人教版八年级上册英语 Unit7 第4课时(2a-2e)练习

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人教版八年级上册英语 Unit7 第4课时(2a-2e)练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。1 . I have tried and won her _ (友谊).2 . We are studying for the math test _ (最近).3 . You look rather _ (苍白的) Whats wrong with you?4 . The kings _ (宫殿) is very beautiful but he doesnt feel happy.5 . The boring movie made Tom _ (困倦的).6 . The _ (重量) of these apples is about 20 kilos.7 . Knowledge is the most precious _ (财富) of all things.8 . Its very _ (不舒服的) to sit in the armchair.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。9 . Dr.Li is so hard-working that he often keeps working for a long time without_(lie) in bed.10 . Hurry up, Linda and May! Your mother needs both of you_(plan) a family trip now.11 . May I cut the apple into_(half), Mum? Id like to share(分享)it with My friend.Of course you can.12 . Where are the visitors from the UK now?They_(visit) the new dining hall.13 . Look! The policeman over there is asking the professor something about stamps. He seems_(interest) in different kinds of stamps.三、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子或对话14 . 蚂蚁也能够像狗一样闻东西。Ants can also _ like dogs.15 . 他们想要了解更多关于动物的东西。They would like to _ animals.16 . 你能同时用一只手写字,用另一只手画画吗?Can you write _ one hand and draw _ the other at the _?17 . 妈妈总是叫我饭后把桌子擦干净。Mum always _ me _ the table after meals.18 . 汤姆,你还有别的什么要买吗?Tom, _ do you want to buy?19 . 去年谁骑自行车周游了五个国家?米莉的哥哥。Who _ five countries _ bicycle last year?Millies brother.第 3 页 共 3 页参考答案一、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、完成句子1、


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