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上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Thatlovelyboy_sunglassesisJoe.AwearsBwithCon2 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?AAt last John agreed to have a talk with his parents.BOf all the sports, Tom likes playing basketball best.CKitty asked her dad to help her with the math problem.DBananas are my sisters favourite fruit, I think.3 . Happy Spring Festival! _AYes, Im happy.BThank you.CThank you! The same to you.DThats great.4 . The girl is so helpful that she devoted all her spare time she had _ othersAto helpBhelpingCto helpingDhelped5 . Its time _ class. You must _ the classroom.Ato; to goBfor; go toCto; to goDfor; to go6 . We usually play sports _ three hours every day.AatBinCofDfor7 . My physics teacher Australia since last week.Ahas leftBhas been away fromCleftDis leaving8 . Please be careful _ your study _ now on.Ato, fromBwith, andCto, andDwith, from9 . Whats the young man over there?He is _ engineer. He has _ one-year-old son.Aan; aBan; theCan; anDa; a10 . Eddie prefers when he has time.AsleepBto sleepCto sleepingDsleeps11 . I think is convenient to take the underground to travel in a big city like Shanghai.AthatBitsCitDits12 . Jennifer has two children and _ of them were born in winter.AbothBsomeCallDneither13 . I have a computer, but I dont know how to _ it.ApracticeBuseCmakeDshow14 . _late, boys. We must leave at eight tomorrow morning.ADontBCantCDont beDCant be15 . Kathy, _ do you call the woman in the picture?We call her Miss Smith. She is an English teacher in our school.AwhichBwhatChowDwhere二、完型填空Its 12 oclock. A man goes into a restaurant for _. “Hi! Can I_you?” a waiter says. “Id like some French fries, a _and a medium Coke,” says the man. “_else?” asks the waiter. “No,” the man answers. “Thats _.” “For here or to go?” asks the waiter. “To go, please,” says the man. The waiter puts the food into a bag. Then the man goes away _ the bag. “Have a nice day,” the waiter says.The man walks to the park. He sits down and opens the bag. There _a hamburger, some French fries and a Coke. There is also some _ in the bag. “Thats the money for my lunch,” says the man. He wants to go back to the _ because he doesnt want to_ his lunch for free. He is really a good man.When he gets back to the restaurant, he finds its _. So he has to wait for half an hour there. After _ the mans words, the waiter smiles and _ the manager (经理). The manager thinks the man is good, so he says to the man, “Sorry. We _ a mistake (错误). You are so _ , we decide(决定)to give the food to you as a reward (作为回报).”16 . AbreakfastBlunchCdinnerDsupper17 . AaskBcallChelpDtell18 . ApotatoBdumplingCtomatoDhamburger19 . AAnyoneBAnythingCSomethingDEverything20 . AallBherChisDnone21 . AofBwithCfromDto22 . AhaveBhasCareDis23 . AmoneyBbeefCcabbageDfood24 . AparkBhouseCrestaurantDhome25 . AgiveBgetCgotDgave26 . AlazyBfreeCbusyDhappy27 . AseeingBwatchingChearingDlistening28 . AtellsBasksCspeaksDtalks29 . AmakeBmakesCmakingDto make30 . AspecialBdeliciousCtastyDnice三、阅读单选Once there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was said that the island would go down, so all made boats and left except Love.Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to offer her help until the last possible moment. When the island had almost gone down, Love decided to ask for help.Richness was passing by Love in a great boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I cant. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”Sadness was close by, so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you .” “Oh, Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even notice when Love called her.Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love was so excited that she even forgot to ask who the elder was. So Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?” “It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time understands howvaluableLove is.”31 . What would happen to the island?A. It would grow bigger. B. It would sink. C. It drove feelings away. D. All the feelings lived.32 . Sadness didnt see Love when he passed by Love, did he?A. Yes, he did. B. Yes, he didnt. C. No, he didnt. D. No, he did.33 . Why didnt Happiness help Love?A. Because Happiness didnt like Love.B. Because Happiness didnt hear Love calling her.C. Because her boat was so small that she couldnt take Love with her.D. Because she needed to be by herself.34 . Who helped Love out of danger?A. Sadness. B. Knowledge. C. Happiness. D. Time.35 . What does the underlined word “valuable” mean in Chinese?A. 令人喜爱的 B. 珍贵的 C. 吸引人的 D. 有爱心的Your house may have an effect on your shape of your body. Experts say the way you design(设计) your home could play a role in whether you put on the pounds or keep them off. You can make your environment work for you instead of against you. Here are some ways to change your home into part of your diet plan.Open the curtains(窗帘) and turn up the lights. Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating, for people are often less awkward when theyre in poorly lit placesand so more likely to eat lots of food. If your home doesnt have enough window light, get more lights and flood the place with brightness.Mind the colors. Research suggests warm colors make us eat more. In one study, people who ate meals in a blue room consumed(消化) 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room. Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing, while cold colors make us feel less hungry. So when its time to repaint, go blue.Dont forget the clockor the radio. People who eat slowly seem to consume about 70 fewer calories(卡路里) per meal than those who rush through their meals. Begin paying attention to the time, and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes. And while youre at it, actually sit down to eat. If you need some help slowing down, turn on relaxing music. It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.Downsize the dishes. Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat. We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate. When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one, total intake(摄取量) jumps by 14 percent. And well pour about 30 percent more liquid(液体) into a short, wide glass than a tall, skinny glass.36 . The passage is especially helpful for those who care about _.Ahouse buyingBtheir body shapeChealthy dietsDtheir home comforts37 . A home environment in blue can help people _ .Atake in food betterBburn more caloriesCreduce food intakenDfeel less awkward38 . The underlined word “appetizing” probably means _ in the passage.A精致的B恶心的C饱腹的D开胃的39 . People are advised to _ at mealtimes.Aeat quicklyBplay fast music.Cuse smaller spoonsDturn down the lights40 . The best title for the passage is _.AWays of Serving DinnerBIs Your House Making You Fat?.CEffects of Self-awarenessDIs Your Home Environment Relaxing?Hi! My name is Lisa. Im a student in Shanghai. Im in Class Nine, Grade Five. Wang Tao and Li Fang are my friends. They(他们) are in Grade Five, too. They are not in my class. They are in Class Seven. Im 12. They are 12, too. Mr. Cheng is my teacher. His(他的) telephone number is 8869254.41 . Where is Lisa from?ABeijingBShanghaiCGuangzhou.DHongKong42 . Lisa, Wang Tao and Li Fang are in _.AClass oneBGrade two.CClass 7, Grade 5.DGrade Five43 . How old is Lisa?Atwelve.Bthirteen.Cfourteen.Dfifteen44 . What is Mr Chengs job?Aworker.Bteacher.Cdoctor.Dmanager45 . Whats Mr Chengs telephone number?A3517288.B4356786.C8869254.D8679254John gets up early from Monday to Saturday, because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays and go to the Drawing Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until(直到) midnight.He doesnt get up early on Sundays. He often gets up at 10 a.m. And he always watches TV after he gets up. Johns parents both work on Sundays, so he usually goes to KFC to have a hamburger and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and starts to play computer games until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has lots of weekend homework, so he must spend three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 on Sunday evenings. He often complains (抱怨) he has too much homework to do.46 . How often does John need to get up early?AEvery day.BFive days a week.COnly at the weekend.DEvery day except on Sundays.47 . What does John do on Sunday mornings?AHe goes to have lessons.BHe goes to a club.CHe goes to the bookshop.DHe watches TV.48 . When does John do his weekend homework?AOn Sunday evenings.BOn Sunday mornings.COn Saturday evenings.DOn Sunday afternoons.49 . Why does John have lunch in KFC on Sundays? ABecause hes too busy.BBecause his parents arent at home.C.Because he gets up too late.CBecause his parents have lunch in KFC.50 . Which of these is not right?AJohn watches TV after supper on Saturdays.BJohn doesnt exercise on Sundays.CJohn watches much TV on Sunday afternoons.DJohn goes to bed late on Saturday and Sunday evenings.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据单词的适当形式填空每空2分51 . Thank you for _ (play) with me 52 . He _(like ) halloween best53 . She needs _(keep)fit54 . I usually eat fish and _(vegetable)55 . I want t o eat _(一个) orange.五、单词填空请阅读下面短文,根据其内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每个单词限用一次)savefastfromcalloncewatchgreatmakericeyouDear Cindy,How are you?I had a great time last Tuesday,May 30th,2017.It was a traditional Chinese festival 56 . Dragon Boat Festival that day.This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan,one of the 57 . Chinese poets.He killed himself by jumping into the Miluo River on May 5th of the lunar calendar,278 BAPeople there rowed the boats 58 . him.But it was too late.They were very sad and then threw 59 . into the river to feed the fishes so that they would stay away from his body.60 . then on,every year on this day,people enjoy 61 . zongzi which is made of rice with meat,eggs and so on.In the past we ate it only 62 . a year,but now we regard it as our daily food.We can have it at any time we like.Have you ever63 . the dragon boat race on TV?It is another important part of this festival.Several teams row their dragon shaped boats as 64 . as they can.The first team to reach the finish line wins.If you have a plan to visit China next year,would 65 . like to spend this festival with us?Best wishes!Yours,Shen六、填空English Expansive Courses MarchApril 2019MondayMar.11th, 18th, 25thApr.1st, 8th, 15thEnglish History3:15 pm.4:15 pm. TuesdayMar.12th, 19th, 26thApr.2nd, 9th, 16thEnglish Songs4:15 pm.5:15 pm. WednesdayMar.13th, 20th, 27thApr.3rd, 10th, 17thEnglish Spelling (Grade 7 only)3:15 pm.4:15 pm. ThursdayMar.14th, 21st, 28thApr.4th, 10th, 18thGeography of the US. 3:15 pm.4:15 pm. FridayMar.15th, 22nd, 29thApr.5th, 11th, 19thEnglish Writing (Grade 9 only)3:15 pm.4:15 pm. Welcome to Our English Expansive Courses(拓展课程)Do you like English? We have many interesting English courses in March and 66 . . On Monday, we have 67 . for you. On Tuesday, you can have English Songs from 68 . to 5:15 pm. On Wednesday, English Spelling is for 69 . only. If you like geography, you can have Geography of the US. on Thursday. For Grade 9, we have English Writing on 70 . . Come and have fun in the English Expansive courses! 七、汉译英:整句根据汉语意思及括号内所给英文提示语,将下列句子翻译成英语。71 . 我们不反对野营。 (against)_72 . 卢克(Luke)曾经有去听音乐会的机会吗? (chance)_73 . 孩子们需要在户外活动上花许多时间。 (spend)_74 . 努力学习,你最终会成为一名好学生。 (end up)_75 . 长时间玩手机会妨碍你的学习。 (get in the way of)_八、材料作文76 . 假设你是王刚,在网上看到了Wild Animals Club (野生动物俱乐部) 招募志愿者的广告。请你用英语写一封信给俱乐部主席Mr. Black,申请加入该俱乐部。请根据表格信息和提示完成申请信。学校Sunshine Secondary School 年级Grade 8品德hard-working , helpful爱好basketball , travelling 申请理由联系方式02587654321,wanggangsunshinetown.com注意:1. 文章中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3. 申请信须包括表格中所有要点,申请理由2至3条,可适当发挥;4. 词数80左右,信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Black,I read your advertisement on the Internet and I would like to join the Wild Animals Club.Yours sincerely,Wanggang第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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