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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期第一次阶段考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Here _ good news for you.AareBbeCisDam2 . Jack has a cousin. He is Jacks uncles _.AsonBbrotherCdaughter3 . Does he speak Chinese?_ . He speaks English.AYes, he doesBNo, he doesntCYes, he doesnt.DNo, he does4 . _ Wish you a pleasant journey.- Thanks. Ill make a phone call _ you as soon as I arrive there.AonBforCatDto5 . -How does Li Ling improve her speaking skills? - _ joining an English club.AWithBByCForDAt6 . Tom, whats this in English?.AThis is a dogBIts a dogCIts dogDIts an dog7 . -Did Mr Chen leave school early?-_AYes, he is.BYes, he was.CNo, he doesntDNo, he didnt.8 . - You look very cool.-_.AWhy notBNo.CThank you.DGood idea9 . -Nice to meet you!-_AThank youBNice to meet you, too.CIm fine.DHow are you?10 . Which of the following sentences is correct?AMany people wonder where has time gone.BAlice asked me what I do for waste sorting (垃圾分类).CCould you tell me how far was it from here to your school?DI dont know whether he will be back in a week.11 . Happy birthday, Tom. _.AHappy birthday, too.BThanks very muchCThe same to you.DThats all right.12 . -Hello! Whats your hobby? -_.AIm a doctorBI love listening to musicCI like it very muchDIts funny13 . -How much did the government donate to build the library?-About threeyuan.AmillionsBmillionCmillions ofDmillion of14 . The bookme a little with my English.AhelpsBis helpChelpDto help15 . Are these your umbrellas? _.AYes, theyreBYes, these areCNo, they areDNo, these arent16 . _ did you find out the cat? In the garden. It slept behind the big tree.AWhatBHowCWhyDWhere17 . Bob, _ my teacher, Miss Hu. Miss Hu, _ my brother.Athiss isBshes, hesCthis is, this isDthiss, thiss18 . Thats very kind you to help me.AtoBforCofDat19 . _can I keep the book? For two weeks. AHow longBHow farCHow oftenDHow many20 . Shall we go to watch the movie Coco now?Sorry. Its not the right . Im too tired.AwayBdirectionCmomentDspace二、补全对话7选5从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。AAlanJJackA: Hello, Jack. 21 . J: Hello, Alan. Im listening to my favourite CAA: 22 . J: Its Dance, Dance, Dance.A: 23 . J: Because the music is great and you can dance to it. You can take this CD to a party. Also, these musicians write their own lyrics(歌词)A: 24 . J: Some songs are too long. Some of the singers dont sing the words clearly.A: I think I like this CD, too. 25 . J: Of course.ACan you come and dance with us?BWhats the name of your favourite CD?CMay I borrow it?DWhat are you doing here?EDo you like dance music?FWhy do you like this CD?GWhat do you dislike about this CD?三、完型填空Tina and Tara are twin sisters. They look_,_they also have some differences.One day their grandfather came to see them with two gifts(礼物).When he came into the house, he saw Tina and_her a gift. After a while, when he got into the garden, he saw_granddaughter “Tara”. In fact that was Tina. When he gave the other gift to her, she said, “You gave me one just now.” “No, I gave a gift to your sister Tina.” “Oh, grandfather, Im Tina.” Just then Tara came into the garden,_“Now, grandfather, can you tell the differences_us?” “No, I cant. Can you_me?” “Yes, look. Tara is a little_than me. Her hair is longer and curlier than_Now, grandfather, can you see?” “Yes, now I can tell you from Tara. Tara, here is the gift for you.” “Thank you_your gift, grandfather.” With these words, they all laughed happily.26 . AsameBthe sameCdifferent27 . AandBsoCbut28 . AgaveBtookCbrought29 . AothersBanotherCthe other30 . AeitherBsoCtoo31 . AasBbetweenCfrom32 . AtellBsayCtalk33 . AtallBtallerCtallest34 . AIBmeCmine35 . AwithBofCfor四、阅读单选阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。One day Tony was crossing the road when he was hit by a car. He fell and broke his arm. An ambulance (救护车) soon arrived and took Tony to a hospital. There a doctor operated(动手术) on his arm. Then he put the arm in a cast (石膏). Tony couldnt move it at all.“You must keep your arm in a cast for a month,” the doctor said. “Youll be all right then.”A month later, Tony went back to the hospital. The doctor took his arm out of the cast.“Can you move your arm, Tony?” he asked.Tony tried to move his arm. At first it was difficult, but soon he could move it easily.“Yes, its fine,” he said. “Thank you very much.”“In a few days it will be as good as before,” the doctor said. “Just exercises it a little.”“Will I be able to play the guitar?” Tony asked.The doctor smiled. “Of course you will,” he said. “Youll have no problems.”“That is good news,” Tony said. “Because I couldnt play it at all before.”36 . How did Tony break his arm?AA guitar fell on him.BHe fell off a bike.CHe was hit by a car.37 . How long did Tony have to keep his arm in a cast?ATwo weeksBAbout four weeks.CA few days38 . What could Tony do as soon as the doctor took off the cast?AMove his arm difficultlyBPlay the guitarCMove his arm easily39 . What did the doctor tell Tony to do after the cast was taken off ?APlay the guitar.BExercise his armCCome back to the hospital again.40 . Why was Tony happy at last? Because _.Athe doctor said he didnt have to work againBthe doctor gave him a guitar.Che thought he would be able to play the guitar.I am Grace. This ismy ruler. Its red. Ilike red.Im Helen. This ismy key. I put(放) iton my green quilt.Im Frank. This is ayellow cup. Itsfrom(来自) Eric. Ilike it. My name ison it.Im Bob. My jacketis red. I like thecolor. It is a goodjacket.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。41 . What color is Graces ruler?ARed.BGreen.CYellow.DWhite.42 . Helens key is _.Aon her rulerBon her quiltCin her cupDin her jacket43 . What is yellow?AThe pen.BThe jacket.CThe quilt.DThe cup.44 . Eric gave (给) the cup to _.AGraceBBobCFrankDHelen45 . 下列哪项陈述是正确的?AErics cup is blue.BFranks quilt is red.CHelens jacket is black.DGrace and Bob like red.My mother is fifty-five years old. She retired (退休) just two months ago. After that, she was bored and didnt know what to do every day. She was kind to us before, but recently she was easy to get angry. She often argued with my brother and me with no reason. Also, relations between my parents became difficult. My mother got into trouble and didnt know how to deal with it. My brother thought of a good idea to help my mother. He bought her a new smart phone and taught her how to use Wechat (微信). My mothers life changed a lot from then on. No matter where she went and whatever she did, she always used it. She took photos with her new smart phone and always shared her photos in her friend circle to express how happy she was. As a result,she often did something by mistake. She often forgot to turn off the gas (煤气) and the food she was cooking usually got burnt. My father tried to stop her, but it didnt work.This afternoon, my mother prepared to make dumplings for dinner. She took a lot of pictures in order to post them into her friend circle. After dinner, we took out smart phones and waited to the photos she had taken. To our surprise, we didnt find any pictures of her dumplings. At last, my father couldnt help asking her, “Why dont you share your delicious dumpling in your friend circle today?” My mother looked embarrassed and said, “My smart phone was boiled in the pot.” “Oh, my God! I have to spend more money buying a new one!” cried my brother.46 . What is the matter with the writers mother after she retired?AShe got angry easily.BShe argued with one of her friends.CShe cared about her children too much.DShe had a bad relationship with her parents.47 . How did the writers brother help his mother?AHe took photos for his mother.BHe cooked some food for his mother.CHe taught his mother how to use the gas.DHe bought his mother a new smart phone.48 . What happened after the mother began to use Wechat?AShe often forgot to cook dinner.BShe felt it difficult to use Wechat.CShe enjoyed using Wechat very much.DShe did not know how to turn off the phone.49 . Why didnt the mother share the dumplings in her friend circle?AShe had no time to take pictures.BHer phone was dropped in the pot.CHer family didnt like the dumplings.DShe waited to do it with her new phone.五、句型转换句型转换50 . Its a ruler in English. (对划线部分提问)_ in English?51 . That is a photo. (变为复数形式)_ are _.52 . My ruler is in the pencil box.(变一般疑问句)_ ruler in the pencil box?53 . Are these your video tapes? (作肯定回答) Yes, _ .54 . pictures, here, friends ,are, two , of , nice, my (.)(连词成句)_.六、单词填空My 55 . is Tom White. This is a 56 . of my family. I have a small family. They are my parents, my sister and I. I 57 . twelve. And my sister Kate58 . twelve, 59 . . Kate and I60 . in the same class. We are classmates. I like computer 61 . , and I often play them 62 . the evening. I like sports, too. I have eight tennis balls and five soccer 63 . . I like soccer very much. I64 . it with my friends at school. Kate doesnt like computer games or sports. She only likes watching TV. She watches TV every evening. She thinks it is fun.七、回答问题阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。Do you feel lonely when your best friend isnt around? Heres our advice to you -and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes. Its hard when a best friend isnt around - maybe because he or she moved to a different school or a different class. You may feel left out at break or lunchtime. You want to have new friends, but how do you make them? Maybe it seems everybody else already has his or her friends. But remember, theres always room for more friends.Start by looking around your classroom - think about which kids youd like to play with at break. Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly. Offer to share something or express your appreciation (欣赏) to them. Invite someone to play with you or say, “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom. When youre at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, act friendly, and say “Hi, can I play, too?” or just join in. If you have trouble doing this or if youre feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Be kind, be friendly, share, say nice things, offer to help -and pretty soon, youll have one, or two, or even more new friends.You might still miss that special best friend. But when you see each other, you can share something you didnt have before he or she left. You can introduce him or her to your new friends!(请将答案写在答题卡上)65 . How do you feel when your best friend isnt around you according to the passage?66 . Why do some kids feel lonely at break according to the writer?67 . What is the best way to make friends according to the writer?68 . Why do some kids need help from teachers to make friends according to the writer?69 . What should you do if you want to make more friends? (请自拟一句话作答)八、材料作文70 . 书面表达假如你是Timmy,想去应聘。请你根据招聘广告中的要求,在表格空白处填两项你能做的事情,并根据表格中的所有信息发一封电子邮件,介绍你的个人情况,如兴趣、爱好及能力等。词数60左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir,I want to join your Winter Camp to help children with art and sports.Yours,Timmy第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、


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