人教版九年级全册英语 unit7 第2课时 测试

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人教版九年级全册英语 unit7 第2课时 测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -try some Chinese food with your friends ?- Good idea.AWhy dontBWhat aboutCWould you likeDWhy not2 . Stars diamonds at nightAlikeBlookClook like3 . (题文)I dont think sixteen-year-olds shouldto go to an Internet cafe.AallowBbe allowingCallowedDbe allowed4 . The _ like _ to many places.Atraveler;travelingBtravel;to travelCtravelers;travelingDtravel;traveling5 . -Lily, would you like to _ me your easer?-OK! Here you are.AborrowBshowClendDcarry二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。6 . Wednesday comes after _(星期二).7 . Wow, you look so _(酷的) in the new jacket.8 . Is your birthday party next _(星期六)?9 . I have no _(空闲的) time. Im busy today.10 . I need a map of the world because Ill have _(地理) this term.三、完成句子完成句子。11 . 那是一个糟糕的决定。我们不可能在短时间内完成。Thats _We cant finish it in a short time.12 . 你已经没机会了。You have_.13 . 那时,他的健康因工作过度而受到损害。His health _overwork then.14 . 他在数学上的能力很惊人。His_math is amazing.15 . 我的书写总是要和他的比较,所以我很生气。My writing is always_his. So Im very angry.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子六、选词(组)填空(选对单词或短语但形式错误不得分。)win; health; sleep; they; fall off; stay above; provide for;keep oneself awake; take pity on; put up win; health; sleep; they; fall off; stay above; provide for;keep oneself awake; take pity on; put up 16 . The temperature in Beijing seldom _ zero in winter months.17 . More than 20 tents _ for the victims and their families near the scene since the Boeing 737 Max disaster happened.18 . Ive had a talk with the boy about protecting animals and I hope he _ the poor dog from now on.19 . The five rings appeared for the first time on the _ medals at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris France.20 . -Why were the Zhangs trapped in the building?-They _ when the fire started. It was too late for them to run out.21 . To complete the work on time, Jim drank some coffee _.22 . Some officials often say they stand for the people, but everyone is sure that they only stand for_.23 . -A boy was rushed to hospital just now. Was there anything wrong? -Yes. He _ from a high tree and was badly hurt.24 . We should thank our parents for _ everything _ us as possible as they can.25 . You will feel much _ if you do more exercise and eat less meat.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、完成句子1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、

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