人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期中复习Unit 1过关测试英语试题B卷

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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期中复习Unit 1过关测试英语试题B卷_第1页
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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期中复习Unit 1过关测试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Children in poor mountain villages _ learning about the outside world.Aare good withBare thirsty forCare thankful to2 . Which one can people choose to carry to listen to their favourite music while they are traveling, doing sports, or going for a walks?AA gramophoneBa player pianoCa phonographDa Walkman3 . Is thisruler?No, it isnt. Its.Ayour, mineBher, hisChis, herDyour, her4 . _ my baseball? _ under the chair.AWhere, ItBWheres, ItsCWherere, TheyDWhere are, Theyre5 . _ would you like me to pay you?Either Ali Pay or WeChat Pay. I dont care.AHowBWhatCWhyDWho6 . -_?-It is cold and snowy.AWhats day is it todayBHow are youCWhats the weather like in winter7 . - Happy Halloween, Kitty!-_.AYes, Im very happyBThanks. The same to youCOK, youre rightDNot at all8 . Excuse me, are these _ new shoes?No, they arent. _ are black over there.Ayour; MineBmy; YourCher; HerDmine; Yours9 . -I hope you dont mind my sitting here.- _. Its for Mr. Friend.ACertainlyBCertainly notCBetter not.DYes, I dont.10 . I _ Ann. You _Sam and she _ KateAis;am;areBam;is;areCam;are;isDis;are;am二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,其中有两项多余。Kate: Hello, Tom. 11 . Tom: Im fine. What about you, Kate?Kate: Im OK, thank you. Tom, 12 . Tom: Its a photo of my family.Kate: 13 . Tom: He is my brother. He is only six.Kate: 14 . Tom: No, she isnt. She is my aunt.Kate: Excuse me, Tom. 15 . Tom: Look. Its under the chair. I like it.A. Who is this boy?B. Whats this?C. Is this boy your brother?D. How are you?E. What color is it?F. Where is your cat?G. Is the woman your mother?A. Who is this boy?B. Whats this?C. Is this boy your brother?D. How are you?E. What color is it?F. Where is your cat?G. Is the woman your mother?三、完型填空In our kitchen, theres a wooden table and three chairs. The chair for my dad is always _.Thanksgiving Day is coming. How can I be thankful without my dad? Every night I go to sleep, whispering, Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.That morning, the smell of coffee_ me. I run into the kitchen. There he is. Dad lifts me onto his shoulders. Hows my boy? Youve got so big that I can_ lift you up anymore.Mum says shes going to make an apple pie for dads homecoming dinner. Go to the shelf and get that jar of apples for me, please, Jimmy. Thats the_ jar of apples on shelf.Every time I passed the shelf, I looked at the jar, _for dad to come home earlier. My mouth waters just at the word apple.I take the jar from the shelf and run to my dad and mum, so _ to be with them. But then I stumble and _. When I put out my hand to steady(稳住)myself, the jar drops through my_. It is broken, and bits of apple fly everywhere.Then I hear my mums steps and_ Are you hurt? She checks me for cuts. Thats the last jar weve been saving to welcome dad home with weeks of no dessert. I want her to shout at me, but all she said was Dont worry. I am going to make my Mama Sugar Pie_ apple.16 . AbrokenBemptyCseatedDbig17 . AwakesBsupportsCkillsDdrives18 . AeasilyBseldomCalwaysDhardly19 . AfirstBlastCbestDbiggest20 . AlookingBthankingChopingDplanning21 . AboredBsurprisedCexcitedDtired22 . Afall overBrun awayCjump upDset off23 . AfingersBshouldersCchairsDshelves24 . AtheoryBopinionCvoiceDanswer25 . AwithBaroundCbesidesDwithout四、阅读单选Dont Be Angry with Your Friends EasilyI have a good friend. His name is Alan. Alan is of medium build, but he is a little fat. He likes helping others. He also likes telling jokes, and his jokes often make me laugh. But yesterday we had a fight because of the football teams. At break(在课间时间), we talked about the 2014 World Cup. We argued(争论) about which team was the best. I thought it was Germany but he thought it was Argentina. After that, he said goodbye to me and talked with other students loudly. I was very angry with him.Then he still didnt talk to me all day. He didnt look at me, either. I started to feel sad. When it was time to go home, I asked him if he wanted to go with me. But he said “no” to me and went away.But Alan called me just before I went to bed. He said he was sorry about what he did. I said I never mind. We are still good friends now and I feel much better. I hope we wont have a fight.26 . What does Alan look like?AHe is of medium build.BHe is of medium height.CHe is thin and outgoing.27 . Yesterday we had a fight because we argued which _ was the best.Afootball teamBsports starCfootball match28 . _ likes Germany better than Argentina.AAlanBThe writerCNobody29 . The writer _ after the fight.Afelt sad and angryBwent awayCdidnt talk to Alan all day30 . Why did the writer and Alan become good friends again?ABecause they truly cared about each other.B.Because Alan called to say he was sorry.BBoth A and B.Walter Dean Myers, born on August 12, 1937, was an American writer of childrens books. He was known for young adult literature (文学). He wrote more than 100 books, including picture books and non-fiction. “I care about writing for young people because I remember how much I needed help and guidance at that time in my life, Myers said in his book.Myers loved writing. He got up at five oclock every morning. He worked at home in a small office that used to be his sons bedroom.Myers would first write an outline (提纲) for every book. He called this prewriting. He imagined what the story would be and write down ideas in a notebook. To make sure there are enough actions and dialogues for a good story, he thought of 30 scenes. He wrote a short description of each scene in his notebook.He also cut down the pictures of real people and put them in his office wall. He looked at those pictures and came up with ideas. Once he knew what the story would be and who the characters were, he began to write the book. He wrote five pages a day on his computer.Myers usually worked on three books at a time. When he was not prewriting or writing a book, he might rewriting something he had already completed. Then he would send his story to his agent. He or she made suggestion for the story.After these final changes were made, the book was published and made its way to bookstores and libraries. By that time, Myers would begin to write his next book. “I want to do that I can with my writing” said Myers.31 . From the first paragraph, we know Myers _.Awas born in 1973Bwas famous as a writerCwas born in BritainDdidnt write non-fiction books32 . The underlined word (in Paragraph 3) “this” refers to _.Aimagining a storyBdescribing sceneCwriting down the ideaDmaking an outline33 . _ helped Myers get ideas for the characters.AChildrens booksBother peoples storesChis friends and familyDpictures of real people34 . The passage is mainly about _.Athe life story of MyersBhow Myers wrote Myers booksCthe main characters in Myers booksDwhat Myers was famous forDo you know him? He is my friend, Tom. He often plays sports in the morning. He doesnt play basketball, volleyball or soccer. He likes playing baseball. He has three baseball bats and five baseballs.I am Helen.This is my mother Gina.She likes playing tennis. She plays tennis with me in the afternoon. She thinks it is fun. She has eight tennis balls.Look at the girl.She is my sister Kate.She likes playing ping-pong. She plays it in the afternoon with her friend Rose. They play it very well.The boy is John. He is my classmate. He likes playing basketball. He plays it after school and watches basketball games on TV.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。35 . Tom likes playing _.AbasketballBvolleyballCbaseballDsoccer36 . Gina is Helen s _ .AdaughterBmotherCsisterDaunt37 . Gina hastennis balls.AfiveBsixCsevenDeight38 . _ is Kates friend.ARoseBTomCHelenDJohn39 . John plays basketball_.Aafter schoolBin the morningCin the eveningDin the afternoon五、完成句子完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。40 . 为了赶上早班车,我早上必须早起。In order to catch the early busI have to _ early in the morning41 . 科学家们正在努力寻找将沙漠变成良田的方法。Scientists are trying to find ways to _ deserts _ good land.42 . 你对转基因食品有何看法?What do you _ GM foods?43 . 李东早上三点就起床等待2014年巴西世界杯的开幕式。Li Dong got up at 3:00 in the morning to _ the opening ceremony of the 2014 Brazil World Cup.44 . 尽管智能手机能够让我们生活更加方便,但是也会危害我们的学习、工作和健康。Although smart phones can make our life _, it is also bad for our study, work and health.六、单词填空阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Hello! My name is Linda Green. I can45 . (说) my Chinese name-Li Mei.46 . (现在) Im in Shengzhou. These are my family photos. The boy in47 . (黑色) is my brother, John. Look! Whats48 . (在下) his hand? Oh, its a49 . (字典). And I have50 . (七) cousins, they are sitting(坐) near the51 . (桌子). We all go to the same school. In52 . (我们的) school, we have friends53 . (到处). I like volleyball, I think its54 . (轻松的).七、材料作文55 . 假如你叫李华,学校英语广播站正在招募主持人。请你用英文给负责的老师 Sam 写一封自荐信,内容包括:你的基本信息,想做主持人的理由,以及具体打算做的事情。提示词语: like, improve, help, introduce, share提示问题: Whats your name and hobby? Why do you want to be a host? What are you going to do?Dear Sam,Id like to be a host for the English Broadcasting Station (英语广播站). _Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、材料作文1、

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