人教版2019-2020学年云南七年级英语下册 Unit 9达标测试题A卷

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人教版2019-2020学年云南七年级英语下册 Unit 9达标测试题A卷_第1页
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人教版2019-2020学年云南七年级英语下册 Unit 9达标测试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There (be) a meeting next Monday.AisBwillCwill be2 . (题文)It is important for students _ for class.Anot be lateBnot to be lateCto be lateDbe late3 . - How long has Eliza been a nurse?- _ASince 2002.BFour years ago.CIn 2002.4 . Look! There is some _ on the table.AhamburgerBjuiceCvegetable5 . Dont drop litter on the street, please .Apick up themBpick up itCpick them upDpick it up6 . Betty and Kitty are twin sisters. _ mother often dresses them in colorful(颜色艳丽的)clothes.ATheyBTheirCTheirsDHer7 . (2012无锡)Why is the traffic today moving so slowly?We are running late!Calm downLets take_route(路线)Turn left over thereAa sameBthe sameCa differentDthe different8 . Is this a bus ? _. Its a car.AYes, it is.BNo, this isnt.CNo, it isnt.DYes, this is.9 . We all like Mr. Zhou _ he is so kind to us.AbecauseBthenCbutDso10 . My brother _ a watch, but he _ a nice alarm clock.Ahas; hadBdidnt has; hasCdoesnt have; hasDisnt have; had11 . (2012山东菏泽)What does your new English teacher look like?She is a pretty lady _ long hairAatBforCwithDof12 . _ is it in Beijing? Its ten oclock in the morning.AWhat timeBWhatCWhyDHow13 . -Come on,Dale!I need your help now.-OK.Ill come _.Alater onBon timeCon footDright away14 . How kind you are! You always do what you can _ othersAhelpBhelpingChelpsDto help15 . I livemy familya town 15 milesLondon.Ain; on;Bwith; on; onCin; in; inDwith; in; from16 . ( )10._ mother is American.AJohn and Sallys BJohns and SallyCJohns and SallysDJohn and Sally17 . -Could you please help me check the problem?-Sorry, I dont have much_ of the computer.AintroductionBdevelopmentCknowledgeDinformation二、补全短文7选5E)补全短文。(其中有两项多余,)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。To wash yourself, you take a bath (洗澡) or a shower.18 . But how do animals clean themselves? Cats lick (舔) themselves to keep their fur clean. Have you ever watched a pet cat clean itself? Elephants take baths much as you do. But instead of jumping into the tub (浴缸), they walk into a river or lake. Pigs also like to roll(打滚) around in water.19 . If there is no clean water, they will roll in mud (泥) on a hot day. They do this to cool off.Guess how polar bears (北极熊)clean themselves. They use snow, of course! Some animals take baths in dust instead of water! The wombat (毛鼻袋熊) is an Australian animal with lots of fur.20 . Birds clean themselves in many ways.21 . Thats why some people put birdbaths(水盆)in their yard. Sometimes birds also use their beaks (喙) to keep their feathers clean.22 . Some birds even take smoke baths. They sit on chimneys.(烟囱) They wave their wings in the smoke!AThey usually look a little dirty.BThis keeps them clean and cool.CAnimals need to keep clean, too.DThey use their beaks the way you use a comb. EIt is different from other animals.FSometimes they wash in water.GTo get clean, it lies down. Then it covers itself with sand!三、完型填空Tim was never happy with anything. His friends and parents loved him very much, but all Tim could think about was what he didnt have, or things he was _ with.What changed Tim was Coco, the _. One day, Coco heard all of Tims complaints (抱怨). When the cloud was right above Tim, she started _ heavy black rain on him. Of course, this just made_ complain even more. Tim _ get away from the cloud, so he got even angrier. This _ for about a week.Tim had a nice _ called Rita. Rita was the only one that was willing to _ Tim on those black, rainy days.One day, Tim complained about the black, _ days again. Rita said to him, “Cheer up! You are the only one of us that has this cloud, and even better, its rain is _! We could play some fun games with a cloud like this.” Tim _. Rita took him to the swimming pool, and stayed with him there _ all the pool water was black. Then she went away and asked other kids to come. They came and played hide-and-seek with Tim in the_. They also thought up other_ to play using the cloud. They had a lot of fun that day.Tim didnt complain any more. He _ to look at the good side of things, rather than the bad side. Even when Coco left, there was a good side to it. He wasnt wet all the time!23 . AbusyBstrictCfamiliarDunhappy24 . AsunBrainCcloudDwind25 . AhittingBsavingCdroppingDdrinking26 . AhimBherCyouDit27 . AshouldntBcouldntCmustntDneednt28 . AkeptBstartedClastedDstopped29 . AfriendBbossCteacherDrelative30 . Alook forBlaugh atCtalk aboutDplay with31 . AsnowyBrainyCwindyDsunny32 . AblackBwhiteCgreenDred33 . AcriedBtouchedCthoughtDagreed34 . AsoByetCsinceDuntil35 . AhallBpoolCmarketDplayground36 . AgamesBsportsCinterestsDcourses37 . ArealizedBbehavedClearntDreplied四、阅读单选Bob is 17 years old. He has many friends. They look different and they have different personalities, but they are all kind and helpful. Hed like to introduce some of them to us.NameAgeLooks and hobbiesAnn(volleyball player)17She is very tall (1.87 meters)! She has a baby face. Her fans say shes very beautiful. She likes listening to pop songs and drawing.Jim(skier)18He is always smiling, so people say that he is a “sunshine boy”. He is a “black horse”. He won the first gold medal(金牌)for his city this year. He likes reading and playing computer games.Lily(singer)16People call her “Angel”. Shes a cool girl with black glasses and short hair. She likes wearing mens clothes, so she looks like a boy. She likes singing, of course. She is good at playing basketball.38 . _ is the youngest one among these people.A. Bob B. Ann C. Lily D. Jim39 . Ann likes _.A. playing basketballB. readingC. playing computer gamesD. listening to pop songs40 . People say Jim is a “sunshine boy” because he _.A. likes reading B. is a skierC. is always smiling D. likes playing computer games五、阅读判断Tina is an English girl. She is twelve. She is in Class 8, Grade 7. She and I are in the same class. Her telephone number is(010)8256-4325. We are good friends. Her English is good, and she can help me.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。41 . Tina is from Canada.42 . Tina is 12.43 . Im in Class 7, Grade 8.44 . My English is good.45 . Her telephone number is(010)82564325.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空46 . Oh, my dear friend, welcome back. Your wife _ (come) to me three times asking if I had any news about you.47 . What do you think of my new dress? - Beg your pardon? I _(think) about something else.48 . Two years _(pass) since the terrible storm hit the city.49 . _(lose) weight, she tries to eat less and exercise more.50 . Since he _(stop) smoking, his health has improved a lot.51 . Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help. - Just a minute, Mum. I _(sweep) the floor.52 . The weather he was used to _(change) a lot over the years.53 . They _(discuss) about the charity show later this afternoon, arent they?七、填写适当的句子补全对话(题文)A:Hi, Zhang Fang!(小题1)B:More than ten.A: Great.(小题2)B;A good friend should be popular in school and good at schoolwork.A;(小题3)B:Wang Jie. She is a friendly girl.A:(小题4)B:We are quite different. She is funnier and more outgoing than me. I am more athletic than her.A:(小题5)B:Because we like doing the same things when we are free. A:I see. Thank you.八、单词填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在相应的横线上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Mr Hunt always keeps good habits. He gets up 54 . and does morning exercises. He thinks himself 55 . and never goes to see a doctor.But this week Mr Hunt looks worried. 56 . last Friday morning when walking near the garden he suddenly fell(跌倒) to the ground. There was nobody around him. A few minutes later he came back to life(恢复知觉). He stood up and went back slowly. He is afraid that something is wrong with his 57 . and sometimes it beats fast, sometimes slowly. He cant 58 . at night. And he often feels tired while at work.This morning, Mr Hunt came to the 59 . . He told the doctor what happened to him. The young doctor looked him over carefully and then said, “Im so 60 . to tell you, Mr Hunt, there is something wrong with you. You must give up coffee if you hope to live 61 . .”“But I never drink it,” said Mr Hunt.“Then 62 . smoking.”“I dont smoke at all.”“Thats bad! If you dont have 63 . to give up, Im afraid I can do nothing for you.”九、汉译英:单词/短语短语翻译64 . 打扮_65 . 春节_66 . 玩得开心_67 . 在圣诞节_68 . 在一个寒冷的早晨_69 . 团聚_70 . 吃一顿丰盛的晚饭吃大餐_71 . 欣赏满月_72 . 感谢你做某事_73 . 许多好的礼物_十、材料作文74 . 写作近年来,世界多地自然灾害频发,引起了全球对环境保护以及动物保护的思考。假如你是李萍,要求你用英文写一封加入动物保护协会的申请信,要点如下表:NameLi PingDate of birth2017年11月18日Tele. number052382835988Email8344506qq.comSchoolNo.1 Middle SchoolGrade8Favourite season冬天Interests and hobbies堆雪人、打雪仗;收集各种动物图片Reasons喜爱大自然,想要更多地了解各种动物的习性;保护动物,使他们远离危险Feelings加入该协会后的感受和做法:1、2、3、Free time每周日全天要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括所有要点,并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(信的开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Chairperson,I would like to join the Animal protection Society. _I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!Yours sincerely, Li Ping第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、单词填空1、九、汉译英:单词/短语1、十、材料作文1、


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