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人教版2019-2020学年中考二模(下学期期中)英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She had no idea whether she could _ with her classmates in that new environment until she _ Kim.Amake friend; metBmake friends; metCmake friend; meetsDmake friends; meet2 . There are _ :ti:nT people in my family.Wow! What a big family!AthreeBthirteenCthirty3 . We _ in a good harvest because we _ enough rain.Adidnt gethad hadBgothad hadChad gothad hadDgothadnt had4 . Miss Ma is our English teacher. We all like _ very much.AheBsheChimDher5 . I dont know there.Ato getBhow getCwhere to getDhow to get6 . When will Zhou Mei arrive _ Wuhan?_the morning of May 15.Aat, InBat, OnCin, InDin, On7 . As a volunteer ,Guo Mingyi _always _help others who are in trouble .Ais ;seenBis ; seen toCis ; seeDis ;saw8 . For students, reading a lot is _ than watching TV.AinterestingBeducationalCmore interestingDmore educational9 . You dont need to his house. You can call him.AgoBgoingCto goDwent10 . If you get a serious _, you should see a doctor.AstoryBillnessCmatterDnature11 . The food in the restaurant is good _ the price is too _.Aand; highBbut; highCbut; expensiveDbecause; low12 . -You look pale today, Madam! Whats the matter with you?- _ serious. Just a cold.ASomethingBAnythingCNothingDEverything13 . I have a fever, so the doctor gave me some medicine _ that.AofBforCwith14 . _nervous the girl was! She could not fall asleep all night.AWhatBWhat aCHow15 . _ space travel make people _ very ill?No, it _.ADo; to feel; dontBDoes; feel; doesntCDoes; to feel; doesntDDoes; feeling; doesnt16 . We didnt enjoy the tour _the weather was terrible.AifBthoughCbecauseDwhen17 . Im not feeling well. I may have _ bad cold.AaB/CanDthe18 . Dad, can I get my ear pierced? It looks so cool! _! You are a school girl, after all.ANo wayBSounds goodCThats for sureDNever mind19 . Uncle Sam said he _ my birthday party, but he never showed up. - Thats Uncle Sam. He forgets everything!Awill attendBwould attendChas attendedDhad attended20 . Thank you for offering us such a good meal!-_.AI didnt cook so wellBDont mention itCCome here next timeDIm glad you enjoy it二、完型填空完形填空Peter and Tommy_a good friend. His_name is Barry. They like sports. Peter thinks baseball_interesting. He_it. Tommy and Barry like playing tennis. They have a pair of(一副)_Tennis_relaxing. They_play soccer because(因为) it is difficult. Peter and Barry_watch TV because it is boring. Peter and Tommy_volleyball._go and play volleyball, OK?Peter and Tommy like_and rice. But I dont like_I like fruit very much. So I think Im very_breakfast, I often have bread and eggs. What_my dinner? Oh, I like salad.21 . AisBareChave22 . AlastBfirstCfamily23 . AisBareChas24 . AplayBlikesCplays25 . Atennises batBtennis batsCtennis bat26 . AhaveBareCis27 . AdontBarentCdoesnt28 . AdoBcanCdont29 . AlikeBhaveChas30 . ALet weBLetsCLet31 . AtomatoesBeggCcarrot32 . AitBtheyCthem33 . AeasyBhealthyCrelaxing34 . AForBInCAt35 . AatBaboutCfor三、阅读单选The National Literacy Trust once did some research (调查) on reading. About 32,000 children from different schools in the UK answered the questions from it. These children are aged from 8 to 18.The research shows that children in the UK are reading less in their free time. Just over a quarter of the students said they read outside school. About the same number said their parents didnt feel that reading was important. Half of those students said they enjoyed reading very much or quite a lot. About two in five thought reading was cool, but about one in three said they only read when they had to.Jonathan Douglas from the National Literacy Trust said, Our research not only shows that children are reading less and having negative attitudes(消极的态度) to reading but also shows the relationship (关系) between this and their performance(表现) in reading tests.”The research also finds that many children in the UK like to read e-books outside school. The percentage in 2014 was about 6% and it grew to 12% in 2015In todays world, there are so many activities for children to do. But if they sit down and do some reading, they will find reading is really interesting and useful.36 . How many students answered the questions from the National LiteracyAAbout 32, 000BAbout 3, 200CAbout 16DAbout 8.37 . What does the research show?AChildren in the UK do well in their reading testsBParents in the UK think reading is unimportant.CChildren in the UK are reading less in their free time.DSchools in the UK dont give their students much free time38 . The underlined word this in Paragraph 3 refers to “_”Athe researchBthe National Literacy Trust 2.ebmonCmany children like to read e-booksDchildren are reading less and having negative attitudes to reading39 . About_ of the students in the UK liked to read e-books in 2014A6%B12%C40%D50%40 . The last paragraph tells us that childrenAshould do more readingBshould sit down when they readCneed to do all kinds of activitiesDlike interesting and useful things四、句型转换语言运用根据A句完成B句,使其意思相同或相近,每空填一词(含缩写词),将正确答案写在答题栏相应题号的横线上。41 . A: They left for the museum at nine and arrived there at ten yesterday.B: It _ _ one hour to get to the museum yesterday.42 . A:We must hand in our exercise-books now.B: Our exercise-books must _ _in by us now.43 . A :His favourite subject is English.B: He _ English _ .44 . A: The old photo made me remember my mother.B:The old photomemy mother.45 . A:Bob is not very tall and not very short.B:Bob is of _ _ .五、用所给单词的正确形式填空请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为的相应横线上。46 . Mum, can you come to the_ (parent) meeting tomorrow?47 . My sister is good at _ ( draw) .48 . The_ ( hero) in the story are great. I like them very much.49 . Lets _ (meet) Daniel after school.50 . - What are _ (they) favourite sports? - Sorry, I dont know.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文B)综合短文填空(从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成短文,每空一词,每词限用一次)。famous, although, well, at, working, time, not, better,what, bought, were, madeI had a problem a month ago. I found most of my classmates were much 51 . than me at studies, so I was very nervous. 52 . I spent much time on my studies, I didnt get good grades. Sometimes my father gave me some help. He told me 53 . to worry. But it didnt help. I didnt know 54 . to do.Later, my teacher told me that many 55 . people were not so good when they 56 . young. Edison, a well-known scientist wasnt good 57 . studies when he was young. But when he grew up, he 58 . many things that helped people a lot. My teacher also told me to keep 59 . hard, so I decided to try my best. I believe I could do better and get better grades next 60 . .七、单词填空综合填空。Complete the passage with proper words.Is a computer cleverer than I am? The answer to this question is, for the time61 . “No”. Your brain can understand the meaning of things 62 . and create new ideas. However, one day computers may be able to do 63 . things that a human brain can do and do them better. They may be better than doctors, judges and teachers at 64 . their jobs.If this is true, it raises 65 . questions. What will happen to us if computers can do 66 . jobs? How will we spend our lives? Will we have nothing to do? Computers may change our lives. But will they make 67 . better? How do we give a computer instruction?We give a computer instructions by68 . a program into it. The program is69 . by a human being, and it is essential that the human does not make a mistake. If we want a computer to do different 70 . , we have to give it different programs.八、回答问题阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。They say that seeing is believing, but when it comes to TV advertisements, this is not always the case.The worlds leading mobile phone maker, Apple, published its latest model Iphone XS on September 13th. The smart phone was supposed to own an advanced camera, which lets customers shoot better pictures at night and record stabilized(稳定的)videos. To show how well these features work, the company published an ad showing a man and a woman riding bicycles side by side, with the man taking a video of the woman on the phone. However, several hours later, technology website The Verge uncovered that the video was neither shot with the new product, nor shot from someone riding a bicycle. Instead, someone in a lorry next to the woman took the video using a professional video camera.The next day Apple apologized, In an effort to show the benefits of visual image stabilization, we produced a video that looks like what we will be able to deliver. Indeed, what we have seen in ads is more or less a simulationa practice called advertising photography.McDonalds video in June explained the art. It showed how its burgers get dolled up (装扮)before going on camera. Like models preparing for a magazine cover shoot, burgers also get designed in a photography studio. They are prepared for hours and put together very carefully so they look their best before photo shoots. Each ingredient, such as onions and sauce, is carefully put into place to make the burger look much juicier, bigger and tastier. Computer software photoshop is also used to add visual effects.So dont feel surprised when you get a burger that never looks like what you see in ads.71 . When did Apple publish its latest model Iphone XS?_72 . Was the video of the woman taken by the man riding a bike?_73 . Why did Apple create the video?_74 . How long are burgers prepared before going on camera?_75 . What is used to add visual effects?_九、材料作文76 . 读后续写:阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行故事续写。My colleague Norris and I had been eating a diet of fast food for almost a week, ever since several times of storms attacked central Oklahoma. Moore, Oklahoma was attacked by the storms, but many communities nearby were badly damaged, too. Norris and I worked as reporters at KFOR-TV. During a few days of breaking news, wed both experienced things no one should ever see. More than twenty people died from the storms, and hundreds more were hurt. Once the storms passed, many people had nothing left. Others tried to save lives they could still find. Hopelessness and anger were easy to see. Optimism(乐观)and hope were not. Indeed, as Memorial Day(阵亡将士纪念日)drew near, neither one of us felt very good. People across the country would raise American flags, but not us. That Friday found us doing it in Bethel Acres, Oklahoma. Storm debris(残骸), fallen trees, piles of bricks, trash, and broken memories had replaced most of the houses in this small town. No standing buildings. No standing flagpoles for national flags. No time for rest and relaxation. People there needed us. We had stories to tell. And we had a job to do. Norris parked the car on a destroyed road and turned it off, “Who do you think we should interview?”“I dont know,” I said, “I guess well just pick one.”Over the last week both of us had filled more “family tries to rebuild” stories than we could count. We could have told stories for a month and never told them all. 注意:1. 可参考划线词汇续写故事, 内容合理即可;2. 词数应为120词左右;3. 故事的开头语已为你写好。Then I saw Alan, a man with an American flag in hand, looking around for something. _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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