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人教版九年级3月阶段检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文) How well she sings!- Yes, she has a very beautiful _.AvoiceBsoundCnoiseDlaughter2 . Dont talk . Your grandmother is sleeping now.AhappilyBnearlyCloudlyDhardly3 . How about this red skirt? Its twenty yuan. It s nice and cheap. I ll it.AfindBwashCfinishDtake4 . He _ a present from his friend yesterday, and he_ it gladly.Areceived; receivedBaccepted; acceptedCreceived; acceptedDaccepted; received5 . -Whats this _English?- Its _orange.Ain , aBon ; aCon; anDin ; an6 . Your city looks beautiful!Yes. Lots of trees and grass _ last year.Aare plantedBhave plantedCwere plantingDwere planted7 . -Hello,this is Andy. May I speak to Tony?-_.He is coming soon.AHold on,pleaseBI am terribly sorryCBe patient,pleaseDYoure welcome8 . (题文)Can you _ your new history teacher to me?Sure.Our new history teacher is tall with glasses.AbringBdescribeCtakeDtalk9 . Look! Its raining heavily.take a umbrella with you?-Well, Ill take one right now.AWhy dontBWhy notCWould you mindDWould you like10 . 一Is Jay Chou really coming to our school?一Yes,of courseYou see we are all in _ to prepare for itAa hurryBhurriesChurryDthe hurry11 . (2016 重庆)It was late. She opened the door _ because she didnt want to wake up her grandma.AangrilyBquietlyCloudlyDheavily12 . You can make a _ instead of him. He doesnt have to go there _ person.Adecision; inBdecide; inCdecision; byDdecide; by13 . Can you tell meto London?Sure. Next month.Awhen you travelledBwhen you will travelCwhen will you travelDwhen did you travel14 . Here are two movie tickets. Would you like one?No thanks, I _ one just nowAam givenBgiveCwas givenDgave15 . -Look!.-Oh, hurry up, or we will miss it.AHere comes the busBHere goes the busCHere the bus goes16 . Tom was talking with his parents _Jill was watching a TV programme.AafterBwhileCuntilDbefore17 . -Could you please help me_ the notices after school? -Yes, sure.Agive outBcome outCwork outDsell out18 . Alice, together with her classmates punished for breaking the school rules last week.AisBareCwasDwere19 . The young man complainedthe managerthe noise there.Aof; toBto; aboutCof; aboutDto; with20 . (题文)A terrorist attackat Kunming Railway Station ,and 29 peoplein the event .Awas happened , may be killedBhappened , killedChappened , were killedDhappened , are killed二、完型填空Mr. Smith is an old shopkeeper. He has a lot of_but he never buys anything expensive. He and his wife live in_old house outside the town. He often goes to the shop_because he wanted to save some_In the evening , when its dark in the room, he goes to_He has no wanted TV but bought a cheap radio and often listens to it.The old man has no children. Sometimes, his wife is_He doesnt want to send her to the hospital. He thinks he will_much to the doctors if they look her over. So he busy some pill (药)_her.One night Mrs. Smith felt ill. She got a_headache. She asked her husband to find a_, but he didnt agree. He brought out some pills and made her_them. But it was no use. The old woman began to_at home. He locked the door and went in another room and_there. The next morning, when he got up, he came_her bedroom to see if she was all right., and he found the_died. He ran to the telephone, but changed his mind at once. He ran out and shouted to the nurse (保姆) , “ Dont cook breakfast for Mrs. Smith this morning, Linda ! ”21 . AbooksBmoneyCclothesDshoes22 . AtenthBoneCanDzero23 . Aon footBby carCby taxiDby motorbike24 . AmoneyBhandCbasketDpocket25 . AshopBdanceCbedDhospital26 . AmadBangryCgoodDill27 . ApassBtellCpayDsell28 . AtoBforCwithDabout29 . AbadBmoreCmanyDmuch30 . AworkerBbabysitterCpolicemanDdoctor31 . AtakeBdrinkCto takeDto drink32 . AslowerBslowCcryDfaster33 . AsleptBplayedCsangDdrank34 . AintoBhelpCloveDhope35 . AnurseBworkerCpolicemanDWoman三、阅读单选Mr. Green lives in the country. He is very poor. He has a daughter. Her name is Lily. She is 6. Last year, on the Eve of Christmas, the girl used some money to buy a piece of wrapping paper(一张包装纸). She wanted to use it to wrap(包) a gift. The father wasnt glad because he didnt have much money.The next morning, Lily gave the gift to her father. The man was a little happy. But when he opened the box, he was not happy again. He couldnt see anything in it. He shouted at her, Why do you give me an empty(空的)box? Oh, Daddy. It isnt empty at all. I blow kisses(亲吻) into the box. They are all for you, Daddy. Lily said. Her father was moved and kissed her, Im sorry, dear. The box is full of your love. I like it so much! I love you! I love you, too. Daddy! Lily was very happy.36 . How old is Lily?AFourBFiveCSixDSeven37 . What festival was it?ASpring FestivalBThanksgivingCChristmasDEaster38 . What did Lily want to wrap?ASome moneyBA boxCA birthday giftDSome paper39 . Why wasnt the father happy when he opened the box?ABecause he didnt like her daughterBBecause there was nothing in itCBecause the gift was not beautifulDBecause he is poor40 . The underlined(下划线的) word moved means in ChineseA生气B搬动C难过D感动What would you say when we told you that you could learn to speak a new language in only 7 days? Pretty unbelievable, right? But how could it be? To find out, we spoke to Davidone of our brave Babbel learnersto see how the Babbel app successfully got him speaking Norwegian(挪威语) in just one week.How much time did you learn each day?I didnt need to give my whole life over to learning Norwegian. Each Babbel lesson takes only 15 minutes, and I set myself the achievable aim of finishing three Babbel lessons daily. This took 45 minutes each day.How did the Babbel app help you learn so quickly?The Babbel app has a course plan for beginners that taught me how to make sentences in Norwegian within the first few days. Then I was able to personalize my learning by choosing single-topic lessons on eating, drinking, music, culture, travelling and so on. This allowed me to quickly enlarge(扩大) my vocabulary!This way of learning kept me highly active, and made sure I wasnt bored to tears(眼泪) with grammar practice that we all remember from school! “After 7 days I was able to introduce myself in Norwegian, talk about my hobbies and interests, and most importantly, communicating with a native(本国的) Norwegian speaker in a real conversation and I could even play a joke or two!”Would you introduce this app to others?Certainly! Babbel has 14 languages to choose from, so if youre thinking about brushing up on your German for a business trip, or learning a bit of Portuguese(葡萄牙语) for next years summer vacation, youll be happy to hear that you only need an app, 7 days of learning to get you conversational.41 . The Babbel app is used for people to _.Aspeak with nativesBlearn foreign languagesCdo international businessDplan a vacation abroad42 . How did the Babbel app help David learn quickly?AIt took him little time every day.BIt provided him with 14 languages.CIt gave him daily grammar practice.DIt offered lessons according to his needs.43 . The example of David is used in the passage to show that _.Ahard work matters a lotBBabbel app sells wellCNorwegian is easy to learnDBabbel app really helps44 . STICKS AND STONES may be a name of _.Aa theatreBa play Ca personDa kind of cafe45 . November 6 was _.AThursdayBFridayCSaturdayDSunday46 . On Sunday, you can go there _.Aat 7:30 amBat 7:30 pmCat 3:00 amDat 3:00 pm47 . What kind of show is it? _AAn action movie.BA love movie. CA comedy. DA documentary.48 . Robb Badlam may be a/an _.AactorBwriterCproducerDdirector四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。49 . What time is it? Its a q_ to seven.50 . We practice p_ the piano on weekends.51 . Mom w_ me up at 7 oclock yesterday morning and told me it was time to get up.52 . Are the boys t_ photos? No, they arent.53 . Its too d_ in the room. I cant see anything. Lets turn on the light.54 . Its c_ outside and its going to rain soon.55 . I hope s_ can help me when Im in trouble.56 . I took a test and Im w_ for the result.57 . It is important for us to keep d_, because it can improve our writing.58 . In the evening, he felt b_ and had nothing to do.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式完成句子59 . Guo Jingming is a _ (write). He has written some books.60 . The boy cant join us because of his _ (ill).61 . We should learn how_(look) after ourselves.62 . The player _ (name) Ma Long won a gold medal.63 . _ (sudden), we heard a big noise.六、单词填空Fill in the blanks with proper words.Anger is a kind of feeling. In the daily life, you will meet many things which can make you lose your temper. When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when a friend b 64 . your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get angry.Actually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe much f 65 . , your face turns red, and you may want to break something or hit someone. But sometimes, you hide your anger. You may hide it in your heart to become your s66 . . The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.In fact, its not good to hide your anger, and its normal for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting o 67 . or yourself. Let me give you some advice.When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. Its helpful to talk about your anger with other people, such as parents, teachers, good friends etc. When you talk about anger, those t68 . feelings can start to go away. On the other hand, when you start to feel angry, you can do some other things: count from 1 to 100; go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.Dont let your anger c 69 . you. Remember that how you act when you are anger can make everything better or worse and it will also be harmful to your health.Anyway, anger is just a kind of feeling. If we can deal with it p70 . , we can have a better life. I hope the advice above can really help you a lot.七、填空阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第7180小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为7180的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填写1个单词。For children, the first day of school is their first step into a new world. This important day can be made special by planning some interesting activities. For example, you can ask each of the students to introduce themselves in a unique way. Appreciate (欣赏) the good ideas that the children have for describing themselves.Its also a good idea to organize “silent learning”. In this activity, you need to supply paper and color to each of your students. Ask them to draw anything they like. To make it special, you can ask them to draw something in particular. To make it interesting, you can give it the name of a human emotion (情感) and ask them to describe it in their own words.Also you can tell your students everything about the school. You can tell them some of your experiences in this school. You can write down your experiences and that can be made up into an interesting story. You can take this chance to encourage the children to take part in all the school activities. You can make use of this chance to help the students get rid of (消除) their little fears about the new school. You can give the students a chance to ask questions and share their views.Getting the students together to decorate (装饰) the classroom is also a good activity for the first day of school. You can join them in this activity and help them. Let the students come up with ideas for decorating the classroom; allow them to use their imagination in the decoration and make the classroom look nice.All the above activities for the first day of school can make the students feel comfortable in the new school and give them some moments that they will remember for long years.71 . for the first day of schoolSupporting detailsMake a self-introductionAsk each student to 72 . themselves in a unique way.Appreciate the childrens good ideas for describing themselves.Organize“silent learning”Give the students paper and color to draw what they are73 . of.Ask the students to 74 . something in particular.Ask the students to use their own words to describe the paintings.Knoweverythingabout the school75 . . some of your experiences with the students. 76 . . up an interesting story according to your experiences.Encourage the children to take part in all the school activities.Help the students get rid of their little fears about the new school.Give the students a 77 . .to ask questions.78 . .the classroomCome to79 . .the students in the decoration.Allow them to use their imagination in the decoration and make the classroom look nice.All that the teachers do probably make the students never 80 . .their first day at school.八、回答问题任务型阅读The students were having their chemistry class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “What is water?” No one answered for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again, “Why dont you answer my question? Didnt I tell you what water is like?”Just then, a boy put up his hand and said, “Miss Li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.” Most of the children agreed with him.“Im sorry, children,” said the teacher, “our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. Thats a serious problem.”根据短文内容,回答问题。81 . Why didnt the children answer the teachers question at first?_82 . Please use a sentence to describe what water is._83 . Why does the water in the river have color and smell?_84 . Do you think the boy who answered the teachers question is stupid?_85 . What did other students think of the boy?_九、材料作文86 . 某学校为响应“建航天强国,共圆中国梦”的号召,已组织全体学生参观了太空博物馆。此次社会实践活动安排如下,参观结束后要求每人写一篇记叙文,包括具体的活动经历及个人感受,题目自拟,60-70词。太空博物馆活动4D电影展:介绍宇宙飞船起飞和返回地球着陆,漫游太空体验模型及实物展:火箭和宇宙飞船模型,逼真,但比实际规格小;月球石头,1969年由美国宇航员登月返程时带回。要求:1. 包含所给信息,语句通顺、连贯;2. 不出现真实校名和姓名提示词:火箭 rocket;宇航员 astronaut;宇宙飞船 spaceship;航天旅行 space travel;模型 model;着陆 to land;第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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