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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期中测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which of the following part has a different sound?AthoseBmonthChealthDthink2 . 下列单词中,所含元音音素不同的一项是: .AitBinCquiltDfine.3 . AsheBeveningCweDnext4 . In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others?AalthoughBthroughCthan5 . Which underlined(划线)word pronunciation(发音)is different from the others?AheightBweightCstraightDeight二、补全短文5选5No one knows when the first house was build and who was the first one to built the house. But the houses are changing all the time.16.What will the house of the future look like? Could it have gardens on its walls, or a pool with fish for dinner? Architects (建筑师) believe that they may come true one day. The only thing for sure is that the houses will be as green as possible in the future.17.Many architects in the world would like to build a house like a leaf he surface of the house collects sunlight during the day. The energy can be used to heat water, produce electricity, and even make fresh air for the room. The root (根) of the house is deep under the ground. It uses the soil to control the rooms temperature.18.Like a lizard (蜥蜴), changing color with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house. When its in the bright sun, the cover of the house will turn white to protect it from strong heat. During dark days, it turns dark and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy.19.This design is perhaps as much about the future of food production as architecture (建筑风格). It has a garden on the outside wall of the house. People can plant tomatoes, carrots and green tea on them. So every morning, you just need to walk outside and collect your meals.20. Looking to the future isnt the only way to be green. Sometimes, the old ways of building houses can also help cut down energy use. For example, a chimney (烟囱) can be a useful air conditioner because it is easier for hot air to run out of the chimney.根据材料内容,从下面方框内找出与上面内容相对应的标题。ALearning from the pastBMeals at homeCThe lizard houseDHouses in the futureEThe tree house6 . _7 . _8 . _9 . _10 . _三、完型填空B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语选项完成短文):What makes an advertisement effective? You can easily answer this question if you walk around a city. A good ad is one that gets your attention and makes you focus on the important _, too.To learn how to create an effective ad, like a poster for example, start by _ the two posters on the right. Answer this without stopping to think: Which one is more effective? Yes, its the one at the bottom. Lets examine why.First of all, its more colourful and its got attractive pictures. The white and black poster almost becomes invisible next to it. Colour draws attention. Moreover, it can _ your feelings and make you react in a certain way. Images do the same. Do the cupcakes on the poster at the bottom make your mouth water? Do they make you quickly go through the text to find out where you can get them? Thats what theyre there for! An ad isnt just colour and pictures. Youve got something to say, so the next thing you should do is to decide how much text you should write. Remember that people are impatient and will _ read a long text to see what its about. The amount of text should be just right to get your message across, so focus on your message and say it with as few words as possible. Your choice of font (the style of letters), font size (how big or small the letters are) and font colour also play an important role. You want the text to be _ to read, especially from a distance._, you have to decide how youre going to organize both the pictures and the text in the space youve got. A good layout helps people read the ad quickly and communicates your message more effectively. If your poster is too busy, your message will simply get lost!11 . AtaskBinformationCgoalDproof12 . AdiscoveringBmemorizingCcomparingDrecognizing13 . AexpressBhideClinkDaffect14 . AprobablyBmainlyCrarelyDdefinitely15 . AeasyBenjoyableCbasicDserious16 . AHoweverBFinallyCIn conclusionDAs a result四、阅读单选In Canada and the United States , people enjoy entertaining(请客)at home . They often invite friends over for a meal ,a party , or just for coffee and conversation.Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their homes:“Would you like to come over for dinner this Saturday night ?”“Hey , were having a party on Friday. Can you come?”To reply to an invitation , either say “thank you” and accept , or say “Im sorry” and give an excuse:“Thanks , Id love to . What time would you like me to come ?” or “ Oh, sorry , Ive tickets for a movie.”Sometimes , however, people use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not real invitations . For example: “Please come over for a drink sometime.”“Why dont you come over and see us sometime soon ?”They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation . They are not real invitations because they dont mention a specific(确定的)time or date . They just show that the person is trying to be friendly . To reply to expressions like these , people just say “Sure , that would be great !”or “OK/Yes , thanks.”So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation , listen carefully , is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly ?17 . Why do Canadians and Americans often invite friends for meals at home ?ABecause they can save time.BBecause they can spend less money .CBecause they enjoy entertaining at home.DBecause they have modern and beautiful houses.18 . Which of the following is a real invitation ?AIf youre free , lets go for a drink sometime.BPlease go to the cinema with me some day.CWould you like to have a cup of tea with us sometime.DIve two tickets here . Can you go to the concert with me ?19 . If people say “Lets get together for lunch some day”, you just say “_”AThat would be nice.BHow about this weekend?COh , sorry , Im very busy.DThats great . Ill be there on time.20 . People use “an unreal invitation” in order to (为了)show that _.Atheyre trying to be friendlyBtheyre trying to be helpfulCtheyre trying to make friendsDtheyre trying to be happy21 . The passage is mainly about _.Aentertainment at homeBreal invitations or notCexpressions of starting a conversationDways of ending a conversationIm a school girl. My brother and I are twins. We are both at school. We like school. My parents are both teachers. They work hard. My brother and I study at No. 1 Middle School. There are twenty-five boys and eighteen girls in our class.We go to school from Monday to Friday. We have no classes on Saturday and Sunday. We usually get up at six. We come to school at seven oclock. Classes begin at eight. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have lunch at fifteen past twelve. At three fifty we have sports.We study Chinese, Maths, English, History, Politics and other lessons. We like Chinese. We like English, too. Some of us are good at it.We go home at five oclock. We have supper at six oclock. We do our homework at seven every evening and go to bed at half past nine, but sometimes we go to sleep at about ten.22 . My brother is _ and I am _.Aa worker; a studentBa student; a workerCa student; a teacherDa student; a student23 . We have _ at fifteen past twelve.AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner24 . We begin to do our homework from _ to _ every evening.AMonday; FridayBseven; half past nineCschool; homeDsix; eight25 . There are _ boys and _ girls in our class.Aeighteen; twenty-fiveBsome; anyCtwenty five; eighteenDmany; much26 . Do they often have sports in the morning or in the afternoon?AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CIn the morning.DIn the afternoon.27 . What subject do they like and what subject are they good at?AChinese and maths.BMaths and English.CHistory and politics.DChinese and English.28 . If you want to join the world for Earth Hour you can simply _.Acall us on 555-3033 at 3 p.m. SundayBturn off your lights for one hourCtake action at 8:30 a.m. on 28 Mar. 2009Dgo around the world to 2,000 cities29 . The final soccer match is _.Aat 7 p.m. on FridayBat 2 p.m. on MondayCat 3 p.m. on SaturdayDat 3 p.m. on Sunday30 . There is a silk blouse which is 100 at New Star Mall. You can pay _ if you want to buy it on Mothers Day.A 50B 60C 40D 2531 . Which movie star can you see on Saturday night?AWentworth MillerBMichael SchofieldCHarry PotterDJackie Chan32 . If you are interested in Harry Potter childrens show, you can find more information by _.Avisiting us at New Star MallBcalling us on 690-1856Ccalling us on 555-3033Dturning off your lights for one hourNameAgeSchoolFromClassFavouriteAlice11International SchoolEngland4ReadingTony13New Star Middle SchoolChina3BasketballLinda12No. 1 Middle SchoolEngland5WritingBill14New Star Middle SchoolAmerica7Football33 . _ are from England.ABill and LindaBAlice and LindaCAlice and TonyDBill and Alice34 . Bill is _ years old.AelevenBtwelveCfourteenDthirteen35 . Who is in Class 3?AMikeBTonyCAliceDBill36 . Linda is from _.ANo.1 Middle SchoolBYuying Middle SchoolCNew Star Middle SchoolDInternational School37 . _ is Alices favourite.AReadingBFootballCWritingDBasketball五、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。38 . Those are her pencils. (改为一般疑问句)_ her pencils?39 . Is that Ginas schoolbag? (作否定回答)_, _.40 . This is a pencil box. (改为复数句)These _.41 . Is this ruler hers? (改为同义句)_ this _ ruler?42 . These are your pens. (改为同义句)These pens _.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示写出英语单词。43 . If you dont know this word, you can ask your teacher for h_.44 . This baseball is not m_; its Peters.45 . My sister cant speak English well. She thinks its very d_ for her.46 . She doesnt want to be f_, so she doesnt eat meat.47 . Lets go and get some food in that store.Its a clothes store, and it doesnt s_ food.七、单词填空用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整,正确。hard stress push son much for give up colorful importance care advise whichWhy Are parents So Strict with Us?When I was young, my parents used to disagree nearly on everything I did. I liked wearing bright red clothes, but they said the 48 . was too sharp(时髦的. I hated eating vegetables, but they said they were good for my health.As for my study, my parents49 . me so hard in every subject I was learning. They always asked me to study hard. Every night before I fell asleep, I asked myself,“ Whats wrong with me? Everything I did was always not right. I had to50 . many things I like. I could 51 . have time for my hobbies. I felt 52 . .”When I was at college, I studied the science of human activities(人类学). I got very good marks, but I still did not understand why my parents were so strict.Then I got married and had my own53 . . I heard myself telling him, “You should focus on(集中于)your schoolwork in 54 . of your time. Playing computer games is not good. That T-shirt is not for your age. Put on a jacket!” It was at that time that I learn an 55 . lesson in my life. I began to understand my parents. They told me what to do because they56 . , just like I told my son what to do because I cared. Young people, behind all the57 . your parents give you, what they are really saying is “We care about you and we love you.”八、材料作文58 . (题文)假如你叫玛丽(Mary),根据下列表格写一篇不少于50词的短文。_.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、单词填空1、八、材料作文1、

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