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人教版2019-2020学年中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I think Lucy should be allowed to do some shopping alone. _. She is too young.AI dont think soBSorry, she cantCI agree with youDNo problem2 . - A new shopping mall _ next year in our town.- Really? It is wonderful! I neednt go far away to buy things.Ais builtBhas builtCwill buildDwill be built3 . Here are some books. Are they ? No, theyre not books.Ayour; myByour; mineCyours; mineDyours; my4 . Dont forget to _the light when you leave.Aturn offBturn onCturn up5 . _ is it from here to Nanjing Museum?About 20 minutes by bike.AHow longBHow oftenCHow farDHow soon6 . This movie wasnt _. He fell asleep half way through it.Ainteresting enoughBenough interestingCinterested enoughDenough interested7 . There _ a movie and a concert this weekend.Which one would you like to go?AisBareCwill beDwill have8 . Its sunny today. How about going riding?_ADont worry!BNever mind!CNot at all.DGood idea!9 . Must I finish the work today? _AYes, you need,BNo, you mustntCCertainly notDNo, you neednt10 . -Do you know well take a school trip this Saturday?-Yes. When I heard the good _, I jumped with excitement.AnewsBideaCfactDactivity11 . I always tell my students on the road because its really dangerous.Anot to playBto play notCnot playingDnot play12 . Dont you know its _ useful book for English learners?AaBanCtheD13 . Do you like bananas?No, _.AI do BI dont CI doesnt.14 . Must I finish my homework right now?No, you.AneedntBmay notCmustnt15 . The battle continued for several hours darkness came on.AbecauseBthoughCsinceDuntil二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。A: Good morning! 16 . B: Yes, please. I want to join your club. A: We have three clubsthe Sports Club, the Music Club and the Art Club. 17 . B: I want to join the Music Club. A: The Music Club? 18 . B: No, I cant. A: Well, what can you do?B: 19 . A: Yeah, I see.20 . B: My name is Sally Brown. Thank you very much. A: Youre welcome. AHello, Im a musician in the club. BWhy do you want to join the Music Club?CI can play the guitar. DWhat club do you want to join?ECan you sing?FWhats your name, please?GCan I help you?三、完型填空阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The Little Boat That Sailed Through TimeEver since I was a 10-year-old child, the idea about depending upon myself has come into my mind though I couldnt really understand it.At the mountain_in Western Norway where my mother was born, I spent the summer of my childhood._my grandfather had to work all day himself, he could spare me time.I still remembered that day. “Come, I have a toy boat for you.” A voice came into my ear. I followed him to a workroom_However, nothing like that was there_a block of wood. “Is that the boat.?” I asked curiously. “No one can give you what you do for_With your own hands, youll make it out of the wood. Then itll be the best boat in your heart.” Finally, I finished it with his help. Seeing the boat_in the lake Storvassdal, I felt_and thought everything around nicer.Good times dont last long. I had to_to America. Feeling sad, I hid my boat under a big rock at Storvassdal. Moreover, I didnt know that was the_time I saw my grandfather.Years later, I returned to the mountain farm with parents and children. I searched for my boat, but_I was about to give up_I touched something different under a big rock. Luckily, I found the boat which_grandfather and me. Holding it, I felt my grandfather was there and we_were together again.As time went by, each time I held the boat, I carved(刻) the year. My grandfather seemed_I went on the last trip to the farm with my granddaughter. High in the mountain, I hope they would understand the importance of the boat and its simple_of self-reliance.(自立)21 . AlakeBfarmCvillageDriver22 . AButBUntilCThoughDIf23 . AexcitedlyBfrightenedlyCunhappilyDunwillingly24 . AwithBexceptCwithoutDbesides25 . AmyselfByourselvesCyourselfDhimself26 . AfallingBfloatingCswimmingDjumping27 . AproudBterribleCworriedDinterested28 . AwalkBcomeCreturnDleave29 . AfinalBfirstCnextDanother30 . AsucceededBfailedClostDworked31 . AwhileBwhenCasDfor32 . AconnectedBmixedCseparatedDcontacted33 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive34 . AfarBaliveCnearDliving35 . AnewsBmessageCwordDsign四、阅读单选Today , we asked some students about what they think of their deskmates . Here are some of the results .Grace : 13 years oldMy deskmate is Kitty . She is really a kind and quiet girl . She is more hardworking than me , and she can always get good grades in exams . So I learn a lot from her . She often helps me with my study . With her help , I think I canimprovemy study very quickly .My deskmate is Vera . She is quite friendly and talented in a lot of things such as drawing and writing . She is more creative than me . Last month , she asked me to visit her home . I saw a lot of wonderful pictures on the wall . I thought they were from famous painters , but I was wrong . All the pictures are her works(作品).Lisa : 13 years oldRick : 14 years oldMy deskmate is Paul . He is taller and stronger than me . Both he and I like sports . However , I like soccer but he likes basketball . He plays basketball better than me , and now he plays for our basketball school team . He thinks playing basketball can bring out the best in him .36 . Vera is _ deskmate .AGraces B. Lisas C. Ricks D. Kittys37 . The Chinese meaning of the word “ improve ” in this passage is _ .A降低 B. 改善 C. 获得 D. 发现38 . Which of the following is right ?AGrace is more hardworking than Kitty .BLisa is more creative than Vera .CPaul is better at soccer than basketball .DVera drew a lot of wonderful pictures .39 . The passage is mainly about _ .Ahow often they do exerciseBwhat they like and dislikeCwhat they think of their deskmatesDwhat their best friends are like阅读A、B两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Dont want to miss the train?Here are some steps to follow!Enter the railway station.There are X-ray machines at the gate of each railway station.All the luggage(行李) has to be passed through to examine for dangerous things.Once you put your luggage on the machine,please go to the other side and get it quickly in case that your luggage is taken either by mistake or on purpose.Find the right waiting room.After you enter the railway station,you should find the hall where your train is going to leave from.There are always electronic boards at the railway station with information shown in Chinese.You can find your waiting room according to the information given on your train ticket,or you can ask a member of staff(工作人员) for help if you are in trouble with Chinese.Get onto the platform(月台).In most cases,checkin starts 30 minutes before the train leaves if it is the starting station.So you are advised to arrive at the station one hour early.If it is not a starting station,checkin starts when the train arrives,then you just need to be 30 minutes early.You will be informed by radio then.Remember to take all your luggage!Board the train.The train number and the carriage(车厢) number are shown outside the train clearly;So it is easy to find your carriage.There is a member of staff at the door of each carriage to whom you are required to show your ticket.If you board on the wrong carriage,he/she will guide you to the right one.40 . Passangers luggage should be examined at the railway station.Aby a member of staffBby an X-ray machineCby a ticket sellerDby a policeman41 . The information on the train ticket tells a passenger .Awhich waiting room to go toBwhere to find an electronic boardCwho to ask for help at the stationDwhat the Chinese on the boards means42 . For G68 from Guangzhou to Beijing which starts out at 11:15 and arrives Wuhan at 15:28,checkin at Wuhan station starts .Aat 10:45Bat 14:28Cat 14:58Dat 15:2843 . The staff member at the door of the carriage will .Ahelp you find the right waiting roomBcheck your ticket and lead you to your carriageCcheck your luggage for dangerous thingsDshow you the ticket and tell you the train number44 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAll the trains leave from the same hall at a railway station.BIf you are in the wrong carriage,you will be asked to get off the train.CIts possible that your luggage may be taken by others when it is examined.DYou can find your carriage easily because each carriage has a different color.We always celebrated Dads birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a nursing home. When we knew it might be his last birthday, the whole family decided to get together for a huge birthday celebration at the nursing home.Dad was a good storyteller and we were always his listeners. During a quiet moment, I announced it was now Dads turn to listen to stories for a change. I wanted everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him. The room became quiet. Then one after another, people told stories from their hearts, while Dad listened with tears in eyes. Everyone seemed to have more than one story. Even the little grandchildren couldnt wait to tell Dad why they loved him. For a man who had been kind to so many hundreds of people in his life, here was our chance to tell him how much we love him. A few months later, at Dads memorial service, we more fully realized what we had given to Dad that night. Those are the stories people normally tell at a funeral (葬礼) after a loved one is no longer alive to hear the words. They tell stories, full of tears. But we had given those memories to Dad in his life, and we had told them through laughter, together with hugs and joy. He had them to hold and enjoyed them from time to time in his mind during his last days and months. Words do matter, and they are enough. We just need to say them or to speak them publicly the ones we love. Thats the ways to give back love and thats our chance to celebrate a person in his or her life.45 . The writers family decided to have a huge birthday celebration because_.ADad was to leave the hospitalBit might be Dads last birthdayCthey would celebrate Thanksgiving DayDDad was at the nursing home46 . According to the passage, we know_.Aall the family loved the father, including the little grandchildrenBthe writers father was still enjoying good healthCthe party was held at the writers homeDthe doctor told the writer his father was going to die at once47 . From the passage, we know the writers father was_ to hearthe stories.AsurprisedBmovedCsadDfrustrated48 . The best title of the passage can be_.AAn Amazing StoryBA Kind FatherCSay Our Love PubliclyDA Big Party五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填空。49 . What kind of musical _ (乐器) can you play?Drum.50 . “Do you like pop music?” he asks me with a _ (微笑).51 . Collecting stamps can make us learn more about the _ (文化) of a place.52 . Who is going to sing at the _ (音乐会)?Celine Dion.53 . Light music can bring us comfort and _ (宁静) of mind.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。an white my she lost inthey pen teacher one last toThis is my family photo . My 54 . name is Frank and my last name is Smith . I am 55 . English boy . My parents are 56 . in a school . And this is a pencil box . Its mine . Its 57 . . Whats in it ? An eraser and two 58 . are in it . The eraser is white . Its 59 . , too . The pens are red . 60 . are my sisters . My phone number is 6789-1231 . You can call me .The girl is Gina . Thats 61 . schoolbag . She cant find it . She 62 . it . Her telephone is 8906-4023 . That boys name is Jim Green . I found his computer game 63 . the classroom .七、多任务混合问题Birthday Food Around the WorldWhat would people like to eat on their birthday? The answer would be different in different countries. In many countries, people have birthday cakes with candles. The number of the candles is the persons age. The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles. 59. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy is lucky. In China, it is getting popular to have a cake on your birthday. But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthday. They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthday. They are a symbol of life and good luck. All of these birthday foods may be different, but the ideas are the same. 60. 他们会给过生日的人带来好运。64 . How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true?_65 . What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake?_66 . Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China?_67 . 将文中划线部分译作汉语。_68 . 将文中划线部分译作英语。_八、材料作文69 . 书面表达同学们进入初二,身体和心理健康都非常重要,这是父母和老师非常关心的问题,希望每个人都有一个健康的生活方式。请根据下面提示以“have a healthy lifestyle”为题写一篇短文。内容包括:1. 健康的重要性2.一些不注重健康的生活方式3.就如何保持健康提出建议要求:1. 书面干净整洁,书写标准整齐。2. 条理清晰,表达准确,不少于70词。Have a healthy lifeAs we all know,health is important_九、其他70 . 把26个字母按读音归类(大小写都要写)/e/A a,/e/F f,/i:/E e, Z z/a/I i,/ju:/U u,/第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、材料作文1、九、其他1、

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