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人教版2020年九年级上册期末复习综合卷(B卷)英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. 1 . . Some students had more specific(具体的) suggestions.Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. When we asked about studying grammar, she said, “2 . ”3 . .Hes been learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.4 . .By watching them, he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. 5 . . She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get excited about something and then end up speaking Chinese”, she said.根据短文内容,将下列方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)AMany said they learned by using English.BHe also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way.CI never study grammar. Its too boring.DStudents get lots of practice and they also have fun in the club.EWei Ming thinks differently.二、完型填空Bo, a golden retriever, won this years Dog Hero Award from the Ken L Ration dog food company. Bo acted_ last June. Bo and his owners, Rob and Laurie Roberts, were going down the Colorado River in a 16-foot boat. The June_ was Bos first time in a boat.Laurie Roberts said, “Things were fine until a 6-foot wave broke in front of us and filled the boat with water. Another big wave caught us from the back and turned the boat over.” Rob was thrown clear, but Laurie and Bo were not able to move out_ the boat. “Every time I tried to_ , my head hit the boat, Laurie said, “I hit the bottom of the river several times. I realized I was drowning (溺水).”Rob picked up the story, “I reached the land and looked for Laurie,” he said. “I saw Bo swim out from under the overturned boat. Then he_ and dived (下潜). Soon he came back up, pulling Laurie by the hair.” Laurie, who was_ and breathless, tried to catch Bo. But the dog stayed out of reach (保持让她够不着) as if (似乎) knowing_of them would drown if Laurie pulled him under._ Laurie caught Bos tail. He_ her 30 years to the land. Laurie was cut and bleeding (流血), but she was _.“If it hadnt been for Bo, I wouldnt be here.” Laurie told everyone at the Dog Hero awards dinner.6 . AbravelyBstrangelyCquietlyDpolitely7 . AmeetingBmatchCtripDprize8 . AinBbehindCunderDabove9 . Aget outBget downCget offDget along10 . Awent aheadBturned aroundCjumped outDstood up11 . AsadBsorryCangryDafraid12 . AbothBallCneitherDone13 . AAlreadyBOftenCBesidesDFinally14 . AfollowedBpulledCledDpushed15 . AbusyBcalmCsafeDhurt三、阅读单选Different people have different colors of skin(皮肤). Some have black skin. Some have yellow skin, and some have white skin. Theres a woman in America. Her skin is orange. Its the color of orange juice.Why does she become (变得)orange ? She eats too many tomatoes , carrots and squashes (南瓜). She eats many orange things. Thats why she becomes orange. The woman doesnt want to be orange. She goes to the doctor (医生). The doctor says, “Dont eat any orange things again! Eat some green things. ” The woman does so(这样做了),and she isnt orange now.16 . The woman has_.Aan orange coatBorange skinCan orange dressDyellow skin17 . The womans skin is orange because_.Ashe drinks too much orangeBshe likes to eat orangeCshe likes this colorDshe eats too many orange things18 . The woman goes to see a doctor because_.Ashe likes the orange skin very muchBshe doesnt want to eat any green thingsCshe wants her skin to be greenDshe doesnt like her orange skin19 . What are tomatoes, carrots and squashes? Can you guess? _.AThey are something to eatBThey are something to drinkCThey are meatDThey are Americans20 . The doctor asks the woman to _.Aeat many orange thingsBeat some green foodCdrink much orange juiceDeat orange everydayA bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too. It reminds us of an interesting phrase(习语) to let the cat out of the bag. In meaning it is the same as “to tell the secret”. And there is an old interesting story about it.Long ago, when farmers wanted to sell chickens at the market, most of the time they would just throw the chickens in cloth bags. But cats were cheaper than chickens, so many farmers would put cats into the cloth bag instead of chickens.One day, a woman asked a man for a chicken. The man gave her a cloth bag in which there was a cat. The woman begged to see the chicken. When the man opened the cloth bag, a big black cat ran out. Not a chicken! The mans secret was out and everyone knew it.Now when someone lets out a secret, he “lets the cat out of the bag”. And that is the story where the interesting phrase comes from.21 . The phrase “to let the cat out of the bag” came from .Aa woman and a chickBa man and a catCa chicken and a catDan interesting story22 . The woman wanted to buy .Aa cloth bagBa chickenCa black catDa bag and a chicken23 . Why did the farmers put cats into their cloth bags instead of chickens?ABecause the farmers liked cats.BBecause people liked cats.CBecause cats were cheaper than chickens.DBecause cats were easy to find.24 . In“.everyone knew it” at the end of the third paragraph, “it” refers to “”.Athere was a chicken in the mans bagBthere was a cat in the cloth bagCthe cloth bagDthe mans cat25 . John “lets the cat out of the bag” means that he .Amakes everyone know a secretBputs the cats away from the bagCbuys a cat in the bagDsells the cat in the bagMost people like watching TV. So does Mary. She doesnt mind soap operas or talk shows. But she cant stand sitcoms,for(因为)they are too boring. Sports shows are her favorite program. She likes sports very much,and she likes watching football matches on TV.Mary likes womens volleyball,too. She often watches matches on TV,sometimes on the Internet. Her favorite team is the Chinese team. She thinks all the members are fantastic.Mary enjoys volleyball,but she isnt good at it. She is good at table tennis. She often plays it with her best friend after school. They are both on the school table tennis team. Sometimes they play with teams from other schools. They have a lot of fun with it.26 . Mary thinks sitcoms are _.AinterestingBboringCexcitingDsurprising27 . _ are Marys favorite program.ATalk showsBSoap operasCBeijing operaDSports shows28 . How many kinds of shows are mentioned(提及)in the passage?ATwoBThreeCFourDFive29 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMary often plays table tennis after school.BMary is good at playing volleyball.CMary only watches volleyball matches on TV.DMarys favorite team is the Japanese team.Be careful on April 1st! When your classmate says “We will be free this afternoon!”, it may not be true. And if you find your clock is an hour slow, this may be a joke (笑话).April Fools Day is a special festival. On this day people play harmless jokes on others and then shout, “Happy April Fools Day!” This day is just for fun, so people don t buy gifts or get the day off work or school.April Fools Day started in France in the 16th century (世纪). At that time, April Fools Day was between March 25th and April 1st.Different countries celebrate April Fools Day in different ways. In France, people fool their friends by sticking (粘住) paper fish on their friends backs. When some people find out this joke, they shout, “April Fish!” In England, it is bad luck to play jokes on someone after midday (中午). Americans play small tricks on friends.30 . The first paragraph (段落) tells us that _ on April 1st.Awe should be careful with others wordsBwe should not be late for schoolCwe should treat everything as a jokeDwe should have a half-day off work or school31 . What does the underlined word “harmless” mean in Chinese?A不光彩的B无恶意的C无理由的D不实际的32 . In the 16th century, people celebrated April Fools Day probably (或许) on_.AJanuary 1stBFebruary 26thCApril 3rdDMarch 28th33 . On April Fools Day, people _.Abuy gifts for their friendsBhave a day off work or schoolChave a big mealDplay some jokes on others34 . The last paragraph is mainly about _ people in different countries celebrate April Fools Day.AwhyBwhenChowDwhere四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示填词35 . The newspaper is of great use because it provides people with the _(最新的)news.36 . All of us are football _(迷)and often play football together after work.37 . He _(也许)come to your birthday party tonight, but Im not sure.38 . Have you made preparations for the _(即将来到的)festival?39 . History is a _(记录)of past events.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上,每空限填一词,每词限用一次,方框中有两个词是多余的。hundred quick when win help die get found scientist with before withouthundred quick when win help die get found scientist with before withoutLife-saving Device (设备)Alexander Kendrick is a 16 -year- old boy from New Mexico. He has 40 . a prize at the International Science Fair for making a special radio device.People can send messages 1,000 feet underground 41 . the special device. So it is very 42 . for people working in caves (山洞). For them, it could mean the difference between life and 43 . . Usually, cellphone signals are unable to reach caves. 44 . people are lost in caves, it is difficult for them to 45 . in touch with the outside world. Even if they are 46 . in the end, it may take 47 . of people to help to save them. It may miss the best time to save them and waste lots of time and money. But with the new device, people can 48 . know where they are after receiving the message. We can save them at the first time.This is another good of the new device. It can also help 49 . learn more about the underground environment without setting foot there. It is also good for caves. The device has no bad effect on caves ecosystems (生态系统) when it sends messages out of the caves.六、短文改错Find the only mistake in each line and correct them. This is Annas bedroom. Its not vey big, and its 26. 50 . very bright and clean. Anna tidy her room every day. 27. 51 . There is a table opposite the door and on the table is 28. 52 . some beautiful flowers and useful books. As you see, theres also a big picture for Anna on the wall. Shes 29. 53 . smiling sweetly in it. Over a picture is a round clock. 30. 54 . Anna likes her bedroom very much.七、话题作文55 . 俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康、顺利成长,使家庭成员之间的关系更融洽、更和谐,每个家庭都会有这样或那样的家庭规矩。比如必须按时回家,不准打电子游戏等。请你结合家庭的实际情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以My Family Rules为题,写一篇短文。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、短文改错1、七、话题作文1、

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