2020版二年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 2 What.ppt

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Module4Unit2 What shedoing five stones Newwords They replayingfivestones hide and seek They replayinghide andseekwithaboy A What shedoing B He seating Let swatch A What shedoing B He srunning MsSmart WhereareLinglingandAmy Daming They rethere MsSmart Whataretheydoing Daming They replayingfive stones Let slearn MsSmart AndwhereisSam Daming He sbehindthetree MsSmart What shedoingthere Daming He splayinghide and seek Whataretheydoing Theyareplayingfootball Lookandsay Whataretheydoing Theyareplayingbasketball What shedoing He srunning Whataretheydoing Grandmaisreadingabookandgrandpaisreadinganewspaper Whataretheydoing AmyiseatingandDamingistakingphotos What sshedoing She swalking What sshedoing She sridingabike A Aboy B What shedoing A He splayingfootball B It sapicture2 A Yes heis Let sguess A AgirlB What sshedoing A He seating B It sapicture5 A Yes sheis Whatareyoudoing We reverylate Hurryup Hurryup Pleasefinishyourcake Let schant Whatareyoudoing Pleaseputonyourshoes Hurryup Hurryup There snotimetolose 1 熟读对话内容 2 熟悉基本句型 3 完成活动手册内容 Homework

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