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人教版2020年秋季学期期末教学质量检查七年级英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He didnt work hard. _ he failed the final exam.ASo thatBAfter allCIn a wordDAs a result2 . There was a big fire yesterday. _ no one was hurt.ALuckilyBLoudlyCAngrilyDBadly3 . Dont forget _ your homework with you when you come to school.Ato bringBbringingCto takeDtaking4 . Why do you always look so tired?Because our teachers _ us do a lot of homework after schoolAmakeBwantCaskDhope5 . -Where will they go next Sunday? -They _ to the Great Wall.Awill goBgoCgoesDare go6 . Our teacher _ the piano lesson until next week because his father had a car accident this morning.Aput offBput upCput on7 . Peter, what can you see in the picture?I can see a farm. And there_some animals on it.AareBisCwill beDbe8 . Hi,Bill. _are my friends from America. Nice to meet you.AThatBThisCTheseDIt9 . The lift is so crowded that there is no more _to stand in.AroomBa roomCroomsDany rooms10 . -When did the terrible earthquake in Japan happen?-It happened _the afternoon of March 11, 2011.AatBinConDsince11 . Lets watch TV.-That sounds _ . I dont like watching TV.AinterestingBboringC difficultDfun12 . I went out to take part in a party with my friends and didnt come home until midnight last night. Thats _my mother got so angry with me.AhowBwhatCwhyDwhen13 . Yao Ming used_basketball in NBA.A. playAto playBplayingCplayed14 . (题文)_ do you like watching the news?Because I want to know something important in our country.AWhatBHowCWhenDWhy15 . Excuse me, are you and Simon in Class 2, Grade 7? _.AYes, Im.BNo, Im not.CYes, were. DNo, we arent16 . Thank you._AYoure welcome. B. Thats OK.BA and B.17 . We eacha mobile phone at home.AhaveBhavingChadDhas18 . Would you please take a photo _ me?Of course.AinBatConDof19 . Tom usually _ a bike to school. Look, he _ to school now.Arides; is ridingBis riding; is ridingCrides; ridesDis riding; rides20 . -_ is your house from the factory? -Its about twenty minutes walk.AHow longBHow soonCHow oftenDHow far二、完型填空Long long ago, there was a bird made of stone. She lived in a beautiful forest between two mountains. The _ liked the forest very much, but she was very _, so she had to walk along the ground. She enjoyed looking up at the trees every day, but she also dreamed that one day, she would be able to _ and enjoy viewing the beautiful countryside from up high.But that _ was gone after the great fire. In the forest, all the plants and animals were dead. The stone bird was the only form of life able to survive the fire. However, when she saw what the forest was like, she was _, and couldnt stop crying. She cried and cried day by day. She _ with such feeling that her tears were wearing away her stone body. Finally, the bird turned into a pool of _.But when the _ came out, the tears flew into the sky and became a happy little cloud. It could fly over the trees and _ everything below.Since then, the little cloud travelled all over the world, enjoying the views of all the forests and beautiful countryside, and remembering what damage the fire brought to its own forest, the cloud is now very careful to _ its rain down on any tree it sees burning.21 . AbirdBchickCfoxDgoat22 . AweakBheavyClightDtall23 . AwalkBrunCflyDjump24 . AdreamBhouseCfoodDfriend25 . AsadBtiredCexcitedDbored26 . AlaughedBshookCnoddedDcried27 . AfireBairCwaterDstone28 . AsunBmoonCstarDearth29 . Alook atBlook forClook afterDlook down at30 . ApushBpullCpourDput三、阅读单选Reporter: How long have you been a firefighter?Wilson: For eight years.Reporter: How did you get started?Wilson: First, I had to take a lot of tests in two weeks. Then, I went to the firefighter school for four months. I learned how to put out fires and how to use equipment. I also had a full-time training every day!Reporter: How do you stay safe on the job?Wilson: I wear special clothing. It helps me protect(保护) from fire. I also carry an oxygen tank(氧气瓶) and a mask(面具). They help me to breathe(呼吸) in a smoke-filled building.Reporter: Are there any new tools that firefighters use?Wilson: We have a special camera that can exactly tell the place of a fire.Reporter: Do you save animals?Wilson: Just three days ago, I helped save some cats. They were hiding under the beds. Animals usually hide(躲藏) during a fire because they are afraid of danger.Reporter: Do you ever get afraid?Wilson: No. There is no time to be afraid. I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely.Reporter: What do you like best about being a firefighter?Wilson: Helping people!31 . Kate Wilson has done her job for_.A2 weeksB3 daysC4 monthsD8 years32 . To become a firefighter, Kate Wilson _ at first.Atook a lot of testsBlearned to stay safeCsaved some animalsDused fire equipment33 . Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because _.AShe has an oxygen tankBshe knows how to fight firesCshe enjoys finding heatDshe is too busy putting out the fires34 . What did the reporter make this interview for?ATo tell people what a firefighter does.BTo teach people how to prevent fires.CTo make people want to be firefighters.DTo show people how a firefighter is trained.Teaching kids good manners is very important Its best to do it when they are young Good eating manners begin with good table manners Tell your kids that dinner time is family timeThere should be no phones or text messages (信息)at the table They can talk about family thingsKids should say please and thank you when asking for food on the table They should not reach over(越过) other people to get foodTeach your kids not to eat with their mouths open or talk with their mouths full If its hard for them to understand, show them how it looks and sounds When they see this, theyll understandThey should also eat slowly and take small bites(咬)Washing hands is important to health When eating at a friends house, tell your kids to thank the host Let them put their own dishes in the sink (水槽) after dinner For elder children they can help do the dishes35 . It is best for kids to learn good table manners when they areAat schoolBat homeCyoungDat friends houses36 . The kids shouldwhen they eatAopen the mouthBsend text massageCclose the mouthDeat slowly and take small bites37 . What should the kids do if they eat in a friends home?ANever thank the hostBDont put their own dishes in the sink after dinnerCHelp the host do the dishes if they canDReach over other people to get things38 . The passage may be forAteachersBstudentsCparentsDchildren39 . What is the main idea of the passage?AWhat we should do to eat happilyBTeaching kids about good mannersCAsking kids to do some houseworkDAsking kids not to use phones四、单词填空请根据以下家谱图,完成下面的篇章。This is a 40 . tree of Mikes family. Mike is 38 years old and he is a writer. His 41 . is also 38 years old and she is a nurse. They have 42 . children. Bob and Sally are twins. They are 12 years old and they are both 43 . . Nick is his younger son and he is44 . years old. He is a student, too.五、填空假如你在友好学校Cloverport School夏令营期间观摩了当地小镇的一个节日活动,请根据其中的一项活动宣传单,完成一则英文报告。每空限填一词。Hello, everybody! Im so glad to experience the Sacajawea 45 . in the town of Cloverport. Its a community festival to bring people together. Teen Mr. Cloverport is a competition for 46 . from thirteen to sixteen years old. My new friend Tristan paid 47 . dollars to enter it. He was really excited about it. They have to wear homemade clothes instead of those bought from a 48 . . I think the spirit of DIY really matters. To follow the rules, they are not 49 . to smoke, drink wine, or speak rudely. They should be well-behaved. Thank you!六、信息匹配天晴国际学校将举行一系列主题活动,请你仔细阅读以下A到F选项中六位外教的信息,邀请期中五位外教分别给的活动做讲座。50 . .Music Festival51 . .Science Festival52 . .Sports Festival53 . English Festival54 . .Reading FestivalPersonal Information of TeachersJane Birch is from America.She speaks 5 languages and has been to 14 counties. She is very popular with students and has many methods of learning foreign languages.Jerry Smith is a humorous teacher. He often turns his maths classes into game time. Math is more than numbers and shapes in his class.It can be used to solve real life problems.Daisy Chambers,a smart lady ,is good at playing the piano.She has been learning it for ten years. Amazingly,she learns it all by herself.Many students are her fans.Rod White is a creative teacher and inventor. He believes that invention is for everyone and everyone can be an inventor. In his class, students find it great fun to do scientific experiments.Emily Roy has written many stories. Students love reading her books, She always recommends good books to her students. She plans to write a book to share how reading changes her life.Lewis Nichols is an excellent swimmer. He takes part in the winter swimming competition every year. He thinks that swimming in cold water builds up not only his body but also his will.七、材料作文55 . 请根据下列提示写一篇短文。词数:80左右。提示:1.今天是Millie的生日。Millie的妈妈给她买了一件白衬衫、一条粉红色短裙和一双白色的鞋子。2.衬衫是丝绸的,产自杭州,穿起来很舒服。裙子是棉的,鞋是皮革的,都产自上海。衬衫和鞋很相配。3.Millie很喜欢它们。穿上它们,她看起来很漂亮、很时髦。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、单词填空1、五、填空1、六、信息匹配1、七、材料作文1、

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