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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试题(不含听力材料)D卷一、听句子选答语1 . AYes, she is.BYes, she does.CYes, she has.2 . AIm fineBIm tenCIm so glad3 . AIm fine, thanks.BHow are you?CNice to meet you, too.二、听长对话回答问题听对话,回答下列小题。4 . Whats the girls first name?AMay.BMary.CSmith.5 . Whats the boys last name?AJones.BHenry.CSmith.听下面的对话回答小题。6 . What did Ted look like?AHe was short.BHe was tall.CHe was of medium height.7 . What does Teds hair look like now?ALongBStraightCCurly8 . What color does Tara like?ABrown.BRedCYellow.三、听句子或对话选择图片9 . ABC10 . AABBCC11 . What are the children doing ?ABC12 . ABC13 . ABC四、听短文回答问题听短文,回答以下小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案。14 . Nora was born in _.AMoscowBChinaCAustralia15 . Nora moved to Moscow because .Ashe liked the city in RussiaBshe had a lot of friends thereCher father had a new job there16 . Nora enjoyed _ with her friends before moving to Moscow.AswimmingBskatingCrunning17 . At first, Nora felt _ in Moscow.AhappyBexcitedClonely18 . From the passage, we know Nora _ her life in Moscow now.AdislikesBlovesChates五、单选题19 . Tom always wears _ uniform from Monday to Friday.AaBanCtheD/20 . 字母Ii是字母表中的第 _ 个字母。A9B10C11D821 . They chose Tom to be _captain of the team because they knew he was _smart leader.Aa; theBthe; theCthe; aDa; a22 . - Whos that tall boy?- name is Tom and he is from the UK.AHisBHerCYourDMy23 . _ it s fantastic.AWhats the movie about?BWhats the movie like?CHave you seen the movie?DIs the movie a classic?24 . What time is it now? _.AIt tenBIts tenCIts tenDIs ten25 . Do you have a soccer ball?AYes, I dontBNo,I doCYes, I do26 . Every student takes part in _ activity after school.AaBanCtheD/27 . _?I dont mind them.AWhat do you think of talent shows?BWhy do you like watching talent shows?CDo you want to watch talent shows?28 . Fifty plus four and the answer divided by 2 equals_.A14B22C27D1029 . I often order waimai food _ the phone.AonBinCby30 . Have you got any information about the missing college student?_. The police are still looking for it.ANot yet.BI hope notCI think soDOf course.31 . Which is true in these following situations?AWhen we found a big fire nearby, we should call 110 for help.BWhen there is a thief who is stealing things in the shop, we can call the police on 114.CWhen a car crashed into a tree in the evening, we need to call 120.DWhen a man suddenly felt very sick, we need to call 119 at once32 . When shall we go on the trip?_.ATill next weekBNearly a weekCFor next weekDNot until next week33 . _do they get there?By bus.AHowBWhatCWhenDWhere34 . How _ you?I_ fine. Thanks.Aam, isBis, areCare, am35 . I lost my school ID card. I can not find .AherBmeCyouDit六、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hello,Jane! 36 . B: ImwatchingTV.A: HowstheTVshow?B: 37 . I dontlikeit.A: 38 . B: Goodidea.A: LetsmeetatHappySupermarketat 4:20.B: OK. 39 . A: We can get there by bus.B: OK. The bus stop is not far from there.A: Yes. Youre right.B: 40 . A: Hes at home. He is helping his mom do housework.B: Oh, I see. He cant go with us.七、完型填空Hello!Im an_girl_name is Alice Smith.Alice is my_name and Smith is my last name.This is my_.Its a green schoolbag.I like_color very much.Oh,whats this_English?Its_dictionary.How do you_it?Its D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.Its my_Is_a key?Yes,it is.And those are my two pencil_You_find a ruler,an eraser and two pencils in the boxes_is my ID card? I_it in the morning.I must find it. If you find it, please call me_-3738.Thanks.41 . A. good B. English C. fine D. nice42 . A. I B. Me C. My D. Mine43 . A. first B. family C. one D. last44 . A. pencil B. schoolbag C. book D. computer45 . A. it B. it is C. its D. its46 . A. at B. on C. in D. of47 . A. a B. an C. the D. /48 . A. say B. see C. look D. spell49 . A. brother B. brothers C. brothers D. /50 . A. that B. they C. these D. those51 . A. box B. boxs C. boxes D. a box52 . A. are B. can C. do D. is53 . A. What B. How C. What color D. Where54 . A. find B. ask C. lost D. help55 . A. at B. for C. in D. to八、阅读单选Name: L indaChinese name: Liu PingSex (性别): Female (女性).Age: 13 years oldFrom: EnglandPhone number: 637-8209Email: Linda 2015yahoo.comPostal code: NY 9350256 . Linda is _.AEnglishBChineseCJapaneseDAmerican57 . Linda is _.Aa girlBa boyCLiu Pings friendDLiu Pings classmate58 . 637-8209 is Lindas _.Apostal codeBe-mailCtelephone numberDcar numberSusan, the USMy best friend is Fanny. She is very clever and interesting. We always look after each other. The first week we met, I got sick and she looked after me every day.Betty. EnglandMy best friend is Ana. She is honest and serious. We were born in the same city in England. Then I moved to America with my family I thought I would never see Ana again. When I went to college in New York, Ana and I shared the same room.Ken, JapanI love to spend time with Daisuke because he is funny and smart. We enjoy talking about the funny things we did when we were children, and telling the same stupid jokes over and over again.Lily. AustraliaLinda is a very confident girl and she is really kind. Some people may wonder why Linda and I are best friends because we are totally different, but I think this is why we are such good friends.59 . Where is Susan from?AThe USBEnglandCJapanDAustralia60 . Who is Bettys best friend?ASusanBLilyCAnaDKen61 . What is Daisuke like?AFunny and smartBClever and interestingCHonest and seriousDConfident and kindHello, everyone!My name is Winnie. Im a 15-year-old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.Im an active(活泼), lovely and clever girl. In the school my favourite subject is Math. Maybe someone thinks its difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe(相信) that if you try your best, everything can be done well.I also like sports very much, such as running, volleyball and so on.Im kind. If you need help, please come to me.I hope we can be good friends!OK. This is me, a sunny girl!62 . Which subject is Winnies favourite?AChineseBMathCEnglishDHistory63 . Which one is NOT right?AWinnie is at 15.BWinnie is an active, lovely and clever girl.CWinnie likes sports very much, such as running, volleyball and so on.DWinnie doesnt like to help others.64 . Why does Winnie like the difficult subject?ABecause she believes that if one tries his best, everything can be done well.BBecause someone thinks its difficult to study well.CBecause her favourite subject is Math.DBecause she is an active, lovely and clever girl.65 . Whats Winnie like?AKind.BLovely.CSunny.DAll the above(以上所有都是).66 . How can we know Winnie is kind?AShe says, “If you need help, please come to me.”BShe hopes we can be good friends.CShe is active, lovely and clever.DShe is a sunny girl.What are in their schoolbags?Name: Daisy Miller Schoolbag: PurpleThings: A black notebook Two white notebooksA pencil box Her sister Sallys cards Name: Sally Miller Schoolbag: BlueThings: An English book A dictionary A red notebook Two pens and a pencil Her friend Janes computer game67 . Daisys schoolbag is _.ApurpleBredCblueDblack68 . You can see _ notebook(s) in Daisys schoolbag.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour69 . There isnt a _ in Sallys school-bag.AwatchBdictionaryCnotebookDpencil70 . The computer game is _.ADaisysBSallysCJanesDBettys71 . Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)?ADaisy and Sally are friends.BSallys notebook is white.CSally has three pens.DSallys cards are in Daisys schoolbag.九、用单词的正确形式完成短文AheBearlyCAtDthisEdoesFnearGafter H.things I.helps J.worksDo you know that man? 72 . is my uncie. His name is David Smith. He is forty-eight73 . year.He is a worker。he 74 . in a Car Fsctory. His factory is not75 . his home. So he gets up76 . in the morning and takes a bus to work.77 . about seven thirty, he gets to his factory. He makes the parts of the car. He78 . many79 . every day.He often plays basketball80 . work. In the evevning, he learns Chinese at home. His Chinese is good, too. Sometimes he81 . me with my Chinese. I like my uncle very much十、回答问题(题文)Jonas is a lovely boy. He likes sports very much .He likes football, ping-pong and baseball .But he doesnt like volleyball. He thinks its boring. He has a little sister .Her name is Lily .He likes her very much .On his desk there is a green clock, an interesting book and a pen .Every evening he reads the book there.阅读短文,回答问题。82 . (小题1)What does Jonas like? _83 . (小题2)Does he like volleyball? _84 . (小题3)Whats his sisters name? _85 . (小题4)Where is the green clock? _86 . (小题5)Why does he read the book every evening ?_十一、汉译英:整句句子翻译。将下列句子补充完整。87 . 暑假就要到了!你有什么计划?The summer holiday is coming!_88 . 贝蒂(Betty)每天骑自行车上学。_89 . 会议将于晚上七点举行,大家都别迟到。_and everyone wont be late.90 . 我听说你考虑过我们的建议。咱们谈谈吧!_Lets have a talk!91 . 我弟弟太粗心了,以至于忘记了重要的事情。_十二、材料作文92 . 假如你是Lily King, 请根据表格内容简单介绍一下你自己和你的好友Bob Smith。要求书写规范,介绍英语名字必须分别介绍名和姓。提示句:I have a good friend.(我有一个好朋友)英文名年龄物品及颜色电话Lily King13杯子:棕色钢笔:蓝色63378568Bob Smith14夹克衫:绿色尺子:黄色棉被:紫色63389876Hello! My name is _第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、听句子选答语1、2、3、二、听长对话回答问题1、2、三、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、5、四、听短文回答问题1、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、六、补全对话7选51、七、完型填空1、八、阅读单选1、2、3、4、九、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十、回答问题1、十一、汉译英:整句1、十二、材料作文1、

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