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人教版九年级综合测试英语试题(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5阅读下面短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。Today is Saturday. It is fine. Im very happy. 1 . I want to buy a beautiful skirt and some other things. Bridge Street is a good place to do some shopping. There are many people here. Some buy clothes, and others buy vegetables and fruits.2 . There are many kinds of clothes here. I think everyone can afford(负担)the prices. Across from it is a post office. 3 . There is a bank behind the post office. Many people buy things in the neighborhood, so the bank is very busy. About 20 people work here.4 . Many students buy books here. Walk down this street for about eight minutes, and youll see a beautiful park on your right. It is clean and quiet.5 . You can sing, dance or play the violin with your friends in some houses. All the people think it is a good place to have fun. In the front of the park, there is a black sign. It says,”Puhu Park”.ANext to the post office, there is a bookshop.BThe first place we visit is Xinhua Clothes Store.CBecause I will go shopping with my mother after I do my homework.DLots of people bring or take their letters.ESome old people usually take a walk after dinner.二、完型填空My friend Peter is a soccer player.He _thirteen years old.He usually _ up at six thirty.He has breakfast at seven oclock.He _ to school at seven thirty.At twelve oclock,he _ a big lunch at home.After lunch,he reads _ interesting story.Then he gets _ and goes to school.Peter and his friends usually play soccer at four thirty.They play _ an hour.He has dinner at about six oclock in the afternoon.After dinner,he _ the guitar.Then he watches the news on TV.He does his homework _ seven thirty to nine oclock.He usually _ a shower at nine thirty every day.He usually goes to bed at ten oclock.6 . AdoesBisCdoDare7 . AgoesBdoesCgetDgets8 . AgetsBhasCgoDplays9 . AhaveBeatsCeatDstart10 . AanBaCsomeDa little11 . AdressBdressedConDto wear12 . AinBforCatDto13 . AplaysBlovesCmakesDtakes14 . AatBbeforeCfromDafter15 . AhaveBtakeCtakesDgoesWhen I was a small boy, something happened to me that made me never put any wild creature in a cage.We lived near a forest, and every evening the mockingbird would come and_. I decided to catch a young_and keep it in a cage, and in this way, I would have my own private musician. Then I succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, the bird was_, so it fluttered (扑腾) in the cage. But finally it was used to living in its new home. I felt very excited with myself and _ some beautiful singing.On the second day, the little birds mother flew to the cage with_ in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything. I was _ to see this. Certainly the mother bird knew how to feed her baby better than I did.The following morning when I went to see my bird, I found it _on the floor of the cage. I was terribly surprised and sad! What had happened?Arthur Wayne, a famous biologist, happened to _ my father at that time. After she knew my story, she explained to me, “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will_ bring it poison berries. She thinks it better for her baby to die than to lose_.”Since then I have never caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living things have a right to live free.16 . AdanceBflyCsingDjump17 . AbirdBboyCfishDthief18 . AhappyBcarefulCactiveDafraid19 . Alooked forward toBlooked out ofClooked forDlooked up20 . AwaterBfoodCsongsDstones21 . AworriedBpleasedCboredDtired22 . AaloneBaliveCdeadDsick23 . AinviteBvisitCchallengeDintroduce24 . AneverBseldomCsometimesDever25 . AfriendsBparentsCfreedomDhappiness三、阅读单选Student helper wantedAre you good at English?Can you be good with children?The English Study Center needs a weekend student helper for primary school students.Please call us at 4435667 for more information.The History MuseumTime:900-1700 from Tuesday to SundayTicket:30 yuanAdd:186 Guangming RoadTelephone:9817745InstructionThis medicine is for colds.Adults should take two pills each time,three times a day.Children should take one pill each time,three times a day.SaleT-shirts for teenagers,cut down by 10% each one;sports shoes,cut down by 30% each pair.Call at 3796174 for more information.26 . Betty wants to be a student helper in the English Study Center.She should be good .Aat sportsBwith childrenCat drawingDwith parents27 . You cant visit the History Museum on .AMondayBTuesdayCSaturdayDFriday28 . Jane is twelve years old.She feels uncomfortable today because she has a cold.She can take the medicine.Atwo pills each time,twice a dayBone pill each time,three times a dayCtwo pills each time,three times a dayDone pill each time, twice a day29 . One pair of sports shoes cost 100 yuan in the past,so how much should Alice pay for a pair of this shoes now?ATen yuan.BThirty yuan.CFifty yuan.DSeventy yuan.Basketball is popular all over the world. But in Australia, people like to play netball(无挡板篮球), too. It is one of the most popular sports in Australia. The players are often girls. The sport is like basketball, but its rules are a little different. If a player gets the ball, she will only hold it for three seconds before shooting(投篮) or passing it to her teammates. There are seven players in each team. Each player has her own area to move in.Girls at my school love the sport. We often had netball games this term. Something happened this month touched me deeply.I was the defender(后卫). My job was toblockthe attacker(主攻手) from the other team. At the beginning, I wanted to win so much that I almost forgot my job. And it gave the other team a chance to get and pass the ball. During the break, our team leader gave me a serious talk, “If you really want to win, you should work with your teammates.”And I did. In the second half of the game, I always stood in front of the attacker from the other team to block her sight. As a result, she missed the best time to attack. Our teammates got great long shots in. The score was 143 in the end. We won!The game made me know the importance of teamwork and team spirit(精神). If everybody does what he or she likes and doesnt care about the whole team, the team will not work well.30 . As for the netball, the passage tells us that _.AAustralian people dont like to play netballBits more popular among boys than girlsCplaying netball is much like playing basketballDeach team needs five players on the field31 . The underlined word “block” in Para.3 means _.Astop,Bcatch,Chelp,Dserve32 . What did the writer do wrong in the first half of the game?AShe didnt see the ball coming her way.BShe missed the chance to get the ball.CShe passed the ball to the other team.DShe forgot to do her own job well.33 . What did the writer learn from that game?APay full attention and do your job well.BWorking as a team is important in games.CDont be afraid to get hurt during a game.DLosing a game is not losing face.34 . In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read the passage?ANews.,BHolidays.,CSports.,DCultures.If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Havent you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter (脑灰质). This is the area of the brain which processes in formation. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.The study also found the effect is greater when the younger people learn a second language.A team led by Dr. Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of early bilinguals who had learned a second language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners.Scans showed that grey matter density (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference .“Our findings suggesting that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience learning a second language, said the scientists.It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and math skills. Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible(灵活的) he said, a better understanding of different ideas. You are actually going beyond(超出)language and have The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of two and thirtyfour. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all tested. The results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world, explained the scientists.35 . If people learn other languages, what will be changed?Agrey matterBwhite matterCexerciseDpower36 . What does the word bilingual probably mean in Chinese .A词汇学B双语学习者C口语交际D实用语法37 . According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?ALearning other languages can make you become smarter.BA second language can lead to an increase in your brain powerCLearning other languages can change grey matter which processes informationDGrey matter density in the brain was worse in bilinguals than that in people without a second language38 . In the last two paragraphs, the writer wants to tell us that.AItalian is the best choice for you to learn as a second languageBlearninging a second language is the same as studying mathCyoud better choose the ages between two and thirtyfour to learn a second languageDearly learning of a second language helps you a lot in studying other subjects39 . We may know from the scientific findings that.Athe ability of learning a second language is changing all the timeBthe experience of learning a second language has bad effect on peoples brainCthe earlier you start to learn a second language, the higher the grey matter density is.Dits the same between a later second language learner and one who doesnt know a second languageDogs are peoples good friends and of great help to people. Dogs are very popular because they are nice to people. They can help people a lot. How do dogs help people? Some people cant see anything and they cant go out by themselves very well. Dogs can lead these kinds of people to where they want to go. Some people are deaf. Dogs can let them know when a phone rings or somebody calls. There are many kinds of dogs in the world. Some people like to have dogs for pets. Dogs make them happy and they can have fun with their dogs. But some dogs, like sheep dogs, should not be pets because they are working dogs. In some places, dogs can help people carry heavy things.40 . We can learn from the passage that dogs .Aeat a lotBstay at homeClike sleepingDare useful to people41 . When people are blind, dogs can to where they want to go.Alead themBcall themCsee themDbark to them42 . What does the underlined word “deaf” mean in Chinese?A瘸的B聋的C盲的D有缺陷的43 . Sheep dogs are dogs.AbabyBpetCguideDworking44 . According to the passage we can know how dogs .Aare happyBhelp peopleCanswer the phoneDlead people四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 (每空限一词)45 . A kind woman brought the poor girl two chicken_(三明治) and a glass of milk.46 . He was killed at the zebra crossing by a careless driver who went_(通过) a red light.47 . Every month, we will deliver the very best articles,_(共同) with the latest fashion and beauty news.48 . Her nails were painted bright red to_(与相配) her new dress.49 . We all remember her as a quiet,_(勤奋的) and well-spoken girl.五、完成句子完成句子。50 . 你要有信心,因为你前面将会有许多困难的任务。You must be confident because there will be a lot of difficult _you.51 . 他的眼神告诉我们他渴望得到失踪同伴的确切信息。His eyes tell us he _ the exact information of his lost teammates.52 . 你能分出我们班谁最擅长英语吗?Can you _who is the best at English?53 . 这些旅行者休息三天后又上路了。After a threeday rest,the travelers _ again.54 . 我们需要对我们的环境负责。We need to _ our environment.六、材料作文55 . Writing. As Thanks-giving Day (感恩节) is arriving, do you have anyone you want to say “thanks” to? Now write a composition with 100 to 120 words about Thanks-giving Day. The following points should be included.1. A title. 2. What do you know about Thanks-giving Day? 3. Who do you want to thank on this years Thanks-giving Day and why? Give at least two reasons.4. How are you going to show your thanks? Write at least two ways. 5. What do you think of your plan (计划) for this Thanks-giving Day?第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、材料作文1、

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