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人教版九年级中考预测英语试题(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文7选5根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。A: Would you like to help protect the environment?B: Certainly. What can I do?A: Well. 1 . B: Yes. Ill remember that. Whats next?A: Second, you can ride a bike to school. 2 . B : That will save money, too. What else?A: 3 . B: Mm, newspapers, magazines, books We have got a lot of paper at home.A: Thats right. 4 . B: OK. My parents do most of the shopping. Ill tell them. 5 . A:Let me see. Oh, you can take shorter showers.B: Thanks for your suggestions.ADont take a car or a taxi if you dont have to.BAnd take a bag when you go shopping.CI never do that.DTry to recycle paper.EFirst, you can start by turning off the lights when you leave home.FWhat else can I do?GI disagree with you.二、阅读单选The late president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, once said: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his own language, that goes to his heart.” Mandela understood that our mother language is a very close thing to us. For people who speak their mother language, it helps them keep their traditions. Their language is the bridge with their ancestors (祖先). And it is also how they think about the future.So its a serious thing that a language disappears (消失). Over the last century, more than 400 languages have died out. Some languages are now spoken only by a few people, like Yagan in Chile. Africa and South America are also places where many languages are imperiled (处于危险的).Why are humans speaking fewer languages than we once did? The answer has something to do with globalization (全球化). Nowadays, its more useful to speak certain languagesEnglish is one example. This has killed some languages, usually ones spoken by fewer people.The United Nations has set Feb 21 as International Mother Language Day. This work is very important. As US writer Rita Mae Brown wrote, “Language is the map of the culture. It tells where its people come from and where they are going”.6 . How does the writer introduce (介绍,引入) the topic?ABy using a famous persons words.BBy asking difficult questions.CBy giving good examples.DBy explaining special things.7 . According to Nelson Mandela, a mans mother language _.Adoesnt go to his headBcant explain things betterCcarries certain feelingsDhelps talk to their ancestors8 . Which is the most suitable (适合的) place in the passage for the sentence, “But some people arent prepared to accept the earth with fewer and fewer languages”?AAt the beginning of Paragraph 2BAt the beginning of Paragraph 3CAt the beginning of Paragraph 4DAt the beginning of Paragraph 59 . What can we infer (推断) from the passage?AThe US writer Rita Mae Brown does not agree with Nelson Mandela.BThe United Nations wants people to care more about dying languages.CPeople in Chile do not speak their mother languages any more.DThere will be more and more languages in the world soon.Several days ago, I was walking home from school and saw some writing on the fence of a house I was passing by. It said, “Happiness is a direction, not a destination (终点).” I had been having a bad day and just reading this brightened my day a little. I also took out a pen and wrote one of my favorite quotes (格言) down. ww.szzx100.comWhen I came back to the fence, I saw another quote under mine in the handwriting as the first one. I added another, and we kept at this pattern for quite a while. One day, I was writing another quote on the fence and the old man, one of my neighbors, who owned the fence, saw me. He came out and I was afraid he would be mad at me for writing on his fence; he was not known to be very friendly. He gave me a sharp glance and then read the quotes on the fence. Without saying a word, he said something to himself and then went back inside. I was a bit terrified for a while, afraid to go back to the fence, but when I did, I noticed not more quotes but two words in entirely different handwriting had been added, “Thank you.”Later, I saw the old man in his front yard. He beckoned (召唤) me over and told me how my quotes had been inspiring him, how he thanked me and how he was glad to see young people still have “values”. We are now good friend and I talk to him a lot. This experience has changed my life. I still dont know who wrote that very first quote, but if he is out there, Id like to say “thanks” to that unknown friend.10 . Why did the writer begin to write a quote on the fence?AHe wanted to practice his handwriting.BHe had gotten some help from the quote.CHe thought doing this was interesting.DHe wanted to catch his neighbors attention.11 . Why was the writer afraid when he found that his neighbor had seen him?AHe had thought that the old man was a mad person. www.szzx100.comBhe had once been told the old man was cold-hearted.CHe thought the old man would scold(责骂) him for what he had done.DHe thought the old man would tell his parents about his action.12 . Who must have added “Thank you.” to the fence?AThe old man. www.szzx100.comBSomeone else.CThe writer himself.DThat unknown friend.13 . We can learn from the passage that _.Awriting quotes on fences is a good ideaBthe writer has written three quotes on the fenceCthe good relationship between neighbors is very important.Dthe old man has changed his opinion about young people.Tiger and horse performance You can see the terrible tigers and gentle horses at Fuzhou Zoo. Keep away from the tigers . Sometimes they arent friendly enough .You can ride the horse and take photos .Time :Feb .1Feb .3 Tel : 87324568Adult : 60¥ Child : 30¥Bear and lion performance You can see fat black bears and scary 可怕的 lions at Chengdu Zoo. They will perform many activities. If you are not brave enough , you shouldnt come to see them . (children under 6 arent allowed to come ) Time ;Feb。2_-Feb . 5 Tel : 85897043 Adult : ¥50 Child :¥25Dolphin performance You can see lovely dolphins at Dalian Zoo . The dolphins will jump out of the water and give you a performance . If you can swim , you are also allowed to come into the water and play with them with the help of the trainers .Time : Feb .4_Feb.8 Tel: 83126094 Adult :¥80 Child :¥4o根据短文内容,选择正确答案。14 . If you are travelling in Dalian , you can see the _-Atiger performanceBbear performance Cdolphin performanceD lion performance15 . The last day for seeing the horse performance at Fuzhou Zoo is _,A Feb.1BFeb .3CFeb. 5DFeb. 816 . Meimei wants to be a trainer of lions , so she can go to _Zoo to experience .AFuzhouBDalianCChengduDBeijing17 . If the 8-year-old twins go to see the tiger performance with their mother , they should pay _。A¥120B¥140C¥160D¥20018 . Which of the following is NOT true ?AThe price of the bear and lion performance is the lowest of the three,BIf you want to know about African animals ,you can go to Chengdu zoo.CWang Hua can see three kinds of animal performance on Feb.7.DTOM is three years old , so he cant go to see the tiger and horse performance .When you were very young, you liked to play with your friends. Did you find that playtime was always more fun when everyone shared the toys? Everyone got a turn. No one was left out.Thats a life lesson that changes as you get older. As you grow up, you begin to understand that others have less than you do in China and in the world. And that those of us who “have” things should help those who “ have less” than we do. The idea of sharing_.At your age, you can “share” with people in need in three ways.1. You can give them a part of your money. Many adults do that regularly.2. You can share items you no longer use, such as clothing and toys. You can pass them onto others who cannot buy them.3. You can help people by giving your time and your energy.The last one is also called volunteering. Volunteering is about giving your time to take part in activities that will help others. Every year, many thousands of volunteers in the world give the most valuable gift of all. They give their time. They give their talent. They give of themselves. And they are enjoying it. Volunteering isnt just about work. Its about fun too.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。19 . What do children think was more fun when they played with friends?AThey could have more toys than other children.BEvery child could have a toy and they played together.CSome children were left out with no toys.DThey had more friends to play with.20 . What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?AWe should help with each other.BChinese people have more than the others in the world.CThe older we grow, the richer we will become.DOnly those who have more should help those who have less.21 . What does volunteering mean according to the passage?AGive people money.BShare items one no longer uses.CHelp people by giving ones time and energy.DPeople give themselves to others.22 . What does “makes a great difference” mean in the passage?AWork very hard.BBe different.CPlay an important role.DHave nothing to do with.23 . Whats the best title for this passage?AWork hard to have more than others.BBe a volunteer.CMake your playtime more enjoyable.DShare your love with others.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意写出括号里的汉语或单词的适当形式。24 . I was sleeping when the telephone _(响起铃声).25 . At 10 yesterday morning, I saw two kids _(踢)a ball in the street.26 . Watching TV can only make you much _(sleep)when you feel tired.27 . It was a sunny, hot day and the temperature was in the _(thirty).28 . The hairdresser told me this gel(发胶)gave a beautiful _(光泽)to my hair.29 . As the sun _(升起)from the east, the sick boy slowly opened his eyes.30 . Tom _(落下)his glass on the ground and it was broken.31 . Its _(sun)than yesterday.32 . It was very cold yesterday, with a low of 9 _(度数)blow zero.33 . The river behind my house is _(深)of all the rivers here.四、单词填空Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Life decisionsPeter is twelve years old, and hes a talented (有天赋的) artist. Ever since he was two, Peter spent hours drawing. As he got older. Peter learned to paint and now he wants to be the next Picasso! Peters sister. Molly, loves d34 . . Shes only nine, but Molly has already decided to go to dance school and became a ballet dancer.Peter and Mollys parents dont know what to do. They want the best for Molly and Peter, but they dont a35 . on how to do it. Mother thinks children should be allowed to make their own decisions. She was a good musician and wanted the chance to go to a music academy, but her parents didnt support t36 . . She attended a four-year college and gave up music to learn law. So she wants to give her own children a choice.Father doesnt think that children should be allowed to attend s37 . arts schools right after high school. He says children should be educated at a four-year college. Many artists have difficult lives, and father didnt want the children to have any regrets. If the children let their dreams get in the way of a traditional education, they may find it difficult to manage their lives later on.When father was a teen, he didnt want to go to college. He wanted to become a professional athlete. He was pretty good, but his parents believed he shouldnt be allowed to skip college. So he went to college, studied P.E. and joined the track team. One day as a senior, he was running and he fell. He hurt his knee b38 . . His dream of being a professional athlete was o39 . . But he is thankful he had his education to back him up. Today Father is a P E. teacher and track coach.五、短文改错Find the only one mistake in each line and correct it. Maybe you are proud of yourself because you only sleep a little hours a night. 21 40 . However, are you feeling tiring and sleepy throughout the day? Do you 22 41 . have a hard time keeping your eyes opening when you study? Have you nodded 23 42 . off while reading? If you can answer “Yes” for any of these, it shows you cannot have enough sleep. A research shows that most adults should have seven to nine 24 43 . hours sleep. As for teens, they need even more. If you dont always have a good sleep,you should avoid drinking caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea and soda, for at least 6 hours before go to bed. You should also avoid eating big meals 25. 44 . before sleeping. Eat a big meal can make you feel sleepy and prevent you 26. 45 . from sleeping good. You should build a healthy sleeping environment.27. 46 . With the light on, can you have a good sleep? Of course yes. So, youd better 28. 47 . keep your bedroom dark and cool. You should avoid using electronics before bed.The light from electronics can keep you from falling sleep. Try reading 29. 48 . books or listen to quiet music instead. Please get enough sleep from now on. 30. 49 . 六、话题作文50 . 假如你是初中生李华,在家是独生子女,国家开放二孩政策后,你的父母想再生一个孩子,征求你的意见。恰好你的美国笔友Peter来信询问我国的二孩政策。请你给他回一封信,内容要点如下:1. 简单解释国家的二孩政策;2. 得知父母打算生二胎后你的想法;3. 征求Peter的看法。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入字数。Dear Peter,I have received your letter and Im glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China._Yours,Li Hua第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全短文7选51、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、单词填空1、五、短文改错1、六、话题作文1、

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