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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Many social workers went to Yaan to _ clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake.Aput outBcome outCwork outDgive out2 . Our rooms _ by my mother three times a week.AcleansBare cleaningCis cleanedDare cleaned3 . Mom, I need to _a dictionary.OK, lets go to the book store this Saturday.AfindBsellCbuyDwatch4 . Whose magazine is this?ItBens. It has his name on it.Amight beBmust beCcant be5 . Mr. Hunt his friends is going to visit the museum.ANot only; but alsoB/; rather thanCBoth; andDNeither; nor6 . _ the woman_long hair ?Shes our teacher.AWhats , withBWhos , hasCWhats , hasDWhos , with7 . Im really not clear _.Athat he solved the crime or notBwhat happens to the missing vaseChow long he came to ShanghaiDwho was questioned by the detective8 . We dont have eggs, Mom. How about going to the _ to get some with me?AschoolBlibraryCclassroomDstore9 . _ it is to get together. with friends and family at the Spring Festival.AWhat a funBHow funCWhat funnyDWhat fun10 . -Ms. Steen is leaving soon to go back to America.Shall we have a party for her?-Sounds great! If we_,all our classmates will come.AdoBhaveCwill doDwill have二、完型填空Some African schools are adding programs that teach something called “soft skills” to students. Soft skills are personal _ that help a person understand how others feel or behave so that he is able to communicate with them or deal with them easily. Officials(官员) say this kind of training can help students _ in the job market, and in life.The training is being offered at a Secondary School in Rwanda. For weeks, _ students have been visiting neighbourhood businesses. The purpose of these field trips is for the young people to learn what is necessary to get a job. _, they stop at a SIM card business to ask what qualities the owner looks for in an employee(雇员). For the secondary school students, this information is important. In a few months, theyll _ their studies and try their best to find work after the training. 22-year-old Niyitegeka is one of the _. Back at school, Niyitegeka and his classmates take part in imaginary _. Niyitegeka stands in front of a female student who acts as the interviewer. Even preparing for the interview makes him nervous. Niyitegeka has difficulty looking at the other student. He _ touches his clothing and looks away. Traditionally, secondary schools in Africa have spent _ time on subjects like mathematics and science, largely taking no notice of areas like public speaking and teamwork. _ that is changing. Schools are exploring new teaching models to offer soft skills and professional training. It is part of an effort to prepare students to become better communicators, problem solvers and citizens.11 . AexperiencesBqualitiesCthoughtsDprograms12 . ApracticeBhuntCsucceedDorganize13 . AtheirBourChisDits14 . AIn factBFor exampleCAfter allDAbove all15 . AcompleteBcontinueCrefuseDforget16 . AstudentsBteachersCownersDmanagers17 . AspeechesBjourneysCcompetitionsDinterviews18 . AhappilyBterriblyCcomfortablyDnervously19 . AmoreBlessClittleDno20 . AButBThoughCSoDOr三、阅读单选Not everyone has a chance to be a detective(侦探), but I got one when I was 13 years old. It happened in 1996.One afternoon, I was walking down the street when I saw my fathers new car. I expected(期望) to see my father in the drivers seat. But to my surprise, I saw a young woman driving instead, “She has stolen my fathers car,” I thought. So I quickly stopped a taxi and got in. I said to the driver, “Follow that new car in front,” I told him why.The taxi driver had a car phone, so I asked him to call the police. Soon we heard the sound of a police car. The police told the woman to stop the car using a loudspeaker. The taxi came to a stop, too. I got out right then and said to the woman, “This is not your car. Its my fathers car.”The woman smiled and said, “Oh. Youre Mr. Johnsons son, right? Ive seen your photo in your fathers office.”Before I could say one word, the woman explained that she was my fathers new assistant(助手). My father had asked her to take his computer to the shop to have it repaired. He lent her his car. After hearing this, I called my father and he told us what the woman said was right. The police and the taxi driver laughed. I felt very sorry. It was both the first time and the last time I worked as a detective.21 . When did the story take place?AThirteen years ago.BTwenty years ago.CThirty years ago.DBefore 1994.22 . What did the writer see one afternoon on a street?AHe saw his father driving a new car with a young woman.BHe saw a young woman driving a new car with his father.CHe saw a young woman trying to steal his fathers new car.DHe saw a young woman in his fathers new car.23 . How did the writer manage to get his fathers car to stop?AHe had his father call the young woman.BHe asked the taxi driver to stop his fathers car.CHe got the help of the police.DHe called the young woman.24 . How did the writer feel when he found out the truth?AHe felt good about himself.BHe felt sorry.CHe felt very happy.DHe felt excited.Wind On The HillBy A. A. MilneNo one can tell me,Nobody knows,Where the wind comes from,Where the wind goes.Its flying from somewhereAs fast as it can,I couldnt keep up with it,Not if I ran.But if I stopped holdingThe string of my kite,It would blow with the windFor a day and a night.And then when I found it,Wherever it blew,I should know that the windHad been going there too.So then I could tell themWhere the wind goes.But where the wind comes fromNobody knows.25 . According to the poem, what is the possible way to find out where the wind goes?ATo find the place where the kite drops.BTo be told by someone else.CTo hold the string of the kite and run with it.DTo keep up with the wind day and night.26 . Which of the following is true according to the poem?AWe can find out where the wind comes from in the same way.BThe writer believes it is impossible to know where the wind goes.CNobody knows where the wind comes from and goes except the writer.DThe writer succeeds in finding a way of knowing where the wind goes.27 . What kind of person do you think the writer is?AFunny.BLonely.CClever.DCareless.Its a Sunday morning. Lin Tao has no school today. He has breakfast and goes out. He is going to his grandfathers home. Now he is on his way there. He walks and walks. Then he comes to a river. The river is not wide(宽的).There is a board over the river. Lin Tao walks onto the board. Suddenly he falls into the river. “Help! Help!”Lin Tao is crying. But no one comes. There is no one nearby. He waits in the water for some time. But nothing happens. He begins to get up. The water is not very deep(深的). It only comes to half his legs.28 . Lin Tao goes to his grandfathers home_A. on a school dayB. on a rainy dayC. when there is no school29 . The river is _A. very wide but not deepB. very deep but not wideC. not wide or deep30 . Lin Tao falls into the river _A. when he is walking on the boardB. when he comes to a riverC. when he gets to his grandfathers home31 . _ comes to help him.A. No oneB. A man nearbyC. His grandfather32 . Lin Tao _the river at last.A. walks out of B. waits in C. walks alone四、语法填空(题文)读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。An Englishman was on vacation. He only had money(小题1)(buy) the ticket for his journey back home. He knew that it would (小题2)(take) him only two days, so he(小题3)(decide) to spend the time without (小题4)(eat) any food. He bought the ticket back home (小题5) got on the ship. When dinner time came, he didnt go to the dining room. He said that he wasnt feeling very good.The next morning, he didnt have breakfast. And at lunchtime, he still stayed in his room. But (小题6) dinner time, he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and (小题7)(eat) everything the waiter put in front of him. He was ready for the quarrel (争吵). Bring me the bill(账单), he said.The bill, sir? said (小题8)waiter in (小题9)surprise) . There (小题10)(be) not a bill. On our ship, meals are free.五、多任务混合问题任务型阅读阅读短文,并按要求完成各小题Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning. Others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they can learn what is happening in the world.Sometimes, we are too busy to read all the news carefully. So we just take a quick look at the front page. At other times,we may be in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the headlines of the passages.We can find newspapers everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in big cities, but in some mountain villages we can see few newspapers.Some newspapers are published once a week, but most of the papers are published once a day with many pages, some even published twice a day! You know different people enjoy reading different newspapers. Some like world news, and others prefer short stories.They just choose what they are interested in.Today newspapers in English have the largest numbers of readers in the world. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such as China Daily or 2lst Century.33 . 完成句子Some people read newspaper firstly_.34 . 简要回答How could people read newspapers if they are in a hurry?_.35 . 简要回答Why are many Chinese students reading English newspapers?_.36 . 找出并写下全文的主题句_.37 . 将划线句子译成汉语。_.六、将所给单词连成句子将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。38 . English,I,programs,practice,by,listening,watching_39 . boats,how,the,dragon,fantastic,are_!40 . it,on,important,to,be,is,time_?41 . sad,made,movies,me,want,leave,to_.42 . sharks,what,do,should,we,to,the,help_?七、材料作文43 . 假设你假期去了某个地方。给你的朋友写封信,告诉他或她你都做了什么,和谁一起去的,天气如何,食物是否可口等。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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