人教版八年级英语上册Unit1 Topic1同步检测(福建专用)

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人教版八年级英语上册Unit1 Topic1同步检测(福建专用)_第1页
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人教版八年级上册Unit1 Topic1同步检测(福建专用)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - QQ chatting?-Wonderful! Its like with a real person in front of you.AWhat do you think of ; to chatBHow do you find; chattingCWhat do you like; chattingDHow do you think of; to chat2 . Lucy Beijing tomorrow?No, she isnt.AAre; going toBWill; goCIs; going toDIs; go3 . Does he often practice in the afternoon?AskateBskatesCskatingDto skate4 . _ do you play baseball?Twice a week.AHow long B. When C. How many D. How often5 . - Are these your books? - _.ANo, they arent.BTheyre my booksCYes, theyreDHere you are6 . What_ do you play? Basketball.AclassBcolorCsportDsize7 . Is he Li Ping? Yes, _.Ashe isBhesChe is8 . What did you do the day before yesterday? My family went camping. We _ a tent near the lake. It was great fun.Aput onBput upCput outDput away9 . When did they arrive _ the hospital? At 5:00 yesterday afternoon.Aon B. at C. in D. to10 . Tracy _ a volleyball player when she grows up.Ais B. wantsBis going to be D. wants to11 . Thanks forme to school.AtakesBto takeCtakeDtaking12 . Does your sister play basketball _ Saturday afternoon?Ain B. on C. at D. /13 . Look. My brother is good at .Yes, I think so.Aplay tennisBplays tennisCplaying tennisDto play tennis14 . Smog and haze is a kind of air pollution. It _ people _ about their health.Amake, worryBmake, be worriedCmakes, worriedDmakes, worry15 . The man with a black hat was seenthe shopping mall just now.AenterBenteringCenteredDto enter二、完型填空Summer is coming again. Many students _ swimming. Its a good way _ cool. And its also good for our health. But sometimes its very _ because some students are not always _ others or they dont swim in a _ place. They always think _ is around them and _ will happen (发生) to them. Then some people _ their lives when they were swimming. So we should _ make it alone when we plan to swim. If everyone remembers this, swimming _ safe. Lets enjoy swimming and keep safe!16 . Ato goBwentCare goingDgoes17 . AkeepBto keepCkeepingDkept18 . AdangerBdangerousCsafeDsafety19 . AwithBforCtoDabout20 . AbeautifulBgoodCrightDnice21 . AluckyBluckCshameDpity22 . AnothingBanythingCeverythingDsomething23 . AloseBlostClosingDwill lose24 . AusuallyBoftenCalwaysDnever25 . AbeBisCwill beDwill三、阅读单选Some people like playing games by themselves,but some enjoy watching others play. They buy tickets(票)or turn on their TV to watch the games. They usually have their team or their players. When their team lose the game,they feel very sad. People play different games in different seasons. Most peoples favorite sport in summer is swimming.Skating(滑雪)and skiing(滑冰)are usually winter sports. Sometimes people play games in the room,and sometimes they play outside(外面). We can find sports here and there. Some sports are very interesting and many people like them. Soccer is very popular in the world. Men and women,the old and the young all like it. People from different countries cant understand each other at the beginning,but after a game,they often become friends.26 . Most people like swimming in_.ASpringBWinter.CAutumn.DSummer.27 . Which is not mentioned(提到)in the passage?ASkatingBSoccer.CBasketball.DSkiing.28 . According to the passage,we can know that_.Aall the people like sports.Bpeople play the different games at the same place.Cpeople always watch games in the gymsDgames can make people become good friends29 . Which is the best title?ASports Change Seasons.BMany People Like Sports.CLets Play sports.DSports in Different Countries.There was a time when hot summer days brought children outdoors to local rivers to catch minnows (米诺鱼). Walking in cool rushing water to catch the small, silver fish was a fun chance on a hot summers day. Before setting out for the river in their neighborhood, however, children first had to look for a bag. Both boys and girls loved this outdoor activity a lot.While reaching the side of the river, the children pulled off their shoes and socks and put their feet first into the cold water. Walking carefully in the water, they looked for the right place where the minnows flashed (闪光). Catching minnows was very easy if two children worked together. Taking two corners of the bag, each child stood in the water and slowly lowered the bag until it was at the bottom of the river. Then, standing very still (静止的), the children waited for the fish in the river to do normal activity. The children would again get a corner of the bag in each hand and raise the bag straight up quickly, keeping it as level as possible. Lots of tiny silver fish would cover the bag. The joy of catching minnows is that, once caught, the fish are thrown back into the water to continue their natural lives. Perhaps they will be taken up by other children and then return to their watery home again. So the bag is lowered back into the river, and the small fish swim off. Then the whole process is repeated once more as more minnows are caught and then released (释放).30 . Why did children first have to look for a bag?AThey looked for something to protect themselves.BThey looked for the tool to catch fish.CThey had to use the bag to take the fish home.DThey had to use the bag to divide the fish.31 . What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?AWhy the children catch minnows.BWhy the children like playing in the water.CWhen the children go to the river.DHow the children catch minnows.32 . What does the underlined word “lowered” mean in Chinese?A把混合B把擦掉C把放低D把分开33 . How do the children deal with the fish they catch?AThey throw them back into the water.BThey take them home and cook them.CThey keep them as pets.DThey sell them for money.四、语法填空Are you interested in mountain 34 . (climb)? Are you a mountain climber? Maybe you think it is too 35 . (danger). There are many climbers in the world. They arent afraid of taking r36 . . They think it is exciting. Some of them lose their lives b37 . of accidents. Others hurt 38 . (them), but they will never give it up.五、根据图画及所给单词写出句子遣词造句:根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整正确的句子。39 . be going to, the Great wall taxi40 . make, strong41 . mother, buy, her, yesterday42 . Ling Ling, well English43 . help with六、材料作文44 . 假设你是Li Ming, 本周末学校举行英语角活动,讨论游泳安全问题。请你根据以下要点用英语写一篇简短发言稿。词数:80词左右。1.游泳有益健康,但有些地方不安全,不适于游泳;2.不要独自到江河游泳,应有家人或朋友陪伴;3.游泳前做好准备工作,不要立即下水;4.游泳时相互关照,时间不要太长;5.写一至两点个人建议。词语提示:安全地safely,合适的suitable,建议 advice,代替instead of , 跳入jump into, 疲劳 tiredGood morning, everyone! Im Li Ming. Now Im going to talk about how to swim safely._Thats all. Thanks.七、其他情景交际45 . 你想知道Tom要不要来为你们加油,你应该怎么问?_, Tom?46 . 你想知道Rose明天的将要做什么,你可以这么问:_, Rose?47 . 有人对你说Would you like to go to the zoo with us?如果你想要去你应该这么回答:_48 . 如果你想知道游泳和滑冰对方更喜欢哪种运动,你可以这么问:_49 . 你想了解你同学最喜爱的运动是什么,你可以这么问:_?第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、语法填空1、五、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、六、材料作文1、七、其他1、

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