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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末模拟英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、听短对话回答问题1 . Where are they going tonight?ABC2 . 听一段对话,回答以下小题。1. How often does the boy exercise?AOnce a week.BThe whole day.CEvery day.3 . ATo the playground.BTo the reading room.CTo the classroom.4 . What sports does Jim like playing after school?ABadminton.BBasketball.CSoccer.5 . What does Tom have for dinner?ASome rice with vegetables.BOnly a chicken hamburger.CNoodles with fish.二、听句子选答语6 . AOn Monday.BIn 2010.CLast Month.7 . ANo, thanks!BThats all right!CThank you!8 . AIm singing.BDont worry.CIm feeling really sad.9 . AIts a pen.BIt is green.CPEN,pen.10 . AYes, it is.BNo, they arent.CTheyre books.三、听句子或对话选择图片11 . ABC12 . Whats lost?ABC13 . ABC14 . What did Jack do yesterday?AABBCC15 . What does Li Leis father do?ABC四、听长对话回答问题听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。16 . When was John reading the novel?AFrom 7:30 to 8:30.BFrom 7:30 to 9:30.CFrom 8:30 to 9:00.17 . What were his parents doing then?AWatching TV.BDoing homework.CWriting a letter.18 . Why didnt the woman go into Johns house?ABecause his door was closed.BBecause her parents didnt allow her to.CBecause she was on the way to a move.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。19 . What would Frank like?AA bowl of noodles.BA bowl of tomatoes.CA bowl of dumplings.20 . What size would he like?AA small bowl.BA medium bowl.CA large bowl五、单选题21 . My grandfather _go for a walk in the morning, but now he _going for a walk in the evening.Aused to; used toBis used to; used toCused to; is used toDis used to; is used to22 . Excuse _,could tell me _ name ?AI, herBme , herCme , hersDI , mine23 . Its so amazing that baby pandas weigh only about 140 grams_ birth.Wow, its hard to believe that.AonBinCatDwith24 . How much _ does she want?ApearBorangesCmilkDapple25 . The film is very interestingLets go to the cinema _Why not?AHave funBNot reallyCSounds fineDNot at all六、阅读单选AI(人工智能)makes our lives easier and better. Lets see the amazing AI. Cool driverless busA bus door opens and you get on. Wait, where is the driver? Here is a new kind of driverless bus called Apolong. It can seat 14 people and doesnt need a driver. The bus follows traffic rules. It stops every time it sees a stop light. Your close friendHi, everyone. Im Xiaoice, a chatbot(聊天机器人). I speak like a 17yearold girl. If you feel lonely, you can talk with me. Im good at singing, writing poems and telling stories. I want to be your friend!Worlds first AI anchorHey, look! The famous Chinese anchor(主播) Qiu Hao is reporting the news for us. But, is he really Qiu Hao? The answer is no. This is the worlds first AI anchor. It looks and speaks just like a real person. It speaks both Chinese and English. It can work 24 hours without any mistakes. The AI anchor joins Xinhuas reporting team. You might see it on TV soon. Popular AI artistThis beautiful painting was at an auction(拍卖) in 2018. It sold for about 3,000,000 yuan! But it is not a work by a famous painter, such as Vincent van Gogh. It was painted by an AI artist. Three Frenchmen created the AI. The AI artist studied over 15,000 paintings. In this way, it learned to paint. Now it is among the most popular artists in the world. 26 . The fact about Apolong is that_.AThere is a driver in itBthe door is opened by the passengerCthere are 24 seats in itDit stops every time it sees a stop light27 . The painting is _.Aa work painted by Vincent Van GoghBworth about 3,000,000 yuan at an auctionCstudied by three French artists over 15,000 timesDamong the most beautiful paintings in the world28 . We can probably see the passage in _.Aa guidebookBa noticeCa novelDa newspaper七、根据首字母、中文提示填空A) 根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。29 . Mr Li is 50 years old, but he is still _(精力充沛的).30 . Do you know colours can affect our_(情绪)?.31 . The old man is strange. He doesnt act _(正常)32 . If you take more exercise, you will be_(健康).33 . Many of the patients are so poor that they cant_(买得起)to travel to hospital.34 . The students in Class 8 are _(very good).35 . Tom is very _(funny and making you laugh). We all like him.B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式或句子的语法要求填空。36 . He spent much time in_(search) the Internet.37 . His grandpa used to _(smoke) a lot.38 . Dont be _(worry) too much. Youve just got a bad cold.39 . Thank you for_(operate) on them on the plane.40 . White is the colour of purity. If you wear white, you will feel _(relax).41 . His father died because of_(ill).42 . When he was a boy, he_(prefer)to stay at home rather than go to school.43 . He is very patient and always waits without _(get) angry.八、完成句子翻译句子。44 . 李先生总是第一个到达公司的人。Mr Li is always the first one_.45 . 人们在购物时越来越广泛地通过微信来付款。People pay through WeChat_while shopping.46 . 随着洗衣机的发明,很少有人愿意用手洗衣服了。_the washing machine, few people are willing to wash their clothes by hand.47 . 在18岁的时候,汤米拿到了他的驾照。_eighteen, Tommy got his_.48 . 你能告诉我是谁发明了共享单车吗?Can you tell me who_?九、选用适当的单词补全对话in, when, that, like, sound, do, twelve, December, too, whyA:How many months are there in a year?B:49 . A:Whats your favorite month?B:I 50 . June.A:51 . ?B:Because Childrens Day is in the month and my birthday is52 . this month,53 . .A:That 54 . interesting.You can get more presents(礼物).B:55 . is your birthday,Jimmy?A:My birthday is on56 . 4th.B: 57 . you like December?A:Yes,Ido.Ican go skating.B: 58 . sounds good.十、句子配对46.Goodbye.AThats OK.47.Thank you.BBye.48.Nice to meet you!CNo, Im not.49.Excuse me, are you Alice?DNice to meet you ,too.50.Hello!EHello!59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _十一、图文填空Here is the64 . tree of Linda. Cindy and Jack are her 65 . .Her66 . is David and her mom is Jane. Whos that woman(女人)?Oh, she is Sally, Lindas 67 . .Whos that man(男人)? Hes Lindas68 . , John.This is her69 . . His names Bob. And whos the girl?70 . names Betty. Shes Lindas71 . .What a big family!十二、多任务混合问题Miss Li: Good morning.Students: Good morning, Miss Li.Miss Li: Look! Whats this, Dale?Dale: Its a pen.Miss Li: Good. What color is it?Dale: Its blue.Miss Li: Good! Sit down, please. Now, whats this in English, Alice?Alice: Its a ruler. And its a green ruler.Miss Li:Great. Sit down, please.任务一:判断句子正(T)误(F)。72 . Miss Li is an English teacher.73 . Its afternoon now.任务二:回答下列问题。74 . Spell “pen”, please._75 . What color is the ruler?_任务三:将画线句子翻译成汉语。76 . _阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。Breaking Bad Eating -HabitsHave you heard the expression You are what you eat? Well, do you like who you are If not, break some bad eating habits and feel better about yourself. Bad habit 1: _ Many packaged ( = in small bags) foods, such as frozen (纤维) dumplings ,rice rolls and instant noodles (方便面) have lots of fat and calories (热量).The solution: Read the instructions to find the healthiest foods that are low in salt and nigh in fiber Also check to make sure they have ingredients such as vegetables and grains When possible, use packaged foods as part of a home-cooked meal. For example frozen (纤维) dumplings with fresh vegetables are better than dumplings alone.Bad habit 2:_People without breakfast dont have enough energy they need to get through the morning. Eating breakfast improves your concentration, memory (冰冻的) and mood.The solution: Always keep a kind of quick foods like yogurt. Or have a standing order a! breakfast place.Bad habit 3:_It takes your baby at least 20 minutes to “tell” your brain that you are full.So last eaters usually eat more than people who eat slowly.The solution: Try to slow down. Try eating at least some of your meals without I V, hand phones or computers. Use a plate or bowl when you eat. Bad habit 4:_ _Healthy snacks between meals are fine. But when you snack instead of having real meals, you will not eat your meals regularly. Plus, snack foods such as chips and sweets arent very satisfying That makes it easy to overeat.The solution: To get more energy, allow yourself two healthy snacks a day. Choose snacks that will make you feel full. Try fruit, yogurt or nuts.As we all know, bad habits can be broken. Take the first step toward a healthier eating routine(常规)star following these tips today!77 . 给文中的横线处选择合适的标题,并将其字母代号填写在下面的横线上.a. You are a fast eater.b. You often dont eat breakfast.c. All your meals come in packages.d. You snack too much.Bad habit 1:_ Bad habit 2:_ Bad habit 3:_ Bad habit 4:_78 . 列举出文中提到的三种packaged foods: (1 分)_79 . 根据上下文,将文中划线句子译成汉语It takes your baby at least 20 minutes to “tell” your brain that you are full._80 . 根据文章内容完成句子。No eating breakfast is bad influence on your_, _,_ and _81 . 回答问题;How can you eat snacks healthily? (至少答出两种方式)_82 . 从文中找出与所给句子意思相同或相近的句子。Your heaith depends on the food you eat._十三、将所给单词连成句子83 . like, an , I, apple_?84 . like , bananas, do, lunch, you,for_?85 . oranges, she, and, likes, pears _.86 . do, spell, your, how, name, you_?87 . I, Linda, friends, are, and_.十四、材料作文88 . 假设你是Cindy,请根据表格内容,写一篇短文,在英语课堂上介绍自己。NameCindy MillerBirthdaySeptember 18thAge(年龄)12Family members(成员)parents,a sisterTelephone number023-47568691Favorite subjectsEnglish and musicFavorite sportbaskethallFavorite foodoranges要求:1.词数60左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。2.包含所有要点,可适当发挥。3.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。4.文中不能出现真实的姓名和所在学校的名字。Hello,boys and girls ! _十五、其他左栏是对五个人的情况介绍,右栏是七个广告,请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的广告配对,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。1My father likes sports. His favorite sports are mountain climbing and fishing.2My mother likes to learn something about cooking good food and soup.3My sister is 20, and she likes listening to music and wearing beautiful clothes.4My grandpa usually has nothing to do in the evening and he likes watching operas(歌剧)very much.5My little brother is 5 years old. He thinks monkeys and pandas are interesting.AFamily Cooking: on ATV at 9:00 in the morning.BInsect World(昆虫世界):can be seen on CCTV-1 at 5 p.m. every Monday.CMusic and Fashion(时装):at 9:00 every Saturday evening. You can see beautiful clothes and listen to music at the same time.DSports Channel(频道)on GDTV:introduces(介绍)many sports at 11:00 p.m. such as fishing, swimming, boating and mountain climbing.EOpera Special(歌剧特约):on show from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on weekends. FGarden for Opera Fans(歌剧粉丝乐园):on Guangzhou TV, 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.GAnimal World: on show for 45 minutes on Nanfang TV at 8:00 p.m. every evening.89 . _90 . _91 . _92 . _93 . _94 . AmapBhateCwake95 . AkissBshineCquick96 . AleaveBbreakCpeace97 . AsouthByoungCtrouble98 . Asuch BMarchCheadache99 . This jacket is big,and that one is_.100 . I want to buy a pen from him,and he wants to_a pen to me.101 . I have a white sweater.and my brother has a_one.102 . _and girls! Come to Mr.Cools Clothes Store now!第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、三、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、5、四、听长对话回答问题1、2、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、六、阅读单选1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、完成句子1、九、选用适当的单词补全对话1、十、句子配对1、十一、图文填空1、十二、多任务混合问题1、2、十三、将所给单词连成句子1、十四、材料作文1、十五、其他1、2、3、


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