人教版八年级上册英语unit10 第2课时 测试

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人教版八年级上册英语unit10 第2课时 测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its the best timenow .Youre right. But dont go alone.Ato swim ; to swimBswimming ; swimmingCswimming ; to swimDto swim ; swimming2 . Im tired I cant walk farther.Asuch;thatBso;thatCtoo;toDenough;to3 . It is a good time _ the south of China in March.AvisitBvisitsCto visitDto visiting4 . Shennongjia is a great place _ different kinds of animals _ live in.Afor; toBto; toCto; forDfor; for5 . Boys and girls, learn to appreciate _ others _ yourselves, and you will find everyone is able to do everything in life calmly and successfully.Aboth, andBeither, orCneither, nor6 . Listen! They are .Amaking noiseBmaking a noisesCmaking noises7 . There is a big sale on in the shop! Everything is _ price.AbigBfullCzeroDhalf8 . Im too busy my homework walk my dog every day.Ato do; toBdoing; toCto do; /Ddoing; /9 . Take a map with you while traveling _ you have a guide or know the city wellAsinceBifCunlessDbecause10 . Please remember _ the letter for me on your way to the supermarket.Ato postBpostCposting二、句型转换11 . This is my book.This book_.12 . That is her dictionary. That dictionary_.13 . Are these his rulers?_ these rulers _?14 . Is this your schoolbag?_this schoolbag_?15 . Those are not my keys.Those keys_.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空按要求写出下列单词16 . 已经;早已(adv. )_17 . 日本_18 . 相信;认为有可能(v. )_19 . 甚至;连;愈加(adv. )_20 . 形状;外形(n. )_21 . 有危险的;不安全的(adj. )_(n. )_22 . 工厂(n. )(pl. )_23 . 同意;赞成(v. )_(反义词)_24 . 倒塌(v. )_(过去式)_25 . 可能存在或发生的;可能的(adj. )_(反义词)_四、其他26 . The other day, I met an old friend of mine on my way home.AJust nowBEvery other dayCOn a special dayDSeveral days ago27 . I enjoy living in the countryside,but I cant go shopping in big stores if I donttravel for a long timeAuntilBtillCunlessDeven though28 . I like to eat fish and chips in the open airWhat about you?Me, tooASo do IBSo am ICEither is 0KDNeither do I29 . Li Na won the tennis championship in the French Open on June 4, 2011.Wetake pridein her. She is the first Asian professional tennis player to win it.Aare interested inBare proud ofCare terrified ofDare tired of30 . Could you please wash the dishes? OK. Ill do themin a minute.Aright awayBfor a minuteCjust nowDwith a minute第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、句型转换1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、其他1、

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