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人教版2019-2020学年九年级中考一模(上学期期末)英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You should study hard, _ you wont pass the exam.AorBsoCandDbut2 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?AWe will elect her to be our monitor.BIts good for him to depend on himself.CShe introduced more details and left.DDont pretend to know when you dont.3 . I have _ orange._ orange is yellow.Aa; TheBan; TheCthe; AnDan; An4 . More than two _ trees are planted in our neighborhood every year.AhundredBhundredsChundreds ofDhundred of5 . My uncle is really _. He doesnt have any time to have breakfast.AfreeBbusyCboringDdifficult6 . John said that he_ if you _ help him.I will if I have time.Awonders, canBknows, couldCwondered, couldDknew, can7 . Jim will take some drink to the restaurant.If he _,the waiters will not allow him to drink it.AisBdoesChasDdo8 . Is this schoolbag?-No, it isnt . Its JennysAyour, meByour, mineCyou, my9 . Toms teacher lets him _ a song in the class.AsingBto singCsingsDsinging10 . When shall we meet again next week?-day is possible with me.AEitherBNeitherCEveryDAny11 . He likes singing, but I sing _ than he does.AgoodBwellCbestDbetter12 . While she _ the newspaper, Granny _ her.Aread; was telephoningBis reading; telephonedCwas reading; telephonedDread; telephone13 . -Can you help me,Tom? -_. Im coming.AThats right.BThats all right.COf course .DThank you14 . We _ in the same school since three years ago.AstudyBwere studyingCwill studyDhave studied15 . Dont give up, Tom. You havent realized _ great progress youve made!AwhatBwhat aChowDhow a16 . Were your parents _ at you when you came home late?AmadBangryCgoodDsad17 . I think his advice is of great . Its well worth .Avalue, takingBvalue, to takeCvaluable, to takeDvaluable, taking18 . Whats the weather like in Australia _ July?It is winter there, so its a little cold.AinBonCatDwith19 . . When he was there, he _ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.AwouldBshouldChad betterDmight20 . According to the new traffic laws, peopledrive after drinking wine or beer.AmustntBwontCneedntDmay not二、完型填空完形填空。There are many ways for us to reduce(减少) waste. For _, we can reuse paper and plastic bags. We can also recycle newspapers, glass, and cans(易拉罐) to make new things. Here are some useful ways to _ waste.Write on _sides of paper.Many people write on only one side of their paper. Why not stop wasting the other side? Some students only use half the pages of their _ before getting new ones. Try to use up all the paper. People often give cards on birthdays or festivals. How about trying to _ e-cards instead?Dont throw away your old batteries.Maybe you do not know that old batteries make the earth _. This is because they have poisonous parts in them. So, dont throw away batteries. _ them together. Try to use rechargeable(充电的) batteries for your games and CD players.Give off all your unwanted clothes.There are many poor families in China. You may ask your mother to _ your unwanted clothes. Then you can pass them on to those poor children. You will feel _ that you are helping someone else. Also, you can understand _ your friends or relatives(亲戚) want them before throwing them away.21 . AreasonBexampleCuseDpeople22 . AproduceBprotectCreduceDpollute23 . AeveryBbothCallDone24 . AexercisesBschoolbagsCnotebooksDpapers25 . AsendBbuyCreceiveDwaste26 . AdryBrichCcleanDdirty27 . AThrowBKeepCTryDLose28 . AlikeBsellCthrowDcollect29 . AangryBtiredCmovedDhappy30 . AthatBifCthoughDwhat三、阅读单选Sydney TowerAddress: 100 Market St, Sydney Phone: 02 9333 9222Fax: 02 9333 9203 Open time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. (Saturdays to 11:30 p.m.) Ticket: $ 60 (for an adult) $ 30 (for a child) Website: www. sydneytower. com. au How to get there: train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market Street How to book tickets: by phone / fax or through the Web Attraction: Sydneys best views are just the beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360 views of our beautiful city.31 . Sydney Tower is _ in Sydney, Australia.Athe busiest streetBthe biggest stationCthe most beautiful parkDthe highest point32 . If you Want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower, you can t _ .Aemail sydneytower hotmail. cornBfax 02 9333 9203Csearch www. sydneytower. com. auDdial 02 9333 922233 . Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay _.A$60B$90C$120D$15034 . Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower _ .Aafter 11:30 pmBbefore 11:30 pmCat 10:30 pmDby 10:30 pm35 . The passage above is probably_ .Aa piece of newsBa novelCa storyDan advertisement四、句型转换句型转换,每空一词。36 . I do not have anything interesting to say. (改为同义句)I _interesting to say.37 . How is the food?(改为同义句)_ the food _?38 . Mr Black is an engineer. (对划线部分提问)_ Mr Black?=_ Mr Blacks _?39 . The white pen is kates. (对划线部分提问)_ the white pen?40 . He spends half an hour going to school by bus every day.=It _half an hour_ to school by bus every day.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。41 . Im feeling terrible, I have a _ (stomach).42 . You should _ (drink) enough water every day. Our body needs much water.43 . He _(have) a headache last week. But now he is _(feel)better.44 . Im too _(stress) out, let me listen to some music now.45 . My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _(health) every day.46 . Its easy _(say), but difficult _(do).六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。always talk count I below friend or people send free around andNext time youre in a public place, take a look around you. And47 . how many people are using their phones. I can tell you now that it is probably more than half, whether youre on a bus, in a cafe 48 . simply walking down the street.Im not saying that I am an example of this, but it 49 . amazes(使惊愕) me how people can spend so much time on their phones without 50 . to others. Has it gone too far?Recently, my smart phone broke and had to be 51 . off for repair for a week or so. I had to use a really old, basic phone just to keep me in touch with my family and 52 . . And I loved it. I loved being 53 . from the Internet and I really didnt mind not having updates(更新) about what my friends were doing. It allowed 54 . to spend more time enjoying my time in London and watching the people 55 . me and really see what was going on.However, I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back I would be one of those 56 . once again. Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and forget I ever got my smart phone back.七、单词填空根据所给提示,写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Last Sunday, Bob had a special experience because he met an57 . (事故). On that day, all his classmates58 . (自愿做)to clean up the city parks except him, because he missed his grandmother very much. She was very old and lived59 . (独自,单独)far away from the town. On the way there, when he was walking, a car came fast and60 . (撞,击)an old man. However, the driver didnt stop to help the poor old man.61 . (代替,反而), he went away. The old man was62 . (躺)on the road and couldnt move. Bob was 63 . (彻底地,完全地)shocked. As there was nobody else on the road, he64 . (领会,认识到)he had to call the police quickly. The police took the man to hopital and the old man was saved by the doctor. As a result, Bob got to his grandmothers home a bit late. After hearing the65 . (事实,实情), his grandmother smiled and said, “You are a clever and kind boy. You saved the man because of your right66 . (决定).”八、回答问题(海淀一模)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Cartoonist: Charles SchulzCharles Schulz is a true hero. For nearly 50 years, Schulzs comic strip, the Peanuts collection has been the most well-known cartoon in the world. It has 355 million daily readers in 75 countries. On February 13th, 2000, Schulz died of cancer. But he will always be remembered by people old and young worldwide.In Schulzs works, he always stayed positive. He tried to give readers a happy feeling. Kids like Peanuts because the characters live a simple life and go through the same troubles as they do. He did not pick out stressful topics of the day. Instead, he always brought readers into a joyful world by writing about a happy place with simple worries.Schulz was also a good father of four children. Its said that he never failed to stop his work to play a pick-up baseball game or have lunch with his family. He was always very involved in his childrens lives and supported their decisions. He taught them the importance of a persons inner worth. His family describes Schulz as a man with the fewest needs.His youngest daughter, Jill, said, Hes a fighter, but he always has bad luck. When Schulz leamed his cancer was senous, he was forced to give up the job he loved - writing the Peanuts cartoons. Unluckily, Schulz died the night before the last strip of his comics came out in the Sunday papers. Some might say this was unlucky, but Jill said her father enjoyed spending his whole life writing to make people happy.Charles Schulz put a little comedy into our often-stressful world. He will be remembered as the worlds favorite cartoonist. Youre a good man, Charles Schulz!67 . How many daily readers does the Peanuts collection have?68 . How did Schulz bring readers into a joyful world?69 . What did Schulz teach his children?70 . When was Schulz forced to give up the job he loved?71 . Why is Charles Schulz a true hero?九、话题作文72 . 假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情,他或她为你做了什么,你又将怎样回报他或她的付出。请以“Thank You, My.”为题,写一篇发言稿。要求:1语言规范,语句通顺,内容充实;2字数:不少于100词。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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