2019版人教新目标八年级英语上册Units 5~6综合检测卷D卷

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2019版人教新目标八年级英语上册Units 5~6综合检测卷D卷_第1页
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2019版人教新目标八年级英语上册Units 56综合检测卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mark, please dont play with the mobile phone when you are walking in the street. Its very dangerous._.AHave a great timeBSorry, I wont do that againCId like toDOK, with pleasure2 . The singer often_on TV. We know her very well.AhappensBbecomesCappearsDtakes3 . We can _ to school.Aby busBtake busCtake a busDhave a bus4 . -Try to have a healthy lifestyle. It can help you get good- Thanks, III do.AclassesBgrades .CgiftsDgrasses5 . How often do you exercise? I exercise _/ wns/ a day.AwonBonceCwinDone6 . This room a reading room in our school.Ais used asBis used forCis used byDused for7 . Hans is the second _boy in his class.AtallBtallerCtallestDthe tallest8 . The summer is coming. _ more and more visitors form home and abroad coming to our homeland Harbin to enjoy this summer.AThere are going to beBThere will haveCThere used to be9 . -Having many helpers makes a task easier and faster to_. -I agree. Many hands make light workApackBcompleteCguard .Dcompare10 . Flu(流感) is found all over the country, especially in kindergartens and schoolsthe childrens ages, and close gathering in crowded classrooms.Abecause ofBaccording toCthanks toDcompared with11 . This problem is very difficult,let me sleep_on_itASleep well.BThink it over(仔细考虑)CSleep on the bed.DHave a sleep.12 . Shall we go to that restaurant for dinner,Mr Smith?Wed better not.The dishes there are _AcheapBdeliciousCfreshDawful13 . My friend Jerry is really _. He likes to take part in different activities at school.Thats why everyone likes him.AshyBquietChonestDactive14 . Dont worry. I_ the note to Helen as soon as she comes back.Awill giveBgaveCwould giveDgive15 . Jack_China_two years.Ahas been in, forBhas been in, sinceChas come to, for二、完型填空There was once a young man in a town. He liked puppets (木偶) so much that he became an apprentice (学徒) to a great puppet-maker. Sadly, the young man was not so clever, and people around him always said he had no _ for making puppets.However, he enjoyed it so much that he worked day after day to _his skills. Though he was hard-working, they would always find something wrong with his puppets. The young man was _ but he wasnt going to give up. After thinking for a few days, he _ to spend all his time making just one kind of puppet. As long as he found a fault (缺陷) in his puppet, he would throw it away and start again. Years passed, he was much _ at making puppets than any other apprentice, but he kept making improvements. Living _ that, the man wasnt making any money. Many people laughed at how poor he was.By the time he was an old man, his puppet was _ wonderful. Finally, after so many years of work, he finished his puppet, and said, “_ wrong with it this time. Its perfect (完美的)”. And for the first time in all those years, he didnt throw his puppet and felt so happy.The mans name was Geppetto. _ he made the perfect puppet, he got more happiness than any other famous puppet-maker. His _ tells us how important it is to keep on something.So never give up the things you really enjoy.16 . AmistakeBtalentCticket17 . AimproveBappearCcover18 . AexcitedBupsetCcareless19 . AdecidedBrefusedCreplied20 . AbiggerBbetterCworse21 . AbeforeBthanClike22 . AtrulyBhardlyCquietly23 . AEverythingBNothingCSomething24 . ASoBThoughCBecause25 . AfutureBadviceCexperience三、阅读单选Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Running a marathon is not easy. It takes hard work, practice, and practice and patience. To run a marathon, you have to run 26.2 miles by foot! 26.2 miles is the same as running the length of a football field more than 460 times. It takes most people four of five hours to finish, In 2013 worlds fastest marathon runner finished the race in 2:03:23. Imagine running for over two hours without a break By the age of 30, Lea Tambellini had run more than five marathons and had no plans to had always been an athlete. When she was 14 in high school, she swam on her schools swin began to train relay race. Her mom and dad ran marathons, and when she was 22, they helpe for her first marathon.Leas first marathon took place in Ohio, which was called “The Flying Pig” “I was very nervous,” she said,” but I had my mom there, so that helped.”Running the race was hard, but the hardest part was when she ran past a cookie factory and smelled cookies at mile 18. “I just wanted to be done.” She said, “I was spent, but my mom kept me going. It was already her 15th marathon.”The word ”marathon” comes from a Greek legend (传说、传奇). In the legend, a brave soldier ran all the way from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens, Greece to tell everyone the Greeks had won the battle against the Persians. It is said that he ran the entire way without stoppinga distance equal to a modern marathon.Today, thousands of people run marathons every year. Runners train for months to get ready. To prepare for one the marathons, Lea ran four to five times every week. On weekdays, she completed shorter runs, five or six miles at most. But on the weekends she ran long distances13 miles, 15 miles and 20 miles!“I dont mind training because I get excited about working toward something. And I love running with a group of friends and working toward the goal together. But it does take a lot of time.”Running a marathon is a great achievement. “Its a great feeling of accomplishment and nothing feels as wonderful as reaching my goal when I cross the finish line.” Lea explained. “I cant wait for the next one!”26 . It usually takes most people _ hours to finish a marathon.Aover twoBthreeCover fourDfour or five27 . Lea trained for her first _ when she was 22.Aswimming meetBrelay raceCmarathonDbaseball season28 . Lea felt _ when she ran her first marathon “The Flying Pig”AboredBnervousCexcitedDtired29 . “But it does take a lot of time.” Here “it” refers to _ in this sentence.Arunning with a group of friendsBworking towards the goalCtraining for a marathonDrunning a marathon30 . Which statement is “Not True” according to the text? _ALea had run more than 15 marathons by the time she was 30 years old.BThere was a marathon in Ohio called “The Flying Pig”.CThe word “marathon” comes from a Greek legend.DRunners train for months to get ready for a marathon.31 . The main idea of this text is “_”.AIt takes most people several hours to run a marathon.BRunning a marathon is hard work, but Lea enjoys it.CThe hardest part of Leas first marathon was running past a cookie factory.DRunning a marathon is a great achievement.Job Opportunities1.Full time secretary position(职位).Applicants(申请者)should have at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words in a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd,17Browning Street, Leeds.2.Computer Trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company? If you want to know more about us, call at 0459-7986754.3. Weekend work available: We are looking for retired people who would like to work part time on weekends for Rubber Last Group Ltd. Duties include answering the telephone and giving customers information. For more information call us at 0113-674126.4. Teaching assistants needed: Hanias Playschool need 2 young teaching assistants to help with history classes from 9 am to 3 pm. Applicants should have references. For more information please visit www.haniaplayschool.co.uk.32 . Which position is most suitable for a 60-year old man?AFull time secretaryBWeekend work in Rubber Last Group LtdCTeaching assistants in Hanias PlayschoolDComputer Trained secretaries33 . If you are good at computer and just graduated from university (History degree), which jobs can you apply for?AJob 1and2BJob 2and 3CJob 2 and4DJob 1 and 334 . How can you get more information if you are interested in the position of a full-time secretary position?ABy telephone.BIn personCBy Internet.DBy letter四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子意思及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空只写一词)35 . My English teacher is a g_ woman. She is always kind to us.36 . Too much stress is a r_ to your health. So you need to guard against it from an early age.37 . If you do not study hard, you will f_ to pass the exam.38 . This weekend Ill stay at home. Theres n_ else I really want to go.39 . Bob likes running in his s_ time though he works hard.40 . One way to c_ out stress is through positive thinking.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. fire B. except C. stuck D. dangerous E. besidesThere was once an owl who lived in a forest with her baby owlet(猫头鹰之子). Owl was kind to everyone 41 . the Snake who lived near her nest. Owls friends had told her that all snakes were evil and 42 . . So, she was cruel to Snake and chased him away whenever he came near.One night, Owl woke up to great panic(恐慌)in the forest. A blanket of smoke lay over the trees and all the animals were frightened. There was a43 . !Together, the animals began to run. But as Owl was about to leave, she realized Owlet was 44 . in a hole inside their tree. The hole was so small that Owl couldnt reach him. Owl screamed at the top of her voice and began to cry.AjudgedBgentlyCwrongDshockedEtrusted“Please, Mr. Robin, just a minute!” she called out to her fleeing friends.” Miss Mouse, wait I need your help!”But all her friends ignored her and left immediately. They were too 45 . to stay and help. Only Snake listened to Owls shouts and paused to wriggle(蠕动)inside the tree. In a second he reappeared, carrying Owlet46 . in his mouth. Together, they got out of the forest to safety.“Oh, thank you, Snake!” said Owl. “That was so kind. Im sorry. I was 47 . to believe what my friends told me me about you.” And from that day on, Owl never 48 . others without knowing them first.六、填写适当的句子补全对话A: Hi, Peter. Tomorrow is Saturday.71.49 . ?B: I plan to stay at home and watch TV.A: What do you like to watch?B: 72.50 . . I think they are funny.A: 73. 51 . ?B: I watch them twice a week.A: 74.52 . ?B: The news? Oh, I cant stand them. How about you?A: 75.53 . .七、多任务混合问题Most people like watching TV. So does Mary. She doesnt mind soap operas or talk shows. But she cant stand sitcoms,because they are too boring. Sports shows are her favorite. She likes watching them very much,and she likes watching football matches on TV. Mary likes womens volleyball matches,too. She often watches them on TV,sometimes on the Internet. Her favorite team is Chinese team. She thinks all the members are fantastic.任务一完成下列句子。54 . Mary thinks sitcoms are _.55 . _ are Marys favorite TV program.任务二简要回答下列问题。56 . How does Mary watch sports shows?_57 . What does Mary think of the members of Chinese volleyball team?_58 . How many kinds of TV programs are mentioned in the passage?_八、通知59 . 明天(6月30日)早晨 8: 00 ,七年级学生在校门外集合,去东山植树。请穿上校服 (school uniforms)。请根据所给条件写一篇简短的通知。30词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。NOTICEAll the students in Grade Seven,_June 29, 2019第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、通知1、


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