人教新目标版 七年级英语 阅读专练 15 旅游行程

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人教新目标版 七年级 阅读专练 15 旅游行程姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)Early on the morning of December 26th, my friend Eric and I went down to the beach in Sri Lanka for the first time. We noticed that the sea had gone a long way out, _ this did not mean anything to us. We had been to Mombassa several times and at times the sea had gone right out to the reef(礁). We also knew that it was a _ moon and thought it may influence(影响)the sea. We didnt realize how many more Sri Lankan families would be killed because it was a holiday and they were on the beach.I _ Eric on the beach and went for a walk down by the sea. I must have gone about a quarter of a mile when I met a _ . He warned me that there was something wrong with the sea. I told him that I knew the waves were strong and I didnt want to go swimming. He said, “No, madam, no-there is something wrong with the sea.” He walked with me until we reached his village. As we reached it a huge surge(波涛汹涌)of water almost knocked me over. He held me fast with one arm and held on to a tree with the other. The villagers were all crying loudly as furniture and other things floated(漂浮)from their houses. They all started running back _ the railway lines directly behind.The fisherman took me back to the railway lines and we stumbled(蹒跚而行)along there until we came up behind Eric. I shouted that there was something wrong but Eric just did not believe me and thought I was out of my mind.At that point, from my higher point I could see the sea rising in its bed. It just continued to rise and came towards us. Eric moved quickly with great difficulty and we escaped the third and final wave. We heard later that not one tourist at Yale Safari Lodge(小屋)remained alive to tell the story.Although we were anxious(焦急的)to make our families know that we were OK, leaving Sri Lanka was one of the_ things we had ever done.1 . AbutBandCbecauseDor2 . AhalfBbrightCroundDfull3 . AforgotBleftCmadeDasked4 . AfishermenBtravelerCcleanerDwalker5 . AthroughBalongCacrossDcross6 . AeasiestBdifficultChardestDsadI asked many classmates and friends, “What do you think you will be when you grow up?”_of them told me what they would like to be in the future,_others said, “I dont know.” Im_to hear that because I think its bad. I think having dreams or hopes about the future will help us do better at school.As middle school students, its time for us to_what we want to be in the future. If we know it better, we will know_to do it better at school. For example, if you are outgoing and like to meet people, you can be a_in the future. Then you should practice_more articles. If youre happy with children and like_, you can teach English as a job in the future. And then you are supposed to work harder at English. If you want to_many interesting places, you can be a tour guide.Of course, all the_that we are learning at school will be useful in the future, so we should work hard at all of them.7 . AAllBSomeCNeitherDAny8 . AsoBbecauseCbutDalthough9 . AhappyBtiredCexcitedDsorry10 . Alook forBthink aboutCworry aboutDpay for11 . AhowBwhatCwhenDwhere12 . AworkerBfarmerCscientistDreporter13 . AwritingBreadingCto writeDto read14 . AmathBhistoryCEnglishDgeography15 . AmakeBvisitCgoDdraw16 . AprogramsBteachersCclassmatesDsubjects二、阅读单选Dear Li Hua,Hows everything going? Congratulations on your graduation from junior high school!I hope you have a great time during the holiday, but there is something important for you to think about- a plan for your personal growth. Here is some advice for yonFirstly. study yourself. Understand what you like, what you value and what you want to be. In studying yourself, you check your strengths( 长处)and weaknesses. Find out what you need to prepare for vour dream job.Secondly,write down your plan. When writing,you can try using Mind Maps (思维导图).It is a good way to help you to think more clearly. And you may find a proper way to youre your plan out.Thirdly ,go over your plan with your teachers, parents or friends. They may give you some advice.Think carefully about their advice and make some changes to your plan if necessary. And then you can go on with it.Finally,_ 54_. For example, if you want to be an English teacher in the future, you should spend more time reading English books, learning more about English culture and practicing your listening and speaking from now on. You can make your dream come true only through hard work.You may find it difficult to make the plan now. Dont worry. All you need is just a rough(粗略的) one. Once you enter the senior high school, youll get a chance to make it better with the help of your teachers. And your personal growth plan may change with your age, your interests and the social development. So take your time and I believe you will grow into an excellent young man.Best wishes!Yours,Li Fang17 . The underlined word“study”in Paragraph 3 probably means_in Chinese.A学习B审视C帮助D调查18 . Which of the following can be the missing part in Paragraph 6?Aplan to find a jobBtry to be an English teacherCpractice EnglishDwork hard to realize your dream19 . According to the passage, a personal growth plan in your lifetime may change with the following things except_.Ayour Mind MapsByour ageCsocial developmentDyour interests20 . In the letter, Li Fang mainly wants to tell Li Hua_。A. how to spend the holiday happily B. how to prepare for his dream joyC. how to make his personal growth plan D,how to review he plan with his frientsSuper International Crafts (工艺品) Market1/F, Super Shopping Center, 12 Shopping Road, ssKowloon, next to Dandys Store and Cleos Cafe. The Super Shopping Center is proud to hold the Super International Crafts Market. The market owns hand-crafted products from all over the world. Come to learn about other cultures and see beautiful things from different countries! A part of the sales will be given to the International Childrens Fund (ICF). Some of the interesting products include:Beaded bracelets (圆珠手链) from AfricaDo you love bracelets? Here you can find bracelets made from special wooden beads, and no two pieces are the same! Each bracelet looks expensive, but costs only $20. What is more, if you buy two, you can get a card for a free drink at Cleos Cafe!Silk handbags from ThailandThese colorful bags are beautiful and useful! You can use them every day. Each bag is as much as $150. If you buy more than one, they will be 10% cheaper for you.Fantastic!We will have introductions about the different countries, as well as a lucky draw (M!) for a free trip to one of the special countries in the market! You can also taste foods from the different countries at our International Foods Stand.Visit the International Crafts Market and learn about different cultures.Buy beautiful, interesting things and support the International Childrens Fund!21 . The passage above is probably _.Aa piece of newsBa visitors letterCa shopping guideDa trip introduction22 . The Super International Crafts Market is _.Anext to Cleos CafeBnext to 12 Shopping RoadCon 1/F, Dandys StoreDon 2/F, Super Shopping Center23 . People can _ in the market.Alearn about different culturesBvisit the International Childrens FundCsell their own hand-crafted productsDsee beautiful things mostly from ssKowloon24 . Which is right according to the passage?ATwo bracelets cost $20.BThe bracelets look the same.CEach bag costs only $135.DThe handbags are colorful.25 . What can we do to have a free trip to a country in the market?AGive money to the ICBCTake part in a lucky draw.DBuy wooden beads from Africa.ETaste different foods in the market.“Homestay” is a form of study abroad program. It allows the visitor to rent a room from a local (当地的) family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitors language ability, ” said a teacher during a school meeting last term. “Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you wont be disappointed (失望的). ”After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month, I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them, too.The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sight-seeing trip to different places of interest like the Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave “home” for Hong Kong.26 . In the “homestay” program, a visitor can.Alearn more about holidaysBunderstand his culture betterCimprove the language abilityDtake part in foreign meetings27 . The writer had wanted to visit London since.Alast monthByears agoCthe special meetingDher stay abroad28 . The group leader should.Amake plans for the familyBtake care of the studentsCstay with different familiesDrent rooms to the students29 . The writers host family.Awas very kind to herBwent sight-seeing with herChad two white daughtersDwas interested in her activities30 . From the passage, we know that the writerin London.Awished to stay a little longerBspent three weeks in her homeChad classes in many interesting placesDhelped the teacher take the students in a car三、信息匹配左栏是五位同学的假期计划,右栏是六个旅游目的地的介绍。请为每个人选择合适的旅游目的地。其中有一项为多余选项。46. John is kind of shy. He wants to go to a quiet place for a walk in a street. He also wants to taste some delicious food.47. Sam would like to go to the park. But his mother wants to go shopping. They may go to a theme park for vacation.48. Rain likes going swimming. He doesnt know where to go on his vacation.49. Linda lives in Shenzhen. It is really hot in summer. She wants to go to the north to see snow in January. She dreams to stay in the white world.50. Tony is interested in history and he likes living in the countryside. He likes to feed animals.AThailand has a long history of Buddhism. Its rural (乡村的) scene is really beautiful.BLots of children like the Disneyland in Hong Kong. And Hong Kong is also a good place for shopping.CParis is a good place to go sightseeing. It has beautiful, quiet streets and it has lots of delicious food.DHawaii is a wonderful place. You can go fishing and bike riding there. You can also do a lot of water activities. EThe winter is white in Harbin. You can go skiing and make snowmen. You can go to the ice world as well.FBeijing is the capital of China. There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square.31 . _32 . _33 . _34 . _35 . _第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、信息匹配1、


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