2020年秋新人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 3 Is this your pencil单元测试C卷

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2020年秋新人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 3 Is this your pencil单元测试C卷_第1页
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2020年秋新人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 3 Is this your pencil单元测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The books on the desk are Michaels,and those on the floor are_.AusBoursCourDourselves2 . Do you know which animal has two _?AstomachBstomachsCstomachesDstomachache3 . Mr.Smith has 8-year-old daughter who has won two national painting prizes.AaBanCtheD不填4 . _,is this your pen?No,it isnt.ANice to meet youBGood morningCExcuse meDHave a good day5 . _ is Ms. Zhang. _ father is a teacher.AHe; HisBShe; HerCShe; HisDHe; Her6 . Is _ your pencil?Yes,_ is.Athis;itBthat;thatCthis;thatDit;this7 . - Are those your books?- .ANo, it isntBYes, theyreCNo, they areDYes, they are8 . -Come home before dinner time,Peter!-I_,Mom.ApromiseBguessCwishDadmire9 . Hi, Tom! A math book is on the teachers desk. Whose is it?I think its Marys. Becausename is on the book.AhisBherCmyDyour10 . He_to work _his bike _about eight oclock every morning .Agoes; on; atBgo; in; atCgoes; by; atDcomes; on ; in11 . I often share my happiness _my classmates.AforBtoCwithDon12 . -Can you _ banana ice-cream?-Sorry,I cant.AdoBmakeCcookDhave13 . _does it take you to get to school? About one hour.AHow farBHow manyCHow long14 . This is my teacher, Miss Chen. _ is from Hebei.ASheBHeCthey二、补全对话5选5补全对话。根据对话情境,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A:Excuse me,Tom.15 . B:Yes,it is. Thank you.A:The eraser is yours.16 . B:It isnt mine. You can ask Mary. Her ruler is green.A:17 . B:No,she isnt. She is in the library. If you cant find her,you can call her.18 . Its 3264589.A:OK. Thank you.B:19 . AWhat about the ruler? BI have her phone number.CIs this your eraser? DYoure welcome.EIs she in the classroom now?三、完型填空Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to our _ club. We have some rules. Now please _ to me. Reading is a good habit. You _ read five books every term. If you cant, Im _ that you have to leave. We have activities on Fridays. Everyone must come _time. _ be late. If you _ come, you must tell us before Fridays. Its _ to keep our club clean and tidy. You cant _ in our club, so dont _ your food here. The last _, be careful with the books. You can _ the books back home and read. But _ not to make them dirty, broken _ lost. Thats all.Have a good _ in our club. Thank you.20 . AreadingBswimmingCwritingDdancing21 . AtalkBlistenCwatchDspeak22 . AcanBcantCmustDmustnt23 . AstrictBhappyCsorryDfat24 . AonBwithCatDfor25 . ANotBDontCCantDNo26 . AmustBmustntCcanDcant27 . AterribleBfunnyCimportantDboring28 . AplayBeatCrunDtalk29 . AtakeBgetCcarryDbring30 . AbookBclassCruleDtime31 . AtakeBgetCbringDput32 . AhelpBfinishCpracticeDremember33 . AorBandCsoDbut34 . AtimeBlessonCjobDdream四、阅读单选My birthday is on April 29th. This year, I had a birthday party at home and invited all my friends. We put a big table with chairs around it in the living room. On the table there was a big cake. There were twelve candles on it. Everyone had a piece of cake. Then I got my gifts. I got a T-shirt from my sister. My father and mother gave me a pair of Billy sports shoes. My friends gave me a basketball and some books.I love my birthday. Its on February 18th. This year, my mother and I made a big cake. That was fun. My friends came to my house and they brought me lots of gifts. Then we played games and ate the cake. As usual, my parents gave me some great books for my birthday. In the afternoon, my father took my friends and me to an old peoples home. We read newspapers to them. They were very happy.My birthday is on July 1st. This year I went to a park with my friends on my birthday. We played football from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The air was fresh and birds were chirping (喳喳) in the trees. Our football game was exciting. Lots of people came to watch us play. Everything was just perfect! At noon, we had a barbecue (烧烤), and everyone enjoyed it.35 . How old will Billy be next year?A11.B12.C13.D21.36 . What happened on Mays birthday?AShe made a delicious cake by herself.BHer friends gave her some great books as gifts.CHer father took them to a park to play.DShe did some voluntary work with her friends.37 . Who ate something different on his or her birthday?ABilly.BMay.CDale.DDavid.38 . What does the underlined word “it” refer to?AThe football.BThe barbecue.CThe birthday.DPlaying with friends.39 . What do the three kids have in common?ATheir birthdays are in the same month.BThey all enjoyed some outdoor activities.CThey all played sports with some people.DThey all spent their birthdays with their friends.Sports ClubSports club provides you with many different sports to keep healthy. Youll never get bored. Our programme is always working on new ways to keep you strong and happy. For more information, visit www.my sportsclub. comLocation: First Level, West Wing Building, Beijing World Trade Center Opening Hours: 14:00 to 21: 30 hoursModel TimeIf you like models, then Model Time will be the right place for you. From model trains, planes and cars to boats and ships, we have them all! To get more information, please call 8856321Location: Basement 1, Beijing World Trade Center Opening Hours: 19:00 to 21: 00 hours Kids Art ClubKids Art Club gives drawing classes to children aged 7 to 14. Classes are small with only 6 students each. Jim Rodd teaches all classes. He has worked in the art field for over 23 years. For more information,please call 8867621Location: Ground Level, West Wing Building, Beijing World Trade Center Opening Hours: 19: 00 to 01: 00 hours Keypals International ClubKIC is a fun club started by kids, for kids aged 8 to 16. KIC tries to help kids understand different cultures through emails and other activities. KIC has members from 40 different countries. For more of it, visit www worldkids net.Location: Ground Level, West Wing Building, Beijing World Trade Center Opening Hours: 12:00 to 03: 00 hours.40 . If a kid aged 14 wants to know different cultures of the world, he or she can _.Acall8856321Bvisit www.worldkids.netCcall 8857621Dvisit ww mysportsclub, com41 . Which club is organized by kids?ASports ClubBModel TimeCKids Art ClubDKeypals Interrnational Club42 . If your 8-year-old sister is interested in drawing, she may join _.AModel TimeBSports ClubCKids Art ClubDKeypals International Club43 . At Kids Art Club, each drawing class has _ children at most.ASixBsevenCeightDfourteen44 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement?AModel Time is a good place for us to take a train, plane, boat, etcBWe can do different kinds of sports at Sports Club.CKeypals International Club is mainly for kids aged 7 to 18DJim Todd has worked in the art field for less than 23 years.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空45 . The little boy will travel _ to learn more about art. (到国外)46 . Im _ to help people in need and improve their lives. (自豪的)47 . Do you know the museum is open every day _ Monday. (除以外)48 . The train can run at a _ of over 300 kilometers an hour in China now. (速度)49 . More and more people have _ the importance of the wetlands these years. (意识到)六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)50 . Well have to drive all the _ (mouse) in the house away.51 . At the Water-splashing Festival, the_ (wet) you get, the more luck you receive, and the happier you will be.52 . But I had to move forward, far forward, to hear people in the _ (noise) room.53 . Helen smiled, and held out her hands, and I _ (gentle) pulled her out of her chair.54 . A good_ (report) must know how to get news, and from where.七、完成句子55 . 蒂娜比塔拉更外向。Tian is _Tara.56 . 你和你的妹妹一样友好吗?Are you_ your sister?57 . 谁更聪明,你的妈妈还是你的爸爸? Who is_,your mother_your father?八、回答问题Our class party. INVITATIONTo All ParentsWe, Class 6D, have great pleasure(荣幸)in inviting you to come and see our class play But I Dont Like School! . It is about a girl called Trouble. She hates school. One day, her school and classmates are all gone. Please come and find out what happens next! Date:27th April, 20XX(Friday)Time:6:10 p. m. -6:30 p. m. Place: School HallThere are snacks and drinks after the play!58 . Who is putting on a class play? _59 . Can you know what happens at the end of the play from the card? _60 . Who can watch the play? _61 . How long is the play? _62 . What can you do after the play? _九、启事类63 . 书面表达假如你叫Harry,你捡到了一本书,请你写一则招领启事,你的电话号码是326-4958。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、回答问题1、九、启事类1、

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