2020版四年级英语下册 Module 6 unit 2 let.ppt

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Warm up Let schant Let smakeanewspaper That sagreatidea Let sdrawthepictures Let swritethereports Let scutthepaper Let sstickthemalltogether Lookatournewspaper andcheer cheer cheer Warm up Let sstandup Let sjump Let sswim Let ssitdown Isayyoudo Preview Let s Preview Let splayfootball Preview Let sdrawapicture Preview Let slistentomusic Preview Let splaycomptuergames Presentation Listenanddiscuss Whenwillthepartybe ThisSaturday Wherewilltheymeet Theywillmeetatthepark Whatcantheydothere Whattimewilltheybethere Theywillbethereatteno clock Theycanplayfootball andtheycanflykites 4 14 2020 Presentation Presentation nextto 在旁边 Thebankisnexttothelibrary Presentation fun meet east west kites o clock 有趣的 与 见面 东 东方 东面 西 西方 西面 风筝 点钟 Presentation east东 west西 north北 south南 intheeastof inthewestof inthenorthof inthesouthof Presentation Listenandunderlinethesentenceswith Let s 听音 划出含有 Let s 的句子 Presentation Presentation canyouretellthestory When Where Whatcando Whattime Practice Listen pointandsay Let splayfootball Let sflyourkites Let swatchTV Let shaveapicnic Let sgoswimming Let slistentomusic Parctice fly TV watch play have goto kites apicnic thepark football Practice Happyzoo Hellofriends Let sgotothezoo Let smeetat Wecan Andwecan Wewillbethereat Seeyouthere Summary sentences words funmeeteastwesto clockflykites Let shaveaclasspartythisSaturday Let smeetthere Homework 1 Copythewords5times 单词抄5遍 2 TalkaboutwhatwillyoudothisSaturday Make2sentences 造关于周六打算的两个句子 e g 1 Let s 2 Let s 谢谢观看


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