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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题(不含听力材料)-1一、听短对话回答问题1 . When was Mike born?AIn 1993.BIn 1994.CIn 1995.2 . Why cant the woman open the door?AHer bags are dirty. B. She hurt her hands. C. The man wanted to do so.3 . AIn two hours.BIn two and a half hours.CIn half an hour.DIn an hour.4 . AIn the library.BIn the hospital.CIn the supermarket.5 . How much should the woman pay in total? A18 dollars.B3 dollars.C21 dollars.6 . APhoneBQQCWechat二、听句子或对话选择图片7 . Where does the dialogue happen? ABC8 . ABC9 . Which country does the woman want to visit?ABC10 . What does the boy want to buy for his father?ABC三、听长对话回答问题听材料,回答下列各个小题。现在你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读下面三个小题。11 . What does Bob think of Hemingways novels?ABoring.BInteresting. C .Valueless.12 . What will Bob do this afternoon?ABorrow some books.BWatch some films.CDo his homework.13 . In Bobs mother s opinion,what should Bob do to become a writer?AHe shouldnt read Hemingways novels many times because they are boring.BHe should not only read books about writers but also watch some films about them.CHe should borrow some books from the library after finishing his homework.四、听短文回答问题听短文,回答下列各小题。14 . Where was Helens hometown?AIn the north of America.BIn the south of America.CIn the west of America.15 . How was Helen when she was born?AShe was all right.BShe couldnt see or hear anything.CShe couldnt learn to say any words,16 . Who were very worried about Helen a lot?AHer grandparents.BHer parents.CHer mother.17 . When did Miss Sullivan come into Helens life?AWhen Helen was nearly 5.BWhen Helen was nearly 6.CWhen Helen was nearly 7.18 . What did Helen become?AA speaker.BA reporter.CA writer.下面请听材料,并回答下列各小题。19 . Where will Ann go this Sunday morning?ATo the Science Museum.BTo the Technology Museum.CTo the History Museum.20 . When will they get to the museum?AAt about 8:00 am.BAt about 11:00 am.CAt about 1:30 pm.21 . How long will they stay in the museum?AFor about two hours.BFor about an hour and a half.CFor about one hour.22 . How will they go to the Happy Lake?ABy subway.BBy bus.CBy boat.五、单选题23 . When he was a boy,he _ basketball,_ footballAdid not play,but alsoBplayed not,but alsoCcan not play,but alsoDplayed not only,but also24 . Do you agree _ me, Nick?AatBaboutConDwith25 . Its good for us to do _every day.Aeye exerciseBeyes exerciseCeye exercisesDeyes exercises26 . 选出与其他三项不同类的一项:_ApenBrulerCkeyDpencil27 . Could you turn _ the music, Tony?Grandpa is sleeping. Sorry, dad. I will do it right away.AonBupCdownDover28 . To everyones surprise, LuHan officially announced his relationship with Guan Xiaotong, which made their fans devastated.ATo everyones amazementBIt amazes no oneCTo meet everyones expectationDIt surprises everyone29 . Its every bodys duty to join in the Clean Your Plate Campaign. Sure. We should try to _ all the food that weve ordered.Agive upBeat upCshow upDturn up30 . Welcome _ our school, Miss Liu.AbackBtoConDin31 . How long have your parents _?For about 15 years.Aleft their hometownBgot to JinanCjoined the ping-pong clubDworked in this city32 . Its cold outside, Sandy. Youd better _ your coat to keep warm.Aput upBput outCput on33 . Grandma is rather deaf, so you must speak clearly andto her.AquietlyBquicklyCcheaplyDloudly34 . My son knows nothing about his hometown. He _there.Ahas ever beenBhas never beenChas ever goneDhas never gone35 . _ people went to the concert which was held in Gengsu Theatre _ the night of April 1st.AThousands of; inBThousand of; onCMany thousand; inDThousands of; on36 . QianXuesen passed away on October31, 2009the age of 98, but he is a manstill encourages Chinese youth.Aat; whoBon; whoCon; whichDat; which37 . My cousin wants to be _ actor, and Im going to be _ university teacher.A/;/Ban;anCan;aDa;a六、完型填空_ is a result of the student activity survey at our school. Most students exercise three or four times _ week. Some students exercise once _ twice a week. Some students exercise every day. _ homework ,most students _ homework every day. Some students do homework three or four times a week ._ students do homework once or twice a week. The result for watch TV is _. Some students watch TV once or twice a week. Some watch TV three or four _ a week. But most students watch TV every day._ think its helpful for them _ TV. They can be relaxed and learn much knowledge(知识)by watching TV.38 . AHereBThereCHeresDTheres39 . AaBanCtheD/40 . AandBbutCorDso41 . AWithBByCToDAs for42 . AdidBdoCdoesDdoing43 . ANotBNoCNot ofDNo one44 . AinterestingBinterestsCinterestedDinterest45 . AtimeBtimesCa timeDsome time46 . ATheyBTheirCThemDTheirs47 . AwatchBTo watchCwatchesDwatching七、阅读单选The United States has always been a country of many cultures. Before Europeans came to North America, many groups of Native America lived here. Different Native American groups had different cultures. The first European in the United States were from England and Holland, but immigrants (移民) came from all European countries. Many people also immigrated from Asia and Africa. Sadly, many Africans were brought to the United States to serve the Americans. The life there was hard for them. Many immigrants come from Latin America too. Today, the United States has people from more cultures than ever.In the 19th century, people thought of the United States as a “melting pot.” People thought that all immigrants should forget their native cultures and languages and become English-speaking Americans. They felt that people should assimilate cultures. However, not everyone wanted to assimilate completely. Many people tried to keep parts of their cultures, such as foods, customs, and languages. However, their children often forgot their parents or grandparents language. But most Americans, even those whose families have been here a long time, can tell the countries their relatives came from. And of course, new immigrants take great pride in their cultures and languages.For all of these reasons, melting pot is no longer a good way to describe the United States. Instead, people now call the United States a “salad bowl.” They say salad bowl because in a salad, you can still see all of the individual parts (lettuce, tomato, and so on), but all the different parts are mixed together and begin to take on the taste of one another.48 . The first paragraph mainly talks about _.Ahow many immigrants the United States haveBwhere the immigrants live in the United statesCwhat culture and language the immigrants keepDwhy the United States is a country of many cultures49 . What can we learn from the passage?ABefore Europeans came to North Amekioa, nobody lived there.BPeople spoke of the United States as a “melting pot” in the 19th century.CAll the Africans were brought to the United States to serve the Americans.DThe immigrants in the United States are only from England, Holland and Africa.50 . The underlined word “assimilate” in the second paragraph means _.Amake something similarBmake something specialCmake something differentDmake something interesting51 . Why do people call the United States a “salad bowl” now?ABecause Americans can make all the cultures into one culture.BBecause Americans all want to eat salad to healthy very much.CBecause Americans want their country to be as “green” as “salad”.DBecause Americans can make different cultures go together in one country.Wonderful Activities for Teenagers in Summer VacationA New Animal Star Is Coming!An elephant from Thailand is waiting for you atCuiping Zoo from July 10 to August 25. The elephant canride bikes, play basketball, dance and play the harmonica(口琴)He gives two shows a day at 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.Address: Mount CuipingTicket: ¥20A New Animal Star Is Coming!An elephant from Thailand is waiting for you atCuiping Zoo from July 10 to August 25. The elephant canride bikes, play basketball, dance and play the harmonica(口琴)He gives two shows a day at 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.Address: Mount CuipingTicket: ¥20Welcome to Our Free Exhibition!There is going to be an exhibition at Daguanlou fromJuly 5 to July 19. Wang Gang is one of the best-knownphotographers in Sichuan Province. There will be many greatphotos of people in Yibin and Yibin city.Open Time: 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. on Saturday and SundayWelcome to Our Free Exhibition!There is going to be an exhibition at Daguanlou fromJuly 5 to July 19. Wang Gang is one of the best-knownphotographers in Sichuan Province. There will be many greatphotos of people in Yibin and Yibin city.Open Time: 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. on Saturday and SundayJoin Us for a Day at Tianchi Amusement Park!Children aged 12 to 15 are invited to take part inthe Event of the Summer at Tianchi Amusement Park.Its in Yibin County(县), next to Tianchi Park. Youwont want to miss this day of fun. Join us at Tianchi Amusement Park on July 14. Register(登记)early.TEL: 555-7267Join Us for a Day at Tianchi Amusement Park!Children aged 12 to 15 are invited to take part inthe Event of the Summer at Tianchi Amusement Park.Its in Yibin County(县), next to Tianchi Park. Youwont want to miss this day of fun. Join us at Tianchi Amusement Park on July 14. Register(登记)early.TEL: 555-726752 . Who can take part in the Event of the Summer? _AChildren under 5.BChildren aged 5-9.CChildren under 10.DChildren aged 12-15.53 . How long is the elephant staying at Cuiping Zoo? _A45 days.B46 days.C47 days.D48 days.54 . What can the elephant do? _ARide bikes, play basketball and play the harmonica.BRide bikes, dance and play the harmonica.CRide bikes, play basketball, dance and play the harmonica.DRide bikes, dance and play the harmonica.55 . What are the photos about? _APeople and city.BPeople in Yibin.CYibin city.DPeople in Yibin and Yibin city.56 . Which of the following is RIGHT?_AYou can only register the Event of the Summer on July 14.BThe elephant gives 2 shows a day from July 10 to August 25.CWang Gang is one of the best-known photographers in Yibin.DYou can see the exhibition at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday from July 5 to July 19.Americans in business have a language of their own. Some of the words and expressions deal with the special areas of their work. Other expressions are borrowed from different kinds of work such as the theater and movie industry. One such saying is “get your act together”. When things go wrong in a business, the boss may get angry. He may shout, “Stop making mistakes. Get your act together.” Or, if the boss is calmer, he may say, “Let us get our act together.” Either way, the meaning is the same. Getting your act together is getting organized. In business, it usually means to develop a calm and orderly plan of action. Where did the saying begin? It is probable that it was in the theater or movie industry. Perhaps one of the actors was nervous and made a lot of mistakes. The director may have said, “Calm down, now. Get your act together.” Word expert James Rogers says the expression was common at the late 1970s. Mister Rogers says the Manchester Guardian newspaper used it in 1978. The newspaper said a reform policy(改革政策) required that the British government get its act together. Now, this expression is heard often when officials of a company meet. And it has become shortened to “get it together”. Both mean the same thing straighten out your feelings and problems. If you always worry about your tests, you should really get it together!57 . The underlined phrase “get your act together” means_in Chinese here.A聚在一起B别犯傻了C仔细筹划D做你的事58 . We can infer from Paragraph 4 that_.Athe writer isnt sure where the saying comes from .Ban actor used the saying firstCa teacher used this saying firstDits not necessary to ask where the saying comes from59 . What does the writer want to tell us in Paragraph 5?APeople didnt know what “get it together” means in 1978.B“Get it together” was only used in newspapers.C“Get it together” was commonly used at the late 1970s.DThe British government get it together in 1978.60 . Which of the following is NOT true?AWhen you make a mistake, you may be told to get it together.BNow this saying is mainly used in school tests.C“Get it together” has the same meaning as “get your act together”.DNow this saying deals with a lot of areas.We are excited when we reach our goals,and at that moment we laugh,clap,even are over the moon. Without doubt,good results make us joyful. However,we cannot always get what we want and be the winner all the time. Some people cant help doubting: “Are our efforts in vain?”The answer is “No”. We should remember that we are not only measured by how many goals weve reached,but how we acted,which means,process is also important.Here is an example. Fruits are delicious. It takes trees a long time to bear them. In the process of growing,trees have to suffer from bad weather,insect bites and also intentional destructions(故意的破坏)from human beings. So it is with us. Our life is like a journey. At the beginning,we set a goal,dreaming of it every night,but we should never forget that we spend most of our time on the journey. Unfortunately,many people only complain about the failure and then give up hope. In fact,it is the failure that teaches us to be brave and stand on our own.I myself deeply believe that only those who experienced a lot can own the highly-valued characters,only those who adventured(冒险)can have the chance to succeed. It is said No pain,no gain. We are still young,still full of energy,so why are we afraid of failure and why do we hesitate(犹豫)to take an adventure?Young men,lets forget results,leave out pain,and just look forward and dont miss any chance on the journey!61 . Reaching our goal will make us _.Alaugh at othersBget over the moonCset another goalDforget our effort62 . The underlined phrase in vain here means“_”.A值得B益处C高效D徒劳63 . The writer gives an example of fruits in order to say _.ANo pain,no gainBPeople will suffer a lot in lifeCIts hard for a tree to bear fruitsDWe should grow trees to get good fruits64 . Only those who _ will get really good characters.Ahave gone through a lotBwork very hardCbelieve that things will be better and betterDbelieve in themselves65 . The best title for the passage is _.AStand on Our OwnBProcess Is Also ImportantCDont Doubt YourselfDFailure Is the Mother of Success八、根据首字母、中文提示填空A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。66 . Youd better buy a _(棉) blouse. It feels comfortable and its not expensive.67 . Maria likes to eat beef with a _(餐叉) and a knife.68 . There are more _(草) and flowers in the garden.69 . Danny is a _(邮递员).His job is to collect and deliver letters.70 . _(法国) is a European country.九、单词填空根据短文意思,用括号中词语的适当形式填空。One day the traffic was heavy on the city roads. The cars were 71 . (end). It seemed to be72 . (hope) to walk across the street. It was 73 . (use) for us to wait and see. So we decided to walk over the footbridge (人行天桥). My daughter was 74 . (cheer) in her75 . (colour) dress. She always thought that life was 76 . (meaning) and 77 . (wonder). But to her surprise, she found that a 3-year-old boy was begging (乞讨) on the footbridge. He looked so 78 . (help).Why doesnt he go back home? She asked. I didnt know how to answer it.十、填空My name is Tina Jones. Im in Class 3. I like baseball very much. I play baseball every day and I watch this sport on TV, too. I want to join the baseball club. I have a good friend. She wants to join a club, too. But she doesnt like baseball. She likes tennis very much. So she wants to join the tennis club. Her name is Joy Green. She is in my class.根据材料内容,填写下面的卡片。First name:79 . Last name: JonesClass:3Sports I like: 80 . First name: JoyLast name:81 . Class:82 . Sports I like:83 . 十一、汉译英:整句翻译句子84 . 为了逗孩子们笑,我不停地讲笑话。_85 . 我们班没人比Jane画画更好的了。_86 . 我们相信有水的地方就有生命。_87 . 你在做水果色拉之前,你最好上一门DIY的课程。_88 . 我们应该马上采取措施来保护处境危险的野生动物。_十二、讲稿89 . 书面表达“全民阅读”被写入了政府工作报告,目的是倡导全民热爱阅读。请根据提示用英文向English Post投稿,简述阅读现状及你对阅读的看法和打算。阅读现状有些人不常阅读;有些人常说没空;有些人认为没用。你的看法获取知识,开拓视野;利于思考,提高技能;(自拟1点)你的打算(自拟2点)注意:90词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。The National Reading has been put in the government work report in order to encourage a love of reading in all Chinese people.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、三、听长对话回答问题1、四、听短文回答问题1、2、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、九、单词填空1、十、填空1、十一、汉译英:整句1、十二、讲稿1、

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