人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元测试卷(模拟)

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人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元测试卷(模拟)_第1页
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人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元测试卷(模拟)_第3页
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人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you help out at home?.AYes. I sometimes wash the dishes.BYes. I usually make cards.CYes. I always do my homework.DNo. I often do some cleaning.2 . -Will your father take the train to work next year?-. He will take the subway.ANo, he wont.BYes, he will.CNo, he doesnt. DYes, he does.3 . Lucy can play _ violin, but she cant play _ soccer.Athe; theB/; theCthe; /D/; /4 . Maria likes playing _ erhu and she wants to buy _ good one.Aa;aBa;theCthe;aDthe;the5 . My friend invited me _ the art club , and I accepted it with pleasure.AjoinBto joinCjoinedDjoining6 . Please call Alan _ 6873721.AinBatCtoDof7 . - How soon are you leaving for Beijing ?- In _ days.Aa couple ofBa coupleCa couple toDa couple for8 . His elder brother _his care less mistakesAwas happy withBfelt ashamed ofCwas curious aboutDhad no idea9 . What_ him last night? He had an accident on the way home.Atook place toBtook place forChappened toDhappened for10 . I saw him _ football on my way home.AplaysBplayingCplayedDto play11 . Sorry, Doctor Smith isnt here right now.May I _ a message on his desk?AtakeBleaveChaveDbring12 . Its lunch-time.Atime for lunchBtime to lunchCwant lunchDeat lunch13 . _do you spend your weekends, Susan?- I usauslly learn to play the piano in a music club.AWhat .BHowCWhyDWhere14 . The old version of this dictionary remains _ use today.AinBonCwithDfor15 . The man is not a good person. I_have_his number.AI have his phone number.BI know him very well.CI call him.DI dont like him.二、完型填空完形填空Look! This is a photo of our class. The man_a beard(胡须) is our English teacher, Mr. Hu . He isnt young, but he isnt_He is a tall man. He has a round_and black hair. The man _him is our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang . I think he is very clever because he has_hair. He likes_jokes. Do you know the man_black. He is our math teacher, Mr. Wu. He is good at_math. He sings_. There _fifty students in our class. We all like them.16 . AonBwithCinDhas17 . AoldBfatCbeautifulDheavy18 . AeyeBnoseChandDface19 . AwithBnext toCinDafter20 . AlittleBa littleCfewDa few21 . AtellingBsayingCtalkingDspeaking22 . AinBofCin theDwears23 . AteachBteachingCto teachDteaches24 . AgoodBmuchCwellDbest25 . AisBhasChaveDare三、阅读单选Hello, Im a middle school student from Hainan. My Chinese name is Li Ying. My English name is Alice. I am Chinese. Im in No. 26 Middle School. I am a good student. Now I am thirteen years old.Our school is very nice. Ms Smart is my English teacher. I like her and she loves us very much.There are three people in my family. This is my father. He is a teacher. This is my mother. Her name is Han Jing. I love them very much.26 . Alice is from.AJapanBEnglandCAmericaDChina27 . Li Ying isyears oldA14B13C12D1028 . Ms Smart isEnglish teacher.ALi YingsBLi PingsCLinglingsDDamings29 . Li Yings father is.Aa teacherBa doctorCa studentDa worker30 . Li Yings mothers name is.AHan MeimaiBHan JingCAliceDSmartIndoor(室内) Water ParkOpening time:10: 00 am5: 00 pm from Monday to Friday 8: 00am9: 00 pm from Saturday to Sunday Ticket price: Aduits: 150 yuan/ person; 130 yuan for members Children: above(在上)1.2meters 75 yuan/ person; 60 yuan for members; under 1.2 meters are ftee.Should not take: Food, pets or other things like knives, rings and so on. Things should remember: Pregnant(怀孕的) women, children under 1.4 meters and old people above 60 should stay with other adults. You should follow the rules in the water park. If you have some health problems and arent fit for water activities, youd better not come in. 31 . An adult member and two children members (above1.2 meters) should pay _ for the tickets.A300 yuanB270 yuanC280 yuanD250 yuan32 . How long does the water park open on Thursday?AFor six hoursBFor seven hoursCFor thirteen hoursDFor twelve hours33 . What can visitors take to the water park?ADrinksBPetsCFoodDRings34 . Whats the passage mainly about?AHow to play in the water park safely.BAn advertisement(广告) of a water park.CWhat you can play in the water park.DA notice about the trip to the water park.四、句型转换句型转换(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)35 . I eat dinner in the evening. (就画线部分提问)you eat dinner?36 . They get home at 7:30 pm.(改为同义句)。They get home at 7:30the.37 . David can play the guitar. (改成一般疑问句) _ David _ the guitar?38 . I can sing and dance. (改成否定句) I _ sing _dance.39 . want, join, art, they, club, to, the (连词成句)_ .五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或中文提示,写出各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)40 . Twenty and thirty is f_.41 . The pay phones are b_ the post office and the library.42 . Doing e_ in the morning helps us to be healthy.43 . I went to a gift shop and bought some g_ for my parents.44 . Tommy and his friends c_ up to the high mountain in the end.45 . Please arrive here _ (早) so we can start before 7 oclock.46 . That little boy _ (醒来) up after his parents left home.47 . I think dogs are _ (友好的) and smart.48 . Whats the _ (天气) like today? Its windy.49 . _ (一切) can be better if you keep on working hard.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空50 . Scientists _(discover) many other galaxies in the universe since a long time ago.51 . Lucy has finished _(make) the model of the space station.52 . We all have got an A in the test._(real)? Congratulations.53 . We are trying _(get) good marks.54 . Please drive as _(careful) as possible.七、完成句子根据汉语提示完成下列句子55 . 请问,这附近有公共汽车站吗?_ me. _ a bus stop neat here?56 . 吉米居住的小区里有两家超市。There _ two supermarkets _ Jimmy neighborhood.57 . 沿南京路直走,当你看到一个公园时向右转。_ Nanjing Road and _ when you see a park.58 . 办公室就在教室的对面。The office is _ the classroom.59 . 从你家到学校怎么走?_ do you _ the school from your home?八、回答问题任务型阅读60 . - What did Tina lose? - She lost a _.61 . - When did Lisa lose her bag? - She lost her bag in the_.62 . - What color is the bag? - Its _.63 . - Whats Tinas phone number? - It is _.64 . - Whats in Lisas bag? - There are some _.九、材料作文65 . 书面表达WANTEDBoys and girls aged 1215.Are you good with children?Happy Kids Winter Camp needs help with:sportsmusiccomputerCome and join us!Send your personal(个人的) information to hkwc163.com.Boys and girls aged 1215.Are you good with children?Happy Kids Winter Camp needs help with:sportsmusiccomputerCome and join us!Send your personal(个人的) information to hkwc163.com.假如你是李平,看到上面的招聘广告后想去应聘。请根据广告中的要求及下列表格中的信息写一封电子邮件,介绍你的个人情况、兴趣爱好及能力。词数:4060。NameAgeSchoolLikeCanLi Ping13No.1MiddleSchoolreading, computers, playingbasketballplay soccer, sing Englishsongs, dance, swim第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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