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人教版2020年中考英语语法专题练习10动词的时态(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Listen! Cindy in her room. She there every day.Asings; is singingBsings; sings.Cis singing; sings2 . My cousin together with his friends _ watch a film _ have a picnic.Aprefers to, rather than toBprefer to, rather thanCprefers to, rather thanDprefer to, rather than to3 . I didnt see you at the party yesterday.Oh, I for an important call from my brother.AwaitedBwill waitCwaitingDwas waiting4 . They _ on the sofa when the telephone _.Asit; rangBwere sitting; rangCsat; was ringing5 . There _a swimming game this afternoon.AhaveBhasCwill beDwill have6 . The day after tomorrow he_ a volleyball matchAwill watchingBwatchesCis watchingDis going to watch7 . I _ to music when my father came in.AlistenBwill listenCam listeningDwas listening8 . Look at those students. _ hard-working they are!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a9 . butter do we need for a sandwich?Two teaspoons should be enough.AHow manyBHow muchCHow longDHow far10 . If you _ Hainan, you _ the beautiful sea.Avisit; will findBwill visit; findCwill visit; will find11 . He has _the cup _water.Afills ; withBfilled; ofCfilled; withDfill; of12 . I have a green sweater,I dont like it.AandBorCsoDbut13 . Linda, together with her parents, _up the mess in the park at the moment.Its meaningful to be a volunteer. Lets join them.Ais cleaningBare cleaningChas cleanedDhave cleaned14 . My iphone 5 needs to be repaired. How much do you think it _? Awould costBcostChas costDwill cost15 . -Do you think Daming will have a big company? -_.AThats greatBHave a good timeCSee you thenDI am not sure.16 . My hobby is collecting stampsI need _ before I have 3000 stampsAmore oneBany moreCone moreDmore than17 . Your werent at home when I called you yesterday evening.-Oh, Ioutside at that time.AvisitedBwas visitingCwas visitedDwould visit18 . Simon looks worried because he _ a writing competition and now hes waiting for the result.AentersBenteredCwill enterDis entering19 . There _ a bus stop here now it is a green-land.Aused toBwas used toCused to beDwas used to be20 . We _English for 6 years. Many of us can talk with native speakers in English freely.AstudyBstudiedChave studiedDwill study21 . Jack _ to London after he nishes the nal exam next week.AgoesBwentChas goneDwill go22 . There are many cars in the street. Its not _ for children to play there.AfreeBsafeCcrazyDuseful23 . I went to New York with my friends and the people therefriendly.AareBwasCisDwere24 . Little Jenny looks unhappy today.Dont worry. A box of chocolates willher.Agive . upBwake . upCcheer . upDpick . up25 . (题文)Everyone _ a good time in the party now.AisBis havingChasDhave26 . What were you doing _ your mother was cooking supper?AwhereBwhatChowDwhile27 . The film for half an hour.Ahas begunBbeganChas been onDon28 . Her mother was illShe_ a doctorAsent upBsend forCsent forDsend away29 . Im sorry. I didnt hear you because I _ to music.Aam listeningBwas listeningCwill listenDhave listened30 . There _ great changes in the smart mobile phones in the last few years.AwasBhave beenChas beenDwere31 . Lets go boating with Jack if he us this Sunday. I think we should ask if he his homework tomorrow first.Awill visit; will doBvisits; doesCwill visit; doesDvisits; will do32 . In the beginning, she _ her mothers milk and couldnt look after herself.AdrinksBdrankCdrunkDwas drinking33 . Why werent you at the meeting this morning?I _for a friend of mine. We havent seen each other for years!AwaitedBhave waitedCwas waitingDam waiting34 . He asked me_.Awhen were you bornBwhen you was bornCwhen was my birthdayDwhen my birthday was.35 . While I _ TV in the sitting room, the bell _.Awatches, ringsBwatched, rangCwas watching, rangDwatched, was ringing36 . He took up my cellphone and made a long distance call as if the phone _ him.Abelonged toBwas belonging toCwas belonged toDhad been belonged to37 . Listen! The students _ next to the room .AsingBare singingCsinging38 . The last time I _her, she _ at a medical college.Awas visiting; studiedBvisited; studiedCvisited; was studyingDwas visiting; was studying39 . When you finish your homework? Last Sunday.Adid; to doBdo; to doCdid; doingDdo; doing40 . Please be quiet. Your father the accounts in the study.AcalculatesBcalculatedCis calculatingDwill calculate41 . - Do you like _ newspapers? - Yes. I _ newspapers these days.Alooking at; readBreading; am readingCseeing; am readingDreading; read42 . Our math teacher_to our school at the age of 20 and she_in our school for more than 30 years.Acomes; taughtBcame; taughtCcame; has taughtDhas come; has taught43 . His grandma has _ for 5 years.AdiedBdeadCbeen diedDbeen dead44 . (题文)Bob hasnt changed. He _ exactly _ he did at school.Alooks; the same asBlook; the same asClooks; the same toDhas looked; the same as45 . How can I go to your school?_.AYou can walk there with meBYou can take the red sweaterCYou can go there on weekendsDYou can buy it for fifty yuan each46 . (2017四川德阳33)My mother has taught in this school_ she was twenty years old.AforBuntilCbecauseDsince47 . Two years _ since I came here.ApassedBhas passedChave passedDpast48 . -I hope you _ to my birthday party next Sunday. -OK, I _.Ato come, willBto come, amCcan come, willDcan come, am49 . We must work hard. There _an important exam in June.Awill haveBis going to haveCwill beDhas50 . Mary isnt here. She has _the shop.Abeen toBwent toCgone toDbeen in51 . Mrs. White came to Beijing in 2005. Shehere for ten years.AliveBlivedCwill liveDhas lived52 . When did your uncle leave his hometown?He _ for nearly twenty years.Ahas leftBhas been awayCleftDbe away53 . - I havent heard from Li Jun for a long time.- What do you think _ to him?Awas happeningBto happenChas happenedDhad happened54 . On my way home, my friend Bill came by in his car and picked me up.Aran after meBlooked for meCgave me a rideDcheered me up55 . He _ like baseball. _ he likes football.Adont, butBdoesnt, andCdoesnt, butD/, and56 . In the past few years there_ great changes in my hometown.Ahad beenBhave beenCwereDare57 . Have you met him recently? Yes, I _ him the other day on the street.AmeetBmetChave metDwill met58 . Bettys aunt _ the floor at the moment.AsweepsBis sweepingCcelebratesDis celebrating59 . Therea heavy snow in our town tomorrow.AisBwill beCis going to have60 . I used to follow _ my parents said.I disagree! I suggested that you _ yourself.Awhatever; believed inBWherever; depend onChowever; would care aboutDwhatever; should be confident of61 . - Could you tell me _?-Yes,itwillstartattenAwhen will the meeting beginBwhen the meeting will beginCwhen would the meeting beginDwhen the meeting would begin62 . Will there be more people in the future ? No, _. There will be fewer people.Athere isBthere isntCthere willDthere wont63 . We are glad that Uncle Weiming _ to see us next week.Awill comeBcomesCcomingDwill comes64 . Guangzhou is one of _ cities in China.AbusyBbusierCthe busierDthe busiest65 . Havent seen you for ages! Where have you been?I went to Liangshan and there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.AstayedBstayChad stayedDam staying66 . Is that Mr. Brown speaking? Sorry, he isnt in. He to New York on business.AwentBwill goChas gone67 . Dont worry. I_ the note to Helen as soon as she comes back.Awill giveBgaveCwould giveDgive68 . When Tom got to my house, my family _ dinner.Awere havingBwas havingCis havingDare having69 . does he want to be when he?He wants to be a computer programmer.AWhat, grows upBHow, grows upCWhat, grow up70 . Look! Some boys are _ at the pool and some girls are _ near the pool.Aswiming, danceingBswam, dancedCswims, dancesDswimming, dancing71 . -Is that Sandy speaking?-Sorry, she isnt in now. She _the cinema with her aunt.Ahas been toBhas been inChas gone toDhas gone in第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、


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