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上海版九年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . .-Its a fine day. Why dont you go camping with us?-_. Lets go.AIts difficult.BNo, thanks.CSounds fun.DSure, you can2 . _ convenient it is to send and receive e-mails on the cell phone!AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow3 . Where do you live?一I live in_ flat far away from_ school.Aa;theBthe;theCa;aDthe;a4 . The lovely girl had all the flowers _, didnt she?AwateringBwateredCto waterDwater5 . _ the population of Shanghai?AHow large isBWhat isCHow large areDA&B6 . Please tell me _ to improve my English.Ahow I can do .Bwhat can I do.Cwhat I can do.Dhow can I do.7 . Excuse me,is the way to the supermarket?Go down until the end of the road.AwhereBwhichCwhy8 . Tom, please come here. I have _ to tell you.OK. Im coming.Aanything importantBimportant somethingCsomething importantDimportant anything9 . Some women love movies _ have family stories.AthatBwhoCwhoseDwhat10 . When times are difficult, tellthat pain is part of growing.AyouByourselfCyourDyours11 . -Look, this sweater is beautiful .-_?.AWhy not trying it onBwhy not try on itCwhy not try it onDwhy not trying on it12 . You were not at home when I went to see you yesterday. Oh, I _ for a friend from England at the airport at that moment.Ahad waitedBwas waitingCam waitingDhave waited13 . Today the weather was so cool _ they had a great time there.AandBasCthatDbut14 . Hurry up, Mum. The lights are turned on. Dad has been back.It _ be him. He has gone to Shanghai.AmustBcantCmustntDmay15 . I wont go to Marys party unless my best friend Jack _ .Awill inviteBis invitedCInvites二、补全短文7选5Do you want to know what our life will be like in the future? Lets have a look. You may get a surprise!Youll go to the kitchen when youre hungry. 16 . The robot will cook the food for you in a few minutes. Then it will bring the food to you.17 . The food machine will tell you what your body needs. It will help you eat healthily. The food machine will be connected (连接) with the kitchen robot. 18 . After having a meal, you can go to your home office.19 . Youll have a special information screen. When you get a message from a friend, your information screen will be turned on automatically (自动地).20 . Then you can talk with your friend easily.AThe robot can get messages from the food machine.BYou can give orders to the kitchen robot.CYou need to cook for your family after work.DYou can work at home and you dont need to go out to work anymore.EYour friends face will appear on the screen.FIn the kitchen youll find a special food machine.GThe traffic wont be busy or crowded.三、完型填空My _ is Lucy. Im a _. Im _. Im _ now. My teacher is a _. She is Miss Zhang. She is an _ teacher. David is my friend. He is English. He is fourteen. David and I _ in Class 3, Grade 1. I am _ Number 1 in Row 2. He is in the same row. His English is _. He has a dog, _ name is Polly.21 . AnameBnumberCclassDrow22 . AmanBwomanCgirlDboy23 . AJapanBChinaCAmericanDAmerica24 . Aon the schoolBat schoolCfor the schoolDfrom the school25 . AboyBmanCChineseDwoman26 . AJapaneseBEnglishCEnglandDgood27 . AareBamCisDbe28 . AinBatC/Don29 . AwellBOKCgoodDfine30 . AItsBItsCIt isDIt四、阅读单选Amazon. com was one of the first companies to try to sell products on the Internet. Jeff Bezos started the company. He was a successful vicepresident of a company in New York. One day he predicted the future. He thought,“The World Wide Web is growing 200 percent a year. Its going to continue to grow. Shopping is going to move to the Internet. People are going to shop online. ”He gave up his good job and drove across the country to Seattle,Washington. There he started an online bookstore called Amazon. com. Bezos had very little money. The company began in a garage,and at first there were very few people who bought things. At the Amazon. com site,people can search for a book about a subject,find many different books about that subject,read what other people think about the books,order them by credit card,then get them in the mail in two days. This kind of bookstore was a new idea,but the business grew. In a few years,Amazon. com had 10 million different things in categories including books,CDs,toys,electronics,videos,DVDs,things you use to fix up a house,software,and video games. Today you can buy anything from food to gold rings at a“virtual shopping mall”,that is,a group of stores all over the world that works like group of stores all in one place. Are people going to shop online more and more? No one knows for sure. At least online shopping is growing.31 . Amazon. com is _.Aa bookshop to sell books on the InternetBa school to teach students on the InternetCa kind of email to send and receive lettersDa company to sell things on the Internet32 . From second paragraph we infer(推测) that _.Apeople can buy books on the InternetBAmazon. com had 10 million different thingsCits easy to buy anything on the InternetDmost people enjoy buying things on the Internet33 . From the passage,we mainly know that _.Aonline shopping is growing nowBwe are not sure if online shopping is growingCits cheaper to do shopping onlineDmany people shop online at firstMy teenage son_after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him. But the more I tried, the more he pulled away. When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes and had six falling grades for the year. In this case he would never graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged(乞求)him. Nothing worked.One night I felt so powerless that I got down on my knees and begged for help. Please God, I cant do anything more for my son. Im_Im giving the whole thing up to you.I was at work when I got a phone call. A man introduced himself as the headmaster. I want to talk to you about Karls absences. Before he could say another word, I choked(哽咽) up and all my disappointment(失望) and sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this stranger. I love my son but I just dont know what to do. Ive tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked. Its out of my hands. For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The headmaster seriously said, Thank you for your time. and hung up.Karls next report card showed a marked improvement in his grades. Finally, he was even on the list of the best students at school. In his fourth year, I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl. I noticed that his teachers were surprised at the way he had turned himself around.After the meeting, Karl said, Mum, remember that call from the headmaster last year? I nodded.That was me. I thought Id play a joke but when I heard what you said, it really hit me how much I was hurting you. Thats when I knew I had to make you proud.34 . By saying Karl became withdrawn, the writer means the boy changed completely and _.Apreferred to stay alone at homeBlost interest in his studiesCrefused to talk to othersDbegan to dislike his mother35 . There was silence on the other end of the line because the speaker _.Awas too moved to say anything to the motherBwaited for the mother to finish speakingCdidnt want the mother to know who he wasDdidnt want to say to his mother36 . The phrase at the end of my rope means _ in Chinese.A心如刀割B心意冷C失魂落魄D山穷水尽37 . What does this passage mainly tell us?ABeing understood by parents is very important to teenagers.BMothers love plays an important part in teenagers life.CSchool education doesnt work without full support from parents.DChildren in single-parent families often have problems with their mind.38 . The best title for the passage is _.AA lonely boyBHow to get on with a teenagerCA student who turned himself aroundDA joking phone call五、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂A,错误的涂B。Sports change with the season. People do not often play the same games in winter as in summer. Sailing is fun in warm weather, but when it gets cold, its time to change to other sports. People talk about sports seasons. Baseball is only played for a few months of the year. This is called baseball season.Games and sports often grow out of the working people. In Portugal(葡萄牙) many people work to catch fish. They fish from boats. Sometimes they use their boats for racing. Arabians(阿拉伯人) are famous for their horses. They use horses to travel over huge plains(平原). Horseback riding is a very exciting sport in countries like Morocco(摩洛哥). When men ride horses at great speeds, they often stand up.39 . People play the same games in winter as in summer.40 . Games and sports are often created (创造) by the working people.41 . Arabians are famous for racing boats.42 . People in Morocco like riding horses.43 . Sports change with the season.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):44 . The young man is an _ working for the SPCA(office)45 . December is the _ month of the year. (twelve)46 . Many foreign _ want to know the history of China. (tour)47 . _ is more important than cure. (prevent)48 . Two _ broke into the house last night. (thief)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子49 . 他真的很健康又强壮。He is really _ and _.50 . 对不起,我不会开车。I m sorry, I _ a car.51 . 在家里,我经常帮助妈妈打扫卫生。I often help my mother _ at home.52 . 我们都喜欢她,因为她总是乐于助人We all like her because she is _ help _.53 . 你和你的新同学们相处得好吗?Do you _ your new classmates?八、话题作文54 . Writing (作文):Write at least 50 words on the topic “One way to be happy” (以“快乐的方法”为题,写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)古希腊哲学家Diogenes 告诉我们快乐的方法是不要过度追求物质生活。那么,你认为快乐的方法是什么呢?请结合你的个人经历,谈谈你的看法。(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予给分。)第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、

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