一年级英语上册 Unit 10 On the farm课件2 牛津上海版.ppt

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UnitFive Onthefarm TheNationalDayholiday国庆假日 onthefarm a 在农场 collect collecteggs 收集 收集鸡蛋 milk cow milkcows 牛奶 挤奶 母牛 挤牛奶 hownow au pick pickoranges 采 摘 采橘子 pullup carrot pullupcarrots 拔 拔出来 胡萝卜 拔胡萝卜 pull u put taste tasteoranges 尝 品尝 品尝橘子 ei tabletape waterflowers 浇花 watertrees 浇树 cook 做饭 做饭菜 cookfood collecteggs milkcows pickoranges pullupcarrots tasteoranges waterflowers Whatdidyoudolastweek collecteggs Icollectedeggs milkcows Imilkedcows pickoranges Ipickedoranges pullupcarrots Ipulledupcarrots diddo的过去式 last最后的 最近刚过去的 lastweek上个星期 你上个星期做了什么 Whatelsedidyoudolastweek 你上个星期还做了什么 Whatdidyoudolastweek IwatchedTVdidmyhomeworkcleanedmyhousevisitedtheparkcookedalotoffoodlistenedtomusicpickedfruitwatchedafilmplayedcomputergames Whatelsedidyoudo I ed Sayachant Ihadagoodtimelastweek Did did whatdidyoudoonMonday Cleaned cleaned IcleanedthehouseonMonday Did did whatdidyoudoonWednesday Watched watched IwatchedcartoonsonWednesday Did did whatdidyoudoonFriday Picked picked IpickedorangesonFriday A WhatdidyoudoonWednesday B Ilistenedtomusic A Whatelsedidyoudo B Iwatchedafilm Mike和GaoShan正在谈论国庆假日所做的事 请你用今天所学的句型编写一段对话 A WhatdidyoudoonFriday B Icleanedthehouse A Whatelsedidyoudo B Iplayedvolleyball Thanksforyourcoming

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