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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You cant wear shoes inside this place. It _.Adoesnt allowBisnt allowedChasnt allowedDwasnt allowed2 . Susan isnt sure _her parents will allow her to get a parttime job.AthatBhowCwhatDwhether3 . Lily likes pop music very much, but _her father _her mother likes it.Aboth; andBnot only; but alsoCneither; norDeither; or4 . -does it take to get to school ? - It takes about 15 minutes foot .AHow far ; onBHow long ; onCHow often ; by5 . - Are those your good friends?- No, _.Athey arentBhe isntCshe isntDthey are6 . sunny day it is today!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a7 . -Whose book is it?-look! Janes name is on the cover(封面). It _ hers.Acant beBmust beCshould beDmust is8 . I like the song sung by Li Jian.Me, too.I think no one can sing _ than him in the programme I AM A SINGER.AbetterBworseCmoreDless9 . Lets _ to the park on Sunday.AgoBgoingCgoesDto go10 . Excuse me, could you tell me_ ? Wait a moment. It is coming in ten minutes.Awhere the next train will arriveBif the next train will arriveChow soon the next train will arriveDhow often the next train will arrive11 . Whats your father like? He _ .Alikes historyBlikes eating meatCis 40 years oldDis tall and thin12 . In class , our teachers always stand_ us in order to hear us clearly.AbelowBbetweenCaway fromDamong13 . Teenagers should _ to make their own decisions.AallowedBallowsCbe allowedDallow14 . Mo Yan is known _ a writer.AofBforCasDin15 . He prefers _ newspaper to _ TV on Saturday evening.Areading ; watchingBreading ; watchCread ; watchingDread ; watch二、补全短文7选5Do you want to make homework simpler? Oxford learning founder, Whitehead, said, “Homework might be an necessary part in school, but it isnt the boring part. With the right skills in place, students can make homework be- come simpler.”16 . .Use your notebooks17 . . When a teacher assigns (分配) homework, students should write the details in their notebooks. Accord- ing to White head, to make them effective, students need to remember to take the notebooks out of their school bags at night, open them up and read over the nights list.Take a breakWhat happens if students are having difficulty in solving a problem or cant work out an answer? It is wise for students to take a small break and then return to look at the problem again. 18 . .Get organized19 . . Whitehead suggested, “Students should keep all the homework-related things in a box so that they wont waste time searching for pens or rulers.”20 . . Dont put off.I think if students follow the tips mentioned above, doing homework will be an interesting thing.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。AYou can try this way. BThese steps will make a difference.CIt will bring students much progress.DHomework should be put in order.EMaybe the problem will be solved quickly after the break.FHe also suggests completing homework on time each day.GStudents should never depend on the brain to remember all details.三、完型填空On Sunday,I walked to the supermarket. As usual,there I bought all things on the shopping list that my mother gave me. As I turned to go out,I saw a beautiful_in the window. I turned away,feeling sad that I could never_such a dress. Outside,I couldnt take my mind_that dress. I worked so hard to help my family but l got_ in return,just more chores to do. I was so_that I didnt realize the apples were falling out of the bag onto the road. Suddenly,I saw a pair of hands,handing me two of the apples. I_ and saw a homeless old man. His clothes were old,_his eyes were soft and kindThanks, I said. No other words were spoken as he continued helping me. Soon all the apples were back into the_. I said Thank you one more time and was ready to_because I had many other things to do. Finally,he said,Have a good day. And then he gave me the biggest_ I had never seen. Right then,he looked years younger-and I felt like a fool. Seeing him disappear into the crowd,I couldnt stop feeling sorry for_.The homeless old man_ me so much. Life was_easy for him. He reminded me with his smile that my life was good enough, and there were_things than not having a dress. My mother will give me the shopping list next Sunday. I will make the same journey to the supermarket and probably see something I want but cant have, too. But_I start to feel down, I will remember the kind stranger with a big smile.21 . AcoatBdressCskirtDscarf22 . AownBseeCshowDfind23 . AbackBdownCoffDin24 . AanybodyBanythingCnobodyDnothing25 . AmovedBthankfulCinterestedDangry26 . Alooked overBlooked upClooked outDlooked in27 . AbutBsoCbecauseDthough28 . AdrawerBbagCboxDbasket29 . AayBcryCleaveDwork30 . AappleBbowlCsmileDdress31 . AhimBherCusDmyself32 . AhurtBmissedCtaughtDasked33 . AoftenBusuallyCalwaysDnever34 . AworseBbetterCfewerDcheaper35 . AafterBbeforeCuntilDsince四、阅读单选Who is greatest teacher in Chinese history? You cant think of anyone else when you hear people read Confucius (孔子) 2,500 year-old words: All study but no thinking makes people puzzled. All thinking but no study makes people lazy.Tuesday was Confucius birthday. He was born on September 28,551 BC in the Kingdom of Lu (鲁国), in todays Shandong Province. Chinese look upon Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. He had about 3,000 students. For more than 2,000 years, Confucius ideas have been around in peoples everyday lives. Now they have gone far into Western countries and south Asia. People can still hearthemtoday.Why are his ideas so popular? They help not only in everyday life but also society. Confucius most important ideas are kindness and good manners. Confucius said young people should take care of the old. People should give up thinking of themselves and work for others. As a great teacher, Confucius said that all should go to school if they wanted to learn.Some of Confucius popular words are A kind person should care others and Be strict with yourself, but be kind to others. People use his ideas to help themselves and society. Now, more than 100 Internet web sites are teaching people about Confucius and his ideas.Kindness and honesty are the best values of the world today, said 79-year-old Kong Fanjin who was studying Confucius.36 . Confucius was born about _ .A500 years agoB2,500 years agoC3,000 years agoD2,000 years ago37 . Confucius was not only a greatest teacher but also a greatest _.AartistBthinkerCfighterDleader38 . The underline word: them in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to (指的是).Athe greatest teacher and thinkerBConfucius studentsCpeople in Western countries and south AsiaDConfucius ideas39 . Which of the following isnt Confucius ideas?AAll thinking but no study makes people lazyByoung people should take care of the oldCBe strict with others, but be kind to yourselfDA kind person should care others40 . According to (根据) the text you can find more about Confucius and his ideas.Aon the InternetBin the libraryCfrom your teacherDon TVMary and her friends are making plans for summer holiday. They want to have a great time in summer.Mary: I want to stay with my cousin in another city. During the holiday, I want to learn to use computers and Im going to the beach to relax, too.Linda: Im thinking about going camping with my brother on an island (岛). I hope to swim in the sea and play on the beach.Cindy: My plan in summer is different. I want to take a part-time job in a fast food restaurant, because I like meeting new people and talking with them. My parents say its good to make money by myself and learn a lot from the job.41 . Linda is going to an island with her _.AbrotherBcousinCparentsDfriends42 . Cindy wants to _ during the summer holiday.ASwim in the seaBcook foodCTake a part-time jobDuse computers43 . Both Mary and Linda plan to _.AVisit a cityBmake moneyCgo campingDgo to the beach五、阅读判断Last week I went to London for a holiday with Jenny.We got there by plane on Monday morning and took a taxi to our hotel. In the afternoon we went for a walk in Hyde Park.On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.The next day we visited the British Museum and had supper in a Chinese restaurant!On Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge by boat on the River Thames and looked at the city.On the last day I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. After I went back to the hotel, I sent some emails to my friends.阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。44 . Last week I went to London with Marry.45 . We went for a walk in Hyde Park on Monday afternoon.46 . On Thursday we went to Tower Bridge by taxi.47 . On the last day I did some shopping.48 . Jenny sent some emails to her friends.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空(题文)A)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。49 . (小题1)Tina is as_ (smart) as Isabel.50 . (小题2)The poor man feels even _(bad) than before.51 . (小题3)Ruby is _(funny) than me.52 . (小题4)Bill is much _(heavy) than before.53 . (小题5)The _(careful) you are, the _(good) grades youll get.七、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子。54 . 他很少惹麻烦,他的父母为他感到自豪。He _ caused any problems, and his parents were _ him.55 . 他不再对学习感兴趣。He was _ interested in studying.56 . 他经常旷课。He was often _ school.57 . 令我们惊讶的是,这次谈话改变了他的一生。_, this conversation changed his life.58 . 即使他们很忙,他们总是想着我。_ they are very busy, they are always _ me.59 . 李华意识到他昨天犯了一个错误。Li Hua realized that he _ yesterday.八、话题作文60 . 书面表达。利用所提供的短语,以“My Brothers Morning”为题写一篇小短文。词数:4060。参考词汇:get up, go running, read books, have breakfast, go to school, begin classMy Brothers Morning_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、

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