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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期第三次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Are you Tom?-. Tom is my brother.ANo, Im notBYes, I amCYes, it isDNo, it is2 . Do you have a history lesson _the afternoon of Tuesday?AinBonCatDfor3 . is my uncle. Do like to play tennis with ?AHe; she; himBShe; you; herCHe; you; himDShe; I; he4 . _? Seven thirty.AWhat does the timeBWhat time is itCHow many time is itDWhat the time is5 . _ Mary have an alarm clock? No, she has a watch.AIsBDoesCAreDDo6 . How much _ the shorts?_ ten dollars.Ais; ItsBare; These areCare; TheyreDis; Theyre7 . Do you like _ in China?AworkingBworkCworks8 . -Whos the boy?- He is Jim and _ my friend.AhisBhesCshesDyoure9 . Going bed early is goodus.AtoBwithCatDfor10 . _ is the weather today? Windy.AWhatBWhy CHowDWhere11 . Whos singing over there ? _ is Sandys sister.AThatBItCSheDThis12 . Could I speak to Helen, please?Sorry, she is not here at the moment._?AWho speaksBWho are youCWhos that speakingDWhats that speaking13 . Whats on the table? _some bread on it.AThere isBThere areCWe areDThey are14 . Lets have some _for dinner.AricesBhamburgersCtomato15 . Im free tomorrow. Im planning to play football. Will you go with me?Id love to, _ I have to finish my report first.AorBbutCandDbecause二、完型填空Hello! Im Mary Brown. Im _ English girl. Look! Here _ a photo _ my family. This is _ sister. _ name is Mona. _ is in Class One, Grade Eight. _ is my uncle. His _ name is Bill. His _ is Tony Brown. He is a student, too. Oh, Tony is my _.16 . AaBanCtheD/17 . AisBamCareDbe18 . AforBinCatDof19 . AmeByouCmyDshe20 . AYourBHerCHisDIts21 . ASheBICHeDHer22 . AThoseBThisCItDThese23 . AlastBfirstCfamilyDgive24 . AdaughterBsisterCmotherDson25 . AcousinBauntCbrotherDuncle三、阅读单选Chen Hua went to the USA to see his pen friend Eric.After lunch,they walked home from the restaurant.On the way they saw a black cat.Eric stopped and asked Chen Hua to walk down a different street to go home.Chen didnt know why Eric did that.“Its unlucky when a black cat crosses the street in front of you,”says Eric.Then Eric told Chen Hua some interesting things in his country.In the USA thirteen is an unlucky number.They never ask thirteen people to come to a party.“I never walk under a ladder(梯子),”says Eric.“And I never open an umbrella(雨伞)in the house.These will bring bad luck.”“We have a horseshoe over the front door of our house for good luck,”says Eric.“And when I find money on the floor,I always pick it up.It brings me good luck all day!”26 . Chen Huas pen friend is from _AChinaBAmericaCAustraliaDCanada27 . Eric stopped when he saw the black cat crossing the street because _Ahe thought it was unluckyBhe didnt like the black catChe was afraid of the catDhe wanted to go to another place28 . In Erics country,_is an unlucky number.A4B8C7D1329 . You may see a horseshoe _ in Erics house.Aover the front doorBunder the bedCon the wallDbehind the door30 . What can bring Eric good luck?AWalking under a ladder.BHaving black cat at home.CFinding some money on the floor.DOpening an umbrella in the house.From May 20 to May 24 Science Week is coming!-Science Club May 9, 2019Black HolesOn April 10, people around the world got their first look at a real black hole.What to know more?Come and enjoy a film about black holes at 3 p.m. on Thursday in the school hall!Why cant we grow to be 3 meters?Speaker: Doctor HuTime: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.Day: FridayPlace: Biology Lab Two5G is coming!Come and experience what it is like!Time: 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.Day: MondayPlace: Science CenterTeachers: Miss Ying, Mr. Zhu3D-printed products most bring you different feelings!Time: 8:20 a.m.-10:20 a.m.Day: TuesdayPlace: Computer Room FourTeacher: Mr. Wang31 . You can know the Science is _.Afrom May 24 to May 31Bfrom May 9 to May 20Cfrom May 20 to May 2432 . Doctor Hu will tell you why we cant grow to be 3 meters _.Ain the Science CenterBin the Biology Lab TwoCin the Computer Room Four33 . From 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, you can _.Awatch a filmBexperience what 5G is likeCenjoy 3D-printed products34 . _will explain something interesting about 3D-printed products.AMr. WangBMr. ZhuCMiss Yang35 . The text above is probably _.Aan e-mailBa postcardCa noticeHello, Im Lily. Look! It is my classroom and it is blue and white. Four nice jackets are in the classroom. They are white, blue, red and black. The blue jacket and the black jacket are on a desk. The white jacket and the red jacket are on a chair. I know that the boys jackets are not red and the girls jackets are not black. What color is Lucys jacket? I dont know. But I know it is not blue. Jack says, “My jacket is white.”What color are Jims and Cindys jackets?36 . Which is blue and white?AThe bag.BThe desk.CThe classroom.DThe quilt.37 . Whose jacket is the black jacket?ALilys.BJims.CLucys.DJacks.38 . The passage is mainly(主要地) about _.ALilys classroomBFive studentsCThe nice colorsDFour jacketsHenry is in Thailand.It is a beautiful country.Many people are on vacation there.Henry writes his blog(博客) every day.Lets have a look.Everyone has great fun playing in the water on hot days.My mother and father are swimming.I am taking some photos of this funny boat.It looks like a banana.July 23rdThis is the White Temple(寺庙)It is so big and all white.It is really beautiful and it is very different from ours.July 24thIt is raining all day.I am enjoying the “Tom Yum Kung” soup in a restaurant.There are chilies(辣椒) and shrimps(虾) in the soup.There are many kinds of fruits in Thailand.You can find durians(榴莲),oranges,strawberries and so on.People there also like to eat banana flower salad.July 25thIt is warm and I am shopping at a market.There are many markets on the river and everyone sells their things on their boats.It is interesting.I am enjoying it.July 26th39 . Henry _ on the second day.Avisits a templeBgoes shoppingCtakes photosDdrinks soup40 . People in Thailand like to make salad with _.AchiliesBduriansCshrimpsDbanana flowers41 . Henry went shopping on _.AJuly 23rdBJuly 24thCJuly 25thDJuly 26th42 . Which of the following is TRUE?AHenry is not in Thailand on July 26th.BHenry is not interested in the banana boat.CMany people sell things on boats in Thailand.DIt is sunny on the afternoon of July 25th.四、完成句子完成句子根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。43 . 如果人们遇上麻烦,我们应当帮助他们。If people are _, we should help them.44 . 你不在家时,我会照顾孩子们。While you are not at home, Ill_ _ the children.45 . 那家工厂五年前关闭了。That factory _ _ five years ago.46 . 我可以参加这个讨论吗?May I _ _ the discussion?47 . 每周末我都和妈妈出去吃饭?I _ _ for a meal with my mother every weekend?五、回答问题Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)is a holiday in the U. S. A. It is celebrated(庆祝)every year on the fourth Thursday of November. Usually, family members and friends get together for a turkey(火鸡)dinner. People sometimes drive their cars to far places for a family reunion(团聚), Many people also take Friday off and make it a long weekend holiday, because most Americans do not work on Saturdays and Sundays.48 . What is Thanksgiving Day?_49 . When do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day every year?_50 . What do family members and friends usually eat for dinner?_51 . Why do people sometimes drive their cars to far places?_52 . Do most Americans work at weekends?_53 . Do you like Thanksgiving Day? Why?_六、书信作文54 . 写作1假如你叫Judy,是北京的一名学生。Helen是你新结识的网友。最近你收到她的一封电子邮件,请根据她的来信内容给她写封回信。要求:针对来信内容回复,可以适当发挥;回信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Judy,Im glad to be your e-friend. My name is Helen. Im from New York, the US. Can I ask you some questions? Where do you live? How old are you? What do you look like? What is your hobby? Which season (季节) is your favorite? Why do you like it? I have so many questions. But the most important is what your dream job is. My dream job is to be a pilot(飞行员)when I grow up.Please write to me soon.Yours,HelenDear Helen,Im glad to be your e-friend too. Now Let me answer all your questions. _Hope to get your next email soon.Yours,Judy第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、完成句子1、五、回答问题1、六、书信作文1、

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