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上海版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ you are free, come to my home and lets have some coffee.AWhateverBWheneverCWhoever2 . Keep away from these books.Theyre _to teenagers.AhelpfulBusefulCsuccessfulDharmful3 . Your sister looks very _.Whats the matter with her?She has a stomachache.AfunnyBweakCboringDrelaxed4 . Computer technology makes possible for many people to work at home.A. it B. these C them D. one5 . The students take the exams _.AseriousBseriouslyCbadDworse6 . Look! The boy in the white shirt _be Tom.-It _be him. I saw him enter the library just now.Amust; cantBmust; mustntCmay; shouldntDmay; mustnt7 . Did you decide a plan animals?Amaking;to protectBto make;to protectCto make;protectingDmake;protect8 . Since few years ago, all the supermarkets have _ free plastic bags.Ato stop to provideBto stop providingCstopped to provideDstopped providing9 . There are no buses, _ youll have to walk.AsoBorCbutDfor10 . There a swimming pool here.Aused to haveBused to beCwas used to beingDwas used to have11 . -your sona computer?-No.Heone this summer vacation.AHas; bought; will buyBDid; buy; boughtCDoes; buy; boughtDDoes; buy; will buy12 . He _ his head to see the _ sun.Arises; raiseBrises; risingCraises ; risingDrises ; raising13 . -Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow? -Yes,it rains heavily.AifBunlessCuntilDWhen14 . What were you doing at 8 oclock yesterday evening? Imy homework.AdoBdidCwas doingDam doing15 . How often do you clean the fish tank? .AThis morningBOnly onceCTwice a weekDTwo days.二、补全对话7选5八.任务型阅读请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。In Chinese history, lanterns have been part of Chinese culture for centuries and play an important part in many celebrations. In ancient times, there were mainly three kinds of lanterns.Palace Lantern(宫灯). 16 . . When making palace lanterns, fine wood was used. The Palace Lanterns were covered with silk or glass. Different kinds of pictures were drawn on the covers. These lanterns were not only used as lights but also as decorations(装饰) in palaces.Gauze Lantern(纱灯). Less expensive bamboo and gauze were used to cover the lantern. Red gauze was used when making them . 17 . . So red lanterns are always hung on important festivals such as Lantern Festival, Spring Festival and National Day in parks or along main streets . In some famous Chinatowns abroad, you can see red lanterns all the year round 18 . .Shadow-picture Lantern(走马灯).It was usually used for amusement. 19 . .There are two layers(层) of covers and pictures were drawn on the inside layer. When the candle was lit, the heat caused a paper wheel inside the lantern to turn around so that moving pictures appeared on the outside cover. Now more kinds of lanterns appear in festivals besides the traditional ones. More modern technology is used on making lanterns. 20 . .In Chinese culture, red lanterns are symbols of happiness and good luck.The shapes of the modern lanterns have changed a lot , too.C.It was mainly used in palaces in ancient timesD. The shape was much like that of the palace lanterns.E. They have become a symbol of Chinese culture worldwide.F. Do you like it ? G. The Palace Lantern is very beautiful.In Chinese culture, red lanterns are symbols of happiness and good luck.The shapes of the modern lanterns have changed a lot , too.C.It was mainly used in palaces in ancient timesD. The shape was much like that of the palace lanterns.E. They have become a symbol of Chinese culture worldwide.F. Do you like it ? G. The Palace Lantern is very beautiful.三、完型填空The happy Prince was blind瞎。The swallow燕子sat on his shoulder and told him many_.He told him about so many amazing places_Nile River尼罗河,the desert in Africa and so on. The Happy Prince greatly enjoyed his stories. He wanted to know_was happening in the city, so he asked the swallow to fly over the city to have a look. The Swallow did as the Prince asked. He_through the sky. Below him, he saw rich people living_in their homes. He saw poor people were in cold and hunger_one bridge, two boys shook their bodies t stay warm. The Swallow told the Prince everything. The Happy Prince became even_and told the Swallow to take his gold to the cold and hungry people. Heavy snow fell off the sky on the city. Life for the swallow was becoming more difficult_he still didnt leave the Prince, he flew to the Princes shoulder fell dead at his feet. At the same time, there was a loud“Crack”and the Prince_two halves, he might be very sad.The next morning, people in the city found them_and took them out of the square. The angel found them and made them live forever in the city of gold.21 . AmagazinesBstoriesCnovelsDwords22 . Asuch asBat leastCso farDbecause of23 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhen24 . AwalkedBranCflewDrode25 . AnormallyBsurprisinglyCcomfortablyDpersonally26 . AFromBInCUnderDWith27 . AsadderBhappierCsadDhappy28 . AAndBButCSoDBecause29 . Abrought outBfell downCmade upDbroke into30 . AbothBallCeachDnone四、阅读单选An American is walking in an African villageHe gets on a bus when it comesThe driver shows him a yellow ticket“Youd better buy a yellow ticket,”says the driver“Its one dollarI have two other kindsThe red is fifty cents,and the green one is ten cents “Green ticket,please,”says the manThe bus startsNow it is getting darker and darker and the bus begins to go up a hillSuddenly it stops“Yellow ticket passengers(乘客),”the driver shouts(大声说),“stay in the busRed ticket passengers,get out and walkGreen ticket passengers,get out,shut the door and push the bus31 . Where is the man from?AAn African village.BAmericaCChina32 . The story happens(发生) in_.AAmericaBa townCAfrica33 . How many kinds of tickets are their in the bus?AOne.BTwo.CThree.34 . _ is the most expensiveAThe yellow ticketBThe green ticketCThe red ticket35 . The American has to_ in the endAstay in the busBget out of the bus and walkCget out of the bus, shut the door and push the busCHANGSHA-Chinas first way for smart driving buses on open roads began its trial operation (试运行) in Changsha on Friday. The test bus line is 7.8 km long with 22 stations on the two-way trip. During the trial operation, four smart driving buses will be put into use. They need to pass through traffic lights, make turns and stop at the stations. One of the smart driving buses successfully finished the whole trip. It went along the planned road on Friday morning without a driver.CHONGQING-The first Reading and Writing Project with Famous Writers on Campus is going on at Chongqing No.1 Middle School on December 14th and 15th. The school invited ten famous writers like Bi Feiyu, Ouyang Jianghe and Li Er. They had a talk with the teachers and students about how to improve their reading and writing skills. Both the writers and the listeners said they learned a lot because of the activity.36 . There are _ smart driving buses being put into use during the trial operation.AfourteenBfifteenCtwenty-twoDfour37 . The school invited famous writers to talk with teachers and students about how to _.Abecome famousBimprove reading and writing skillsCdrive smart busesDimprove learning skills38 . You will most probably see the passage in _.Athe newsBa travel magazineCa story bookDa dictionaryAthletics vs. GardeningThe students of Southside School were asked to give their opinions about whether the school should run an athletic program or start a vegetable garden.An athletic program is hatch better than gardening. How are we ever going to win anything at the Inter-School Athletics without proper training? At the moment, we only do athletics for one tam and the teachers train us. We need experts(专家)to teach us things like throwing and high jump.I know lots of kids say theyre tot interested in competitions, but thats because theyve never won anything. If they got better training and started winning things, theyd soon change their minds.People always say kids dont get enough exercise. Just because you do gardening outdoors doesnt make it exercise, so I dont sec how it matters.Athletics is much better for fitness and lots of kids can have a go at the same tine. I dont think there would be enough jobs for everyone in a garden.In fact, I think a garden is a really bad idea. I dont know why were even considering it.Liz, Grade 8I think a vegetable garden is a great idea. We already do hours of sport, including athletics. And not everyone likes sport.Gardening is a great way to get exercise without worrying about whether youre any good at it, or whether youre going to win. And you really do gel exercise when you garden. Theres digging, weeding and watering Even picking things can be hard work pumpkins arent light you know!There are lots of kids around here who dont have gardens so they cant grow things even they want to. If you really want to do more sport, you can join a club.And think about it: What helps you to be good at sport? You need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. If we learn to cook all the things we grow, the garden will keep us all fit and healthy and then well be better at sport.Sam, Grade 839 . Which of these points do Liz and Sam both make?AKids should take exercise.BKids should eat vegetables.CKids should try to win more.DKids should be outside more.40 . What is one reason Liz gives for saying a garden is a really bad idea?ASome students dont like getting dirty.BSome students dont enjoy being outside.CSome students already know how to garden.DSome students may have no chance to garden.41 . Why does Sam say, And think about it.: what helps you to be good at sport?ATo change the subject.BTo introduce his next reason.CTo support Lizs idea.DTo find an answer to the question.五、阅读判断Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? What should you do about it? Dont drink coffee !Please take a nap(小睡).After napping, you will remember things better.Also, you can learn things more easily.There are some rules you should follow about taking a nap.First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up.Next, a 20minute nap is the best .If you sleep longer, you may not feel very well.Also, you should use an alarm clock to wake you up.So, when you feel sleepy after lunch.put your head down, close your eyes, and catch forty winks.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。42 . The writer asks us to drink coffee when we are sleepy after lunch.43 . A nap can make us remember things better.44 . The writer thinks we should take a nap for forty minutes.45 . There are three rules we should follow about “taking a nap”.46 . The underlined words“catch forty winks”means “take a nap”.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):47 . Do you enjoy _(to read, reading)detective stories?48 . All the citizens were shocked to learn that a lion managed _(to escape, escape)from the zoo.49 . Car drivers hope _(building, to build)more parking places in city centre.50 . I will show you how _(to make, making)a cake. Watch me carefully.51 . It takes James over two hours _(finishing, to finish)the work yesterday evening.52 . _(To be, Being)honest, I dont feel like going out this weekend.53 . After a short break, Ben went on _(doing, to do)his homework.54 . Sue reminded me not to forget _(bringing, to bring)her book tomorrow.七、单词填空AisntBbecauseCsubjectDonEChineseThere are Chinese,science,IT and maths lessons55 . Monday morning. Bettys favourite56 . is IT. She likes it57 . it is very interesting. Tonys favourite subject58 . IT. He thinks it is very difficult,but he likes59 . .八、材料作文60 . 写作以后你可能会很富有,想一想如果你富有了,你会用你的钱干什么?请展开联想,以 “If Im rich”为题写一篇短文。(60-80词)提示词汇:1. buy a big house, family, a happy and comfortable life;2. travel all over the world;3.help the poor children, get an education.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、材料作文1、


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