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人教新目标版七年级下英语第三单元试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It is careless _Tom to mistake the instrument _ a toy again.Afor; asBof; asCfor; forDof; for2 . -_.-It is January 19,2019.AWhat day is it?BHow is the weather?CWhat do you like?DWhats the date today?3 . Sara is the girl has taught me how to use WeChat.AwhomBwhichCwhatDwho4 . important information is!AWhatBWhat anCHowDHow an5 . Can you see _man over there? Hes our new English teacher.AtheBaCanD/6 . -Take good care of yourself, son!-Dont worry, mom! I will call you as soon as I _ America.AarriveBwill arriveCreachDwill reach7 . My cousin has poor eyesight _ too much computer work at night.AbecauseBasCsinceDbecause of8 . He is angry with his mother, because she always _ him with the best student.AcomplainsBcomparesCagrees9 . I like these pants. Can I _?Atry it onBtry on itCtry on themDtry them on10 . What do you think of genetically modified food (转基因食品)?We all think _ is careless _ some scientists to say it is safe before doing any experiment.Athat, forBit, forCit, ofDthat, of11 . _ an Englishman, Jim was looking forward _ the 2012 Olympic Games.AOf, inBWith, forCFor, atDAs, to12 . I think teachers _ parents. They care about us very much.AlikeBlikesClikingDare like13 . What class in Jim in?He is in _.Aclass eight, grade oneBClass Eight, Grade OneCGrade One, Class EightDclass Eight, grade One14 . We couldnt play football in the park the heavy rain.AbecauseBforCasDbecause of二、完型填空Do you know “homestay”? What is a homestay? When people travel to another country, they sometimes _ in the homes of the local people. This is called a homestay. Its great _ you can learn something new about the country and its people.I am Wang Lin from China. I came to _ with other exchange students for a short visit. We are living with an old English couple, Mr. and Mrs. Black, in west London. They have a _ old house. It has four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a garden full of beautiful flowers and tall trees in it. I _ have a bedroom of my own. I enjoy _ books or drawing pictures in my bedroom.There are some good restaurants near the house. We sometimes taste _ western food there. Mrs. Black is _ busy with the housework. She does some cleaning and cooks meals for us. At the weekend, my friends and I are happy _ her how to cook Chinese food. We are living a happy life together.I think a homestay may be fit for you if it is your _ time to go abroad. You will get to know more about the culture of another country.15 . AvisitBgoCstayDwork16 . AbecauseBifCwhenDuntil17 . ACanadaBJapanCAmericaDBritain18 . AsmallBbigCtallDshort19 . AalsoBtooCeitherDas well20 . AseeingBwatchingClookingDreading21 . AdeliciousBterribleCcheapDbeautiful22 . AneverBseldomCsometimesDalways23 . AteachingBteachCto teachDtaught24 . AlastBfirstCsecondDthird三、阅读单选I want to tell something about how English students go to school. About half of the students in the countryside(乡下) ride their bikes to school. 20% walk to school and 30% take the school bus. The students in the city(城市)can take the subway, the car or the bus to school. Also they can walk or ride their bikes.15% of the city students go to school by bus, 10% by subway, 50% by school bus, and 10% by bike. 7% of the students walk to school and 8% go to school by car.25 . The writer(作者) tells us _AbusesBschoolsCthe students in the countrysideDhow English students go to school26 . In the countryside, about _ the students go to school by bike.Ahalf ofBa lot ofCmost ofDa few27 . In the countryside, _ of the students take the school bus to school.A10%B20%C30%D40%28 . In the city, _ of the students take the school bus to school.A50%B20%C30%D40%29 . The students in the countryside cant go to school _Aon footBby subwayCby school busDby bike阅读理解。Hi ! Im Tony .I dont like to get up early .In the morning ,I get up at eight . Then I go to school at eight thirty . I dont have much time for breakfast , so I usually eat very quickly .For lunch ,I usually eat hamburgers .After school ,I sometimes play basketball for half an hour .When I get home ,I always do my homework first .In the evening , I either watch TV or play computer games .At ten thirty , I brush my teeth and then I go to bed .Mary is my sister .She usually gets up at six thirty .Then she always takes a shower and eats a good breakfast .After that ,she goes to school at eight thirty .At twelve ,she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch .After lunch ,she sometimes plays volleyball .She always eats ice-cream after dinner .She knows its not good for her ,but it tastes good !In the evening ,she does her homework and usually swims or takes a walk .At nine thirty ,she goes to bed .30 . How long does Tony sometimes play basketball ?AFor forty minutesBFor one hourCFor thirty minutesDFor one hour and a half31 . What does Tony do in the evening ?AWatches TVBPlays computer gamesCWatches TV and plays computer gamesDEither watches TV or plays computer games32 . What time does Mary get up ?AAt half past sixBAt eight thirtyCAt seven thirtyDsix oclock阅读理解。33 . Mr. Black is _ years old.A35B36C37D3834 . Mr. Black is from _.AAnhuiBFujianCShandongDZhejiang35 . Mr. Black is a teacher of _.Aone classBtwo classesCthree classesDfour classes36 . Jims telephone number is _.A967-9518B976-9158C967-9158D976-951837 . Mr. Black can _ very well.AsingBreadCdanceDdraw四、句型转换根据锁哥提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。38 . She likes playing the piano. (改为否定句)She _ playing the piano.39 . His schoolbag is yellow.(对划线部分提问)_ is his schoolbag?40 . Can I help you ? (改为同义句)_can I do _ you ?41 . I am very busy this Saturday. (改为一般疑问句)_ very busy this Saturday?42 . 这本故事书怎么样?(完成译句)_ the story book ?五、完成句子43 . 听起来很好!That _!44 . 我要买两双。Ill _ two _.45 . 今天过得怎么样?_ your _?46 . 我有一节两小时的美术课要上。I have an _ lesson for two _.47 . 我们将在校图书馆内举办特价书销售会。We have a book _ in the school _.48 . 我喜欢科学,它有点难,但是很有趣。I like _.Its _, but its _.49 . 午饭后我上音乐课。_ lunch, I _ music.50 . 我们所有的课程4:30结束。All our _ finish _ 4:30.51 . 我喜欢和我的小狗Nike玩。I like to _ my dog Nike.52 . 我什么学科都不喜欢,就喜欢历史。I _ any subject. I only like _.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文but, because, China, he, about, and, third, like, help, lessonEric is an English boy. 53 . favorite subject is Chinese. Why does he like the subject? 54 . he likes China, and he wants to know something 55 . the history of China, 56 . it is difficult for him now. He has a 57 . friend called Wang Ming. The boy often 58 . him with his Chinese.Eric studies well at school. He has seven 59 . every day, four in the morning and 60 . in the afternoon. He 61 . science and music very much, he thinks they are interesting 62 . relaxing.七、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: 63 . .B: I can take a bus.A: 64 . .B: Its about three kilometers.A: 65 . .B: It takes half an hour.66 . .A: I walk to school.B:67 . .A: Yes, It only takes me five minutes.八、材料作文68 . 书面表达假如Tom是你的新同学,下面提供了有关Tom一些信息,请写一篇文章介绍一下Tom。字数60个单词左右。注意:请把你最好的字写在答题纸上。NameSexAgeFriendsPhone numberClassColourTom Brownboy15DmingTony323776Class 2,Mr Greens classred第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、材料作文1、

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