人教版2019-2020学年 七上英语试题-Unit2 This is my sister 单元测试(II)卷

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人教版2019-2020学年 七上英语试题-Unit2 This is my sister 单元测试(II)卷_第1页
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人教版2019-2020学年 七上英语试题-Unit2 This is my sister 单元测试(II)卷_第2页
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人教版2019-2020学年 七上英语试题Unit2 This is my sister 单元测试(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Look at that girl! Whats name?- Shes Jenny.AherBhisCyourDmy2 . These light bulbs look the same, but their _ on the environment are different.AsolutionsBmethodsCeffectsDsecrets3 . - Are your keys?- Yes, they are. Theyre .Athis; myBthat; mineCthese; myDthose; mine4 . - Would you like to do some shopping with us after school?- _ . But I have too much work to do.AYes, Id likeBYes, Id like toCNot at allDIt doesnt matter5 . What is this ?_is a cake.AThatBThisCIt6 . _ he?My brother Alan.AHowsBWhatCWhosDWhats7 . -Can I have some _for lunch?-Of course, here you are.AtomatoBa tomatoCtomatoesDan orange8 . - Its Sunday today. Have a good day!_ You, too. .AYes, pleaseBThanks.COK.DThats right9 . Alberts birthday is on next Saturday, and Im planning a surprise party for him. Ill bring some wine(酒).ASounds like funBIt dependsCJust a minuteDYou are welcome10 . _ did you see in the picture?Nothing.AWhat else BWho elseCWhat otherDWho other二、完型填空11 . Dear Cindy,Thanks_the photo of your family. Here is a picture of_family._is my brother, Tommy._is on the sofa. These two boys are my_, too. The woman (妇女) is my mother. She is at the table. My sisters_is on the table. Her favorite (最喜欢的) CDs are in it. My father_in the picture. He is at school with his students (学生们). His baseball is_the floor. You can see an_on the wall (墙)._my birthday present(生日礼物).Your friend,Emma【小题1】AtoByouCfor【小题2】AyourBmyChis【小题3】ASheBTheseCThis【小题4】AThisBHeCShe【小题5】AbrotherBbrothersCcousins【小题6】AkeyBplantCbag【小题7】AisBisntCare【小题8】AinBonCunder【小题9】AclockBmapCalarm clock【小题10】AItBItsCIts三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。12 . Do you know how our world was like _(世纪)ago?13 . Our _(生活)will become better and better in the future.14 . This question is so easy that _(任何人)can answer it.15 . How about _(解决)that problem in another way?16 . We should think about questions with _(头脑).单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)17 . _(二月) is the second(第二) month(月份) of the year.18 . The school volleyball game is in _(十月).19 . This lesson is as easy as the _(第九) one.20 . Do you have an Art _(节日)?21 . Well have a subject of geography this _(学期).22 . The ninth month of the year is _ (九月).23 . Tomorrow is Jacks _(十二) birthday. What shall we give him as a present?24 . We will have our school _(旅游) next week.25 . In the _(第二) half of the match, Wu Yong kicked another goal.26 . Today is her _(八) birthday.27 . The newly-built Runyang Bridge is the _(三) biggest one in the world.28 . Deng Xiaoping was born on _(八月) 22nd, 1904.29 . December comes after _(十一月).30 . Christmas Day is on _(十二月) 25th.31 . - Where do you live, Wang Xia?- I live on the _(第二十) floor in that building.32 . There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in _(二月).33 . Which month is hotter, _(十月) or September?34 . September is the _(九) month of the year.35 . - What do you plan to do for this _(节日)?- I have no idea.36 . Mr. Wu taught us English last _(学期).四、完成句子.根据汉语提示,完成句子37 . Can you tell me _(今晚是否有好看的电影)?38 . Liu Xiang is famous _(不仅在中国而且在世界上).39 . We _(本应爬上)to the top of the mountain.40 . Father Christmas usually _(穿红衣服打扮自己)。41 . You will understand me _(有朝一日).第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、四、完成句子1、

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