人教版八年级英语上Unit10 Section B(1a-2e)同步练习(1)

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人教版八年级英语上Unit10 Section B(1a-2e)同步练习(1)_第1页
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人教版八年级上Unit10 Section B(1a-2e)同步练习(1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Reading carefully, Lucy does not wantto talk to her.AanyoneBsomebodyCeveryoneDnobody2 . I cant _ my pen. Where is it?Look! Its under the sofa.AsayBspellCfindDhelp3 . He asked me _ I was busy with the test those days.AthatBifCwhyDwhat4 . _ you want to drive in a foreign country, you must know something about its traffic rules.AIfBUntilCAlthoughDWhile5 . Im Daisy, not Jessie.Sorry, I have difficultypeoples names.ArememberingBrememberCto rememberDremembered6 . The supermarket _ delicious food.Ais full withBis filled ofCis full forDis filled with7 . I think your suggestions are of great _ to me and they are well worth _.Avaluable;to offerBvaluable;givingCvalue;takingDvalue;to follow8 . Its _ for us to speak English every day. It can help us learn English well.AboringBdifficultCsorryDimportant9 . Wendy is my best friend. I can talkheranything.Aabout; withBabout; aboutCwith; withDwith; about二、完成句子完成句子10 . Mike needs _ (a/an) hour to do homework.11 . .The book are _ (real) interesting.12 . .The teacher says math _(难但是有用)。13 . After class ,the boys play sports_ (两小时)。14 . .我们周六再见吧!你看可以吗?_on Saturday. Is_ you?15 . .Thats_(的确如此)。16 . _ (谢谢) your e-mail . I _ (想见)you this afternoon。17 . 我很忙但我弟弟有空。I _ but my brother _ .三、多任务混合问题How to cheer yourself up when you do badly in an examIf youve just done badly in a test, you must be feeling bad. But you neednt be worried about it too much. This usually happens to everybody during their lives. Read on and you will know how to deal with it.Step 1.Tell yourself it wont happen again. Tell yourself that next time youll be ready, study harder and be more careful. Believe in yourself and make sure you will try your best.Step 2.Talk to a friend who will understand. Getting everything off your chest (胸) can really help. Tell your friend why you feel bad, what is getting you down and so on.Step 3.Do something to make you laugh. Whether it is playing with your friends, watching a funny TV show or reading an interesting book, do something that you know will make you laugh. You may not feel like it at first, but once you get into it, youll feel better.Step 4.Care for yourself. Listen to some relaxing music and close your eyes. Do anything that gets you to feel really good and be happy that youre living a great life.Step 5.Talk to a parent or teacher. It may sound stupid, but once you choose the right adult (成人) ,things can go pretty well.46至48小题为任务一:根据短文内容,完成下列句子。49小题为任务二:短文第四段中黑体的词like在句中的汉语意思是什么。50小题为任务三:将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。18 . The writer thinks everybody would do badly _ during their lives.19 . Getting everything that makes you feel bad off your chest can really _.20 . If you talk to _,things can go pretty well.21 . _。22 . _。第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完成句子1、三、多任务混合问题1、

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