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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I looked for my pen _,but I cant find it _.Aeverywhere;anywhereBanywhere;everywhereCsomewhere;everywhereDeverywhere;somewhere2 . Theyll have a meeting with Jack Hall if it _ rain next weekend.AwontBisntCdoesntDhavent3 . Have you heard about the traffic accident around your neighborhood?Yes. Luckily, nobody was _ hurt.AwidelyBmostlyChardlyDbadly4 . The new mall has _ good things _we dont know which to choose.AsothatBsuchthatCenoughtoDtooto5 . Could you take me to the park this afternoon, Dad?_. You know, I have to wash my car.AI think soBHave a good timeCOf courseDIm afraid not6 . 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是和。AE, NBF, ICH, FDF, X7 . Our plane will take _ from Beijing Capital Airport and land _ Paris.Aup; onBoff; onCoff; inDup; in8 . Your paintings are so great, David! When did you learn _?Three years ago.Ato meetBto swimCto paintDto sing9 . Sweet wormwood(青蒿)is a common plant in China and Tu Youyou is the woman _used the special power of the plant to save _lives.Awhich, millions ofBwho, millions ofCwhose, million ofDwho, million of10 . We all like Wang Ling because he is always _ us , and he is very helpful .Afriendly toBangry withCmad at.二、补全对话5选5根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。(at the Lost and Found)A: 11 . B: Im looking for my purse.A: Well, I have one here. 12 . B: Blue.A: 13 . B: Some money. Mm, about 15 yuan.A: 14 . B: Mm, a picture of my family.A: Sorry. It isnt yours.B: 15 . ACan I help you?BThank you all the same.CWhats in it?DWhat color is your purse?EWhat else?三、完型填空完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。There is a kite on the wall of my room. Every time I see it, I_my fathers words.It was on my ninth birthday. He bought a wonderful bird-shaped kite for me as my birthday present. I liked it very much and Dad promised to play with me_the rain stopped the next day.I got up early the next day. It was a fine day. After breakfast, Dad took me to the nearby park._ around us seemed to welcome our coming. We began to_the kite. The kite was up slowly in the air, just like a big_.“Why do you_the line to control(控制)the kite?_ not let it fly freely in the sky?” I asked.“I am afraid the kite cant fly high if I dont control it with the line. Sometimes, control is_.” Dad answered.I was too young to know_Dad said then. But when I grow up, I begin to know the real meaning of my fathers words. And its_helpful in my life.16 . AhurtBtrustCforgetDremember17 . AorBifCsoDbut18 . ASomethingBAnythingCEverythingDNothing19 . AflyBknockCbelieveDfit20 . AcloudBkiteCbirdDcarrot21 . AhitBprotectCuseDpay22 . AHowBWhenCWhatDWhy23 . AhonestBhelpfulCgenerousDbored24 . AsomethingBthatCwhyDwhat25 . AreallyBmainlyCimportantlyDgreat四、阅读单选To make the library a good place for your students, you must follow the rules of the library. Here are the rules of our school library.If you read here: You can stay from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. You cant bring other books to the library. You can only take two books from the shelf (书架) at a time. Please dont be noisy. Please dont eat.If you borrow(借) books: Everyone must use his own (自己的) card to borrow books. You can borrow three books at a time. You can keep the books for a week. If you lost the books, you must pay for them.26 . You can read in the library _.Afrom 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on SundayBfrom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on SaturdayCfrom 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on FridayDfrom 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday27 . If you read in the library, you _.Ashould keep quietBcan eat and drinkCshould clean the shelfDcan only take one book at a time28 . If you borrow a book from the library, you can keep it for _.Atwo daysBthree daysCfive daysDseven days29 . 划线部分“pay for”的中文意思是“_”。A归还B寻找C赔偿D出售30 . What can we learn from the rules of the library?AYou can read your own books in the library.BWhen you read books, you must keep the desk clean.CWhen you borrow books, you must use your own card.DYou can borrow five books at a time from the library.Joel sells books at a bookshop. He needs to sell books for 10 hours every day and 6 days every week. But Joel doesnt think its a long time, because books are his favourite things.When Joel is not busy, he likes reading books at the bookshop. His favorite book is Mark Twains The adventures of Huckleberry Finn.(哈克贝里芬历险记) Every week Joel can take one book home and read it. Joel loves selling books also because he can meet book lovers there. Joel recommends (推荐)good books to them and they do the same to Joel.Joel gets about 300 dollars every two weeks. Now he has about 2400 dollars. He wants to buy a car. After about 3 months. Joel can buy his first car.31 . How long does Joel sell books every weekA10 hoursB24 hoursC60 hoursD70 hours32 . Why does Joel love selling booksHe likes booksHis friend sells booksHe wants to buy a carHe can meet book loversAB.CD33 . 划线部分“do the same”指代的是Asell books for a long hoursBrecommend good books.Clike Mark Twains booksDtake one book home and read it34 . How much does Joel get every month?AAbout 300 dollars.BAbout 600 dollarsCAbout 1200 dollarsDAbout 2400 dollars.Finland isnt on the North Pole and isnt always covered by snow. Finland is actually covered by forests and lakes. There are plenty of reindeer in the forest and it has a wonderful tradition of making wooden toys,so maybe Santa Claus keeps a factory in FinlandIn summer,kids can enjoy long, long days that never end - the nights never really get dark.The following are some interesting things to do in Helsinki, the capital of Finland.Market SquareStart your visit at the open-air market at Market Square on the South Harbor. In summer, you can watch people selling fish and potatoes from their boats, eat a bag of fresh strawberries, or a sandwich from the Old Market Hall and sit out on the stone dock (码头) to watch the boats coming and goingTake a boat rideFrom the Market Square, there are four or five possible boat rides. You can take a boat to travel around the islands of Helsinki. Or, you can take a waterbus to Helsinki ZooSeurasaari(松鼠岛)Seurasaari is only minutes from the center of HelsinkiOnce you cross the bridge to the island,youll find yourself in 18th and 19th century Finland35 . Maybe Santa Claus keeps a factory in Finland because _.ASanta Claus has to send many toys to childrenBFinland is actually covered by forests and lakesCSanta Claus ride a reindeer to give toys to people aroundDtheres many reindeer and making wooden toys is a tradition36 . We can _ on the boat at the South Harbor.Asee HelsinkiBwatch people selling fishCvisit museumsDcross the bridge to Seurasaari37 . From the Market Square we can go to Helsinki Zoo _.Aby bikeBon footCby waterbusDby train五、阅读判断Hi! My name is Huang Yongmei. Im from China. My English name is Ann. Im twelve years old. Im in Class 6,Grade7. Alice is an English girl(女孩).She is eleven years old. We are in the same grade. She is in Class 2,Grade 7. We are not in the same class ,but we are good friends.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。38 . Ann is from America.39 . Huang Yongmei is in Class Six.40 . Alice is 12 years old.41 . Alice is from England.42 . Ann and Alice are not in the same class.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词43 . Go _(沿着)New Street and youll find a post office.44 . Lucy sits on my _(左边), and we are good friends.45 . When you get to Green Street, _ (转向)right, and you can see the school.46 . Youll get to the first _(十字路口)47 . There is a pay phone on the_ (右边)of the post office.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。48 . If you are interested in_(America) cities, just read the book written by Mr. Johnson.49 . The best gift that I have ever received is an_(electricity) dictionary from my father.50 . Feng Xiaogang is a famous_(direct).51 . Carmen likes_(music) who play different kinds of music.52 . I prefer the quiet countryside to the_(noise) cities.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文Ashow offBthink aboutCwas sureDhimselfEnewspapersFpossibleAlan is a schoolboy. He is good at all his subjects. He thinks computers can help him with his homework. So Alan wanted a computer last week. He asked his parents for the money and they said he must get it 53 . . But how did he earn money? He had to 54 . this when he walked home.Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering 55 . . “I could do that,” he thought. “Maybe I could even get the computer in a few weeks. I could pay for it a little each week.” He ran to catch up with Dick. Alan asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was 56 . to get twenty-five dollars each week and the job took about three hours each night. Dick gave him the phone number of the newspaper manager. Alan almost flew home. After he told his mother what he thought, she smiled, “I think it is a great idea.” She said, “Ill call the newspaper ”“Wait, Mum,” Alan said, “Ill call him myself. After that, Im going to be a businessman.”Alans mother smiled happily. She 57 . that her son would get what he wanted soon.九、话题作文58 . 假如你是王雨,你的美国笔友 John 想到中国来旅行,请你根据下面提示给他写一封 60词左右的 email。要点提示:1. 北京是中国的首都,秋季是来北京旅游的最佳时候。2. 那里有很多名胜古迹,故宫非常著名, 天安门非常漂亮,长城历史悠久。3. 还可以去爬山、购物、吃小吃。Dear John,_Yours, Wang Yu第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、话题作文1、

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