some computersDsell some computers30 . Jenny wants to meet Mr Lee at .A9:00 am,SaturdayB3:00 pm,SundayC3:00 pm,SaturdayD8:00 am,Sunday31 . What does Jenny send to Mr Lee?AA computer.BHer card.CA film ticket.DSome photos.32 . What does Jenny want Mr Lee to do?ACall her back.BWork with her.CWrite her an email.DPrint some documents.The NBA playoffs(季后赛) began on April 28, and the next two months will be filled with games decided in the final minutes. The playoffs are also a way to show off the worlds best basketball players.Theres a saying from Spiderman: “With great power comes great responsibility(责任).” This is true no matter whether you are a class monitor or a president. A recent survey in the USA asked kids what they would do to make life better for other kids if they were president. “Providing shelter” topped the list.May 19, 1613: Xu Xiake, a famous traveler during the Ming Dynasty, started his trip around China, which lasted for more than 30 years. In 2011, China announced its first National Tourism Day, held on May 19 every year in memory of this ancient explorer.Do you have female friends that refer to as “guimi”? If you are a girl and the answer is yes, you are a lucky dog. “Guimi” is only used among girls. It refers to your most honest friends. In English, the word to use is “BFF”- which stands for best friend forever. But if you want to say a guy is your close friend or “nanguimi”, you should use “bromeo”, which is made up of “bro” and “Romeo”.CHINA is planning to build a national earthquake monitoring and warning system in five years. While the system would never be able to forecast an earthquake, it could detect(探测) quakes and notify people within seconds before seismic(地震引起的) waves actually hit them, and a trial program including nearly 100 monitoring stations is currently being carried out in southeast Chinas Fujian Province and has proven successful.33 . The above five passages may be.Afrom postersBfrom newspapersCfrom adsDfrom novels34 . From the passage we know May 19 isin China.Athe beginning of the NBA playoffsBin memory of SpidermanCEarthquake DayDNational Tourism Day35 . “Guimi” refers to.Aany female friendsBbromeoCyour most honest friendsDthose friends who can only share happiness36 . Chinas earthquake monitoring and warning system could.Aforecast an earthquakeBbe used in Zhejiang ProvinceCnot detect quakesDnotify people within seconds37 . Which of the following is wrong according to the passage?AChina will build earthquake warning system in five years.BIn English, the word “BFF” stands for best friend forever.CThe playoffs can show off the worlds best football players.D“Providing shelter” topped the list in American kids survey.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空四.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。(每小题1分,共10分)38 . She gets to the hotel at _ nine oclock.39 . My father often takes a 15-minute walk _ this river after dinner.40 . Ill _ you a visit next month.41 . Please open your book and _ to Page Five.42 . I _ much time reading in the library.43 . The _ (警察) are looking for the man.44 . The bus stop is not far away from the _ (医院).45 . There are two middle schools in this small _ (镇).46 . Its hard for her to _ (爬) the tree.47 . Hebei is in the _ (北方) of China.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空48 . Some people enjoy_(plan) to do things before doing them.49 . He was _(lucky). He didnt pass the exam.50 . Many people like _ (comedy), because they make people relaxed.51 . My uncle _(become) very rich five years ago.52 . The little girl_ (lose) her way in the street yesterday.六、单词填空根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Do you know the man in the picture? He is William Lindesay, a British 53 . (旅行者) and writer, who has been exploring(探索) the Great Wallone of the humans most 54 . (了不起的) building projects. Not even a Chinese knows the Great Wall of China as well as he does. When, as a schoolboy, Lindesay 55 . (期待) to explore the Great Wall, nobody took him seriously. But Lindesay 56 . (真正地) made his dream come true, by spending 25 years on the Great Wall and has become one of the worlds most famous 57 . (专家) on its rich history. Lindesay now lives and works in Beijing. This year his new book has come out, TheGreatWallExplained, with a lot of photos and 58 . (文章). Running on the Great Wall was a brave trip and he would 59 . (受伤) himself. Lindesay had 60 . (已经) run 3,000 kilometers along it! During those years, he got to many villages along the way. Lindesay was often helped by friendly villagers who were 61 . (愿意的) to help others, although they 62 . (想知道) why the Englishman would have such hobby in the Great Wall.七、填空Several Asian hospitals are doing experiments with tele-medicine, tele-medicine is a technology that allows doctors toseepeople without them being in the same place. This is made possible through high-speed communication networks (网络). At both ends of the line. the way of video-meeting lets them see and talk to each other. Blood pressure and body temperature are directly shown on computers.Tele-medicine is already in wide use in some places such as the United States and Germany. However. it has been slow to reach because it costs too much and there are some other reasons. When things improve, this technology will develop very fast. Now in China, a Hongkongs medical university has joined a famous hospital in Beijing Tele-medicine will be good for sick people because doctors from different places can see them and give their medical advice. The help is quite important if the disease is an unusual one. It also helps spread(传播) medical knowledge.As tele-medicine develops well, its costs will be lower and it will become very popular in the medical fieldThe Introduction of tele-medicineWhat tele-medicine isA_ that allows doctors to “see” people without them being in the same placeHow tele-medicine is made possibleThrough high-speed _ networkWhere tele-medicine has been used _In some places such as the United States and GermanyWhy tele-medicine develop slowly in AsiaBecause of its _costs and some other reasonsAdvantages of tele-medicineGood for _ and helping spread medical knowledge任务5:根据短文(C)内容完成表格,每空一词。63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _67 . _任务型阅读Sherlock Holmes is probably the best-known detective in the world. But do you know that there is a Chinese detective who has similar skills?He is Detective Dee-Di Renjie. Di Renjie appears as the main character in a number of crime novels and films. In these novels and films,Detective Dee solved many cases. “The first rule of sleuthing(探案)is that you need a good memory. The second is that you need to closely watch peoples speech and facial(面部)expressions,”explained Detective Dee in a movie. Although there are always made-up stories in movies and novels,detective Dee was a real person in history. This is unlike Holmes,who was created by the UK writer Arthur Conar Doyle. Di Renjie(AD 630-700)was a prime minister(宰相)under the empress(皇帝)Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty(AD618-907). While Bao Zheng of the Song Dynasty(AD420-479) is a symbol of righteousness(正直),Di Renjie is known for his wisdom. In some films,Dee is also a kung fu master who is good at fighting. In history,however,Di was more of a judge(法官)than a detective. It was said that while working as the head of the supreme court(大理寺),he was a great judge. During that time,he judged 17,000 cases in a year and not a single person complained. About Detective Dee68 . nameDi RenjieThe years of birth and deathAD 630-700His 69 . A prime ministerIn detecting casesCompared with(与比较)Sherlock HolmesDetective Dee has skills70 . to Sherlock Holmes,but Detective Dee was a real person in history while Sherlock Holmes was a 71 . character, who was created by the UK writer Arthur Conar Doyle. Compared with Bao ZhengBao Zheng is known for his righteousness while Di Renjie is 72 . for his wisdom and also73 . a kung fu master. His 74 . of sleuthingNeeding a good memory and needing to have a75 . watch on peoples speech and expressions on their76 . . In judging casesHe was a great judge and no single person 77 . about the cases he judged八、材料作文78 . 书面表达在学习中, 不良的学习习惯导致学习效率不高。以 How to improve learning efficiency 为题,写一篇英语短文。内容如下:1. 说明是否存在学习效率不高的现象;2. 分析自己或他人效率不高的原因,并举例说明;3. 根据你所列出的原因,提出相应的建议。参考词汇:效率 efficiency注意:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2. 语言通顺,句子连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。How to improve learning efficiencyIn my class, _第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、2、八、材料作文1、

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