人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 3 How do you get to school Section B(1a-1e)

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人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 3 How do you get to school Section B(1a1e)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空I did something wrong when I was six years old.“Which one of you did this?” dad _ . We all looked down at the step. There_ childs handwriting (笔迹)there. I was very afraid. I hoped _ could see it. Could he guess it was me? When he asked me, I lied . “Not me, Dad.” My sister and brother also said _ .To find out who really wrote on the _ , Dad gave us each a piece of _ and a pencil, “I want each of you to write down_ you see on the step.” I tried my best to _ differently. I didnt want Dad to know it was me. He picked up our pieces of paper and looked at_ . “Because no one will tell me who did it, I will punish (惩罚) you all.” But as the youngest of the _ children, I wasnt brave enough to tell the truth. _ I just stood there and said nothing. “I _ it.” My sister stood forward and answered. So only she was punished.We didnt talk about that day for many years. But I always felt sorry because of it.1 . AheardBinvitedCaskedDchecked2 . AwasBwereCisDare3 . AeverybodyBsomebodyCanybodyDnobody4 . AnoByesCpleaseDsorry5 . AstepBwallCtableDbed6 . AcakeBbreadCpaperDleaf7 . AwhenBwhyCwhatDhow8 . AsingBdanceCwriteDread9 . AitBthemChimDher10 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour11 . ASoBBecauseCOrDBut12 . AdoesBdoCdidDwill do二、阅读单选Different types of maps have different uses. Tourist maps, for example, have signs to show places of interest in an area. When tourists read these maps, it is easy for them to find where to go and what to see in a place and it is easy for them to go and find their ways to these places.Road maps show large areas so that people can plan long journeys. Different types of roads are given different numbers. For example, if you want to go to Wood Green, you just follow No. 621 Road and keep looking at the road signs.Distribution maps (分布图) use colors or signs to show facts about an area. For example, where different languages are spoken, how many people live in an area, how cold and hot some places are, or whether a place is short of water.Some maps, such as railway maps, use straight lines to show everything. This is easy for people to read. Trains are fast. People dont have to think about small places they go past. They just need to know the two ends of their trips.13 . Jim wants to visit some places of interest. Which map does he need most?AA road map.BA tourist map.CA distribution map.DA railway map.14 . How can you tell different roads on Road maps?ABy finding the numbers.BBy using different colors.CBy using straight lines.DBy looking at the road signs.15 . Which of the following can Distribution maps tell us?AHow to get to Germany.BHow to plan a long journey.CWhich place is short of water.DWhere a famous museum is.16 . Why do railway maps use straight lines?ABecause railways are straight.BBecause people like straight lines.CBecause people can read them easily.DBecause railways have only two ends.17 . Which is the best title for the passage?ALearn to Design MapsBGet to know Different MapsCBuy a Railway Map for yourselfDDraw Maps for Geography Students三、句型转换改写句子按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。18 . Tom plans to work as a policeman.(改为否定句)Tom _ to work a policeman.19 . We like science because it is difficult but interesting.(根据划线部分提间)_ you like science?20 . “How do you feel about the movie?” He asked his sister.(改写句子,句意不变)He asked his sister _ she _ about the movie.21 . Does Jessie often sing these pop songs?(改写句子,句意不变)_ these pop songs often _ by Jessie?22 . Never say no to a job because you think its too small. You dont know where it will lead.(改写句子,句意不变)Never _ a job because you think its too small. You dont know where it will lead.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在相应位置上。23 . Its important to have confidence in our own _ (文化) and history.24 . E-sports is becoming more and more popular _ (在,之中) young people.25 . It is _ (广泛地) known that most conversations begin with the weather in England.26 . Britain will hot crash out of the EU on time _ (除非) it gets support from parliament.27 . We should _ (意识到) that running away from problems can only slow us down.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空28 . I have many _ (photo) in my album (相册).29 . Hows the weather in Beijing? Its _ (wind).30 . How about _ (go) to the party?31 . Look! Mother is _(cook) dinner for us.32 . He can _(sing) English songs.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。good evening, it, what color,an, in English33 . _ is the apple?Its red.34 . Good evening!_!35 . It is _ orange.36 . Whats this _ ?Its a cup.37 . Whats that?_ is Y.七、填空阅读填空先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。You may know that more people drink coffee than tea around the worldAnd that, after oil, it is the second biggest traded commodity (商品)You may also know that the drink comes from beans which are first roasted and then ground (研磨)But what else do you know about this popular drink?It is said that the story of coffee started with an Ethiopian goatherd (牧羊人) named KaldiOne day Kaldi was surprised to see that his goats were behaving very strangelyInstead of grazing (吃草) quietly, they were jumping around, almost dancingHe also noticed some red cherries from a plant that the goats were eatingHe tried some himself and was surprised by the feeling of extreme happiness and excitementHe felt like dancing too !But it wasnt used as a drink at firstIt was used as foodThe coffee berries, mixed with animal fat, were used by monks to stay awake during long hours of prayerFrom Ethiopia, coffee was later cultivated (培育) in Yemen and the first hot drink was developed there around AD 1000Three centuries later Muslims were keen coffee drinkers and as Islam spread, so did coffeeCoffee houses appeared in Cairo and MeccaFor hundreds of years the plants were protected safelyBut some beans were smuggled (偷运) out of Arabia and taken to IndiaIn the 17th century, coffee was soon grown in a new continentFrom India to Indonesia, a century later the beans were once again smuggled to BrazilBrazil is now the largest coffee producer in the worldIt was the caffeine that made the goats dance and kept the monks awakeAlthough it is found in other soft drinks and tea, coffee has the most caffeineIn the short terma couple of cups of coffee can prevent fatigue and delay sleepBut several cups a day, every day, can cause anxiety and restlessnessThe 38 . of CoffeeDiscoveryKaldi found that his goats got 39 . after they are some red cherriesKaldi himself tried some, and he became very happy and excitedAt firstCoffee was 40 . instead of being drunkIn AD 1000Coffee was cultivated in Yemen and the first hot drink was developedIn AD 1300Coffee 41 . to different places so coffee houses appeared in Cairo and MeccaIn the 17th centuryCoffee was soon grown in a new continent, from India to IndonesiaNowBrazil 42 . the most coffee in the world第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、填空1、

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