2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Unit Two 自测练习1-2B卷

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2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Unit Two 自测练习1-2B卷_第1页
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2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Unit Two 自测练习1-2B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tom always_ to school with his best friend.Awill walkBis walkingCwalksDwalked2 . Which of the following words matches the sound/kand/?AcardBkindCkidDcold3 . John always helps _ people.Athe otherBotherCothersDanother4 . Although Kenneth is only 5 years old, he can _ his little sister.Alook afterBlook upClook atDlook for5 . Mary _ angry, so I like her.AneverBusuallyCis neverDis usually二、完成句子完成句子6 . 在我学骑车时,常常从车上摔下来。When I learned to ride a bicycle, I often _.7 . 我希望你能及时赶来参加这个会议。I hope you can come to the meeting _.8 . 我在考虑明年上哪所大学。Im _going to which university next year.9 . 由于污染严重,所以政府不得不关闭所有的化工厂。The government has to _all the chemical factories because of heavy pollution.10 . 他住的离学校最远。He lives _ the school.11 . 天津的政府部门正在建设5个大型的自然公园。The government of Tianjin is _ five large nature parks.12 . Tom昨天同意了我的看法。Tom _ me yesterday.13 . 玲玲总是询问关于如何提高英语的建议Lingling always _ advice about how to improve English.14 . 在你比赛之前必须做热身运动You have to _ before you have a match.15 . 我们有充足的时间可以为考试做准备We have _ time to prepare for the exam.16 . 用字典查新单词是个很多好的主意。Its a good idea to _ the new words in the dictionary.17 . 他们大声地为我们加油,我们感到很兴奋。They _ us _ loudly, and we felt very excited.18 . 你可以把错误记在自己的笔记本上。You can _ the mistakes in your notebook.19 . 想到熊猫和其他濒危的动物是很令人难过的。It is sad to _ animals in danger.20 . 我们正在掠夺动物们的土地和森林。We are _ the land and forests of the animals.根据汉语意思完成句子21 . 你需要那件绿色的短裙吗?_ you _ the green skirt?22 . 你的鞋子是大还是小?Are your shoes _or _?23 . 这件黑色的T恤衫多少钱?_is this black T-shirt?24 . 这件红色的毛衣看起来很好看。The red sweater _.25 . 那些女士是我们的老师。Those _ are our _.根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。26 . 你应该做到诚实,请不要再编造任何借口。You should be honest and stop _ any excuses.27 . 我们老师也和我们一起参加训练。Our teacher also _ in the training with us.28 . 你感冒了吗?Have you _ a _?29 . 你最好在客人来之前收拾干净。Youd better _ before the guests arrive.30 . 昨天我感觉不舒服,所以去看了医生。I _ yesterday, so I went to see a doctor.三、填空Dear Sir,I would like to recommend Liu Hua for this years Youth Service Award.Liu Hua is a clever girl. She is very good at drawing and she often teaches children how to draw after school.Liu Hua is kind and friendly. She comes to our community center every day. She does a lot of things for the center. Sometimes she comes to the center at the weekends to teach English. All the members of the community center like her very much.Last month, Liu Hua broke her arm while playing tennis, but she did not stop coming to the center. She said that she felt happy to help others.Many members think that Liu Hua should get an award for her hard work. We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Xiao HongA Recommendation31 . IntroductionTo recommend Liu Hua for this years Youth Service AwardMain32 . A33 . She can34 . pictures well and she is good at35 . .PersonalitiesShe is kind and36 . .What Liu Hua doesShe often teaches children how to draw after school is37 . .She helps the people in the community center38 . English. Last month, Liu Hua broke her39 . , but she did not stop coming to the center.ConclusionMany40 . think that Liu Hua should get an award for her hard work.四、其他41 . play basketball _42 . play computer games _43 . the same school _44 . 课后_45 . 和玩 _第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完成句子1、2、3、三、填空1、四、其他1、


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