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上海版九年级上学期英语教学质量检测(一)(无听力材料频)A卷考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分) (2019孝感) Whats Mikes favorite sport? A . Football.B . Tennis.C . Volleyball.2. (2分) (2016八上金华期中) Where are they going? A . To the zoo.B . To the farm.C . To the shop.3. (2分) (2019九下长兴月考) What time did the alarm clock ring? A . At 6 oclock.B . At 7 oclock.C . At 8 oclock.4. (2分) (2019七上浙江期中) Whats Damings English name? A . Tommy.B . Alan.C . David.5. (2分) When will the girl have a party? A . On Friday.B . On Saturday.C . On Sunday.二、 听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回 (共2题;共8分)6. (4分) (2018九上深圳月考) 听第二段对话,回答问题。 (1) What will the weather be like tomorrow? A . Sunny.B . Rainy.C . Cloudy.(2) Where are they now? A . At school.B . In the street.C . In the cinema.7. (4分) (2018八上罗湖期末) 听第三段对话,选出回答两个问题的正确答案。念两遍。 (1) What is Linda going to do? A . To visit her friendB . To visit her grandparentsC . To visit her uncle(2) What does Jim think of the girls advice? A . BadB . GoodC . Funny三、 听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,完成信 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分) (2018七上绍兴月考) 听短文,回答问题。(1) Im _boy. A . an EnglishB . an AmericanC . a Chinese(2) My name is _. A . JimB . SamC . Tom(3) I am in _. A . Class 1, Grade 2B . Class 2, Grade 1C . Class 2, Grade 2(4) _is a Chinese teacher. A . Miss YangB . Mr. BrownC . Mrs. Gao(5) My good friend is _. A . Lin TaoB . LilyC . Mrs. Gao四、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)9. (20分) (2019仪征模拟) 完形填空 Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know where shes been during her great worldwide vacation in a(n) 1way.The traveler, who was 2with a bone disease, had her right leg 3at the age of four. 4the amputation (截肢) caused hardships for Gallagher early on, she, at the age of 22 now, 5it as an inspiration for making the 6of her life.To spread that 7, Gallagher has 8to social media, 9she shares photos of her travels across the world, but instead of 10using a geotag (地理标签), she draws her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture.Now she has been taking pictures 11Europe. I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden 12that my new leg could be used as a blackboard, Gallagher said. My mum and grandmother werent too 13the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.Gallagher said people often stare when shes 14on her leg, but once she shares the photos, she 15only praise and encouragement. My leg hasnt 16me from doing anything Ive wanted to do, she said. I dont know 17it is my determination to prove to myself that I can do it, but anyhow, Ive been able to 18up with my peers and lead a pretty great life.Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the 19of your dream. And if you meet with an obstacle (障碍), get 20with it if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.(1)A . common B . right C . simple D . special (2)A . born B . charged C . filled D . linked (3)A . cured B . treated C . cut D . kept (4)A . Unless B . Although C . Once D . Since (5)A . considers B . thinks C . treats D . looks (6)A . coolest B . best C . worst D . fullest (7)A . evidence B . news C . message D . schedule (8)A . applied B . belonged C . stuck D . turned (9)A . which B . that C . as D . where (10)A . simply B . officially C . enthusiastically D . reasonably (11)A . across B . through C . about D . for (12)A . attitude B . thought C . belief D . opinion (13)A . curious about B . fond of C . patient with D . afraid of (14)A . walking B . reporting C . writing D . standing (15)A . accepts B . takes C . likes D . receives (16)A . protected B . preserved C . stopped D . defended (17)A . why B . that C . if D . what (18)A . make B . come C . put D . keep (19)A . way B . corner C . course D . bottom (20)A . satisfied B . creative C . familiar D . connected 五、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)10. (10分) 根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。CPaul is a photographer(摄影师). He went to the Arctic to take pictures for NationalGeographic(国家地理). Finally, he saw a big and white polar bear swimming to him in the icy water.Paul lay down the ice to get a better photo, but the polar bear jumped out of the water and tried to attack him! Luckily for Paul, the ice cracked(破裂), or broke and the bear fell back into the water. The polar bear wasnt so lucky. It couldnt get a meal and had to swim farther away to find food.To understand the polar bears problem, you need to know two things about the Arctic. First, the Arctic is mostly ocean(海洋). Second, ice covers(覆盖) a lot of the Arctic Ocean. In winter, the ice is thick, but in summer, the ice becomes thinner and breaks into pieces. Sea ice is the key to survival for Arctic animals. However, because of global warming, Arctic temperatures are rising and polar ice is melting(融化).Polar bears need ice to hunt(捕捉) seals, their favourite meal. They stand on the ice and wait for the seals to come up for air. As Arctic ice melts, polar bears have to swim farther to find ice floes, or large pieces of floating ice. Sometimes, bears have to swim more than 200 km to find an ice floe. Some bears cannot swim that far and sadly they drown(淹死).On his last trip, Paul saw three dead bodies of polar bears. Before global warming threatened(威胁) Arctic ice, a dead bear was a rare sight. Paul is sad to see the dead bodies. Wildlife experts(专家) think global warming will have a terrible effect(影响) on polar bears. In the future, polar ice will continue to shrink and endanger the bears. Some scientists believe 65 percent of the worlds polar bears will disappear(消失) by 2050. In other words, polar bears are in great danger.(1) What does Paul do in the passage? A . A scientist.B . A photographer.C . A doctor.(2) The polar bear that tried to attack Paul was unlucky because _. A . Paul swam awayB . it was on an ice floeC . it couldnt eat Paul(3) According to the passage, polar bears hunt seals by _. A . waiting on the iceB . waiting in the waterC . drowning the seals(4) The main idea of the passage is that _. A . polar bears are amazing swimmersB . Arctic temperatures are risingC . polar bears are in danger because of global warming(5) We can know that polar bears _. A . wont have any food in 2050B . will all die before 2050C . cant find food easily11. (8分) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。CIf you want to know the history of Asia, you must visit Nepal. It is one of the oldest countries in Asia. When you travel to Nepal, you should pay attention to these following things. Remember them and they may be useful one day. Clothes: in Nepal, women shouldnt wear shorts and men should always wear shirts.Temples: you should ask for permission when you want to take photos in temples. Be sure to take off your shoes before you go into a temple or someones house.Food: after you taste some food, do not give it to a Nepalese. Never use your left hand for eating.Cows: cows are important animals in Nepal. When you visit Nepal,you can find cows easily. Cows are allowed to walk around freely.(1) What should you do when you want to take photos in temples?A . Ask permission.B . Give away money. C . Take off shoes.D . Smile at them.(2) The Nepalese use _ to eat food.A . the right handB . the left handC . both handsD . both feet(3) After reading the passage, we cant know_.A . what kind of clothes the Nepalese wearB . what to do when we want to take photosC . how to be polite while eatingD . why cows are important in Nepal(4) Whats the best title for the passage?A . Temples in NepalB . Animals in NepalC . Food in NepalD . Cultural Tips in Nepal12. (8分) (2015七上诸暨期中) 阅读理解There is a library in our school. It is near our classroom. It is on the first floor. Our school library is not very big, but it is very nice. There are many books in the library. Some are in Chinese, some are in English. I like reading very much. I often go there to borrow(借)books. The librarian is a woman. She is very good. We all like her very much.(1) The library is in _. A . our city centreB . our classroomC . our schoolD . our house(2) In the library there are _. A . only Chinese books.B . only English booksC . no booksD . many books(3) The underlined word “librarian” means(意思指)_in Chinese. A . 教师B . 学生C . 图书管理员D . 校长(4) Which of the following is NOT true(正确的)? A . The library is on the first floor.B . There are some French books in the library.C . I like reading books very much.D . We can borrow books from the library.13. (10分) (2017八上德阳期中) 阅读理解 (B)Most people in America like having the surprise party. Its very popular. They think it is very exciting to have surprise parties for their friends or family members. They often plan a surprise party for special events like someones birthday. If you want to know what a surprise party is like, please look at the following example.One Saturday night, Sams wife asked him to go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of water. Sam walked to the kitchen. When he opened the door, he saw a “bear(熊)” standing in front of him! Sam was very scared and wanted to run away at once. Just then the “bear” took off his costume(服装).It was Sams friend John! When he turned back, he saw some other people standing behind him. All of them said “Surprise! Happy birthday!” to him.In fact, we can have many kinds of surprise parties. A successful surprise party always makes people feel surprised and excited. Would you like to plan a party like this for your friends or family members?(1) How is the surprise party in America? A . RelaxingB . PopularC . BoringD . Meaningless(2) When was Sams birthday? A . On Saturday.B . On Sunday.C . On Friday.D . On Thursday.(3) What does the underlined word “scared” mean in English? A . SadB . SurprisedC . AfraidD . Available(4) Who stood in front of Sam that night in fact? A . His motherB . A real bear.C . His fatherD . His friend.(5) Whats the passage mainly about? A . What a surprise party is like in America.B . Why Sam felt scared when he saw the bear.C . How to have a surprise party for others.D . How people feel about a successful surprise party.六、 根据句子内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空 (共10题;共10分)14. (1分) We have some problems in doing it. But the m_problem is that we dont have so much money. 15. (1分) I need to buy a _(双;对) of shoes. 16. (1分) (2019海曙模拟) Remember not to make a quick decision_(没有)thinking twice. 17. (1分) There is a_(镜子) on the table. 18. (1分) (2019八下南浔月考) Minnie hates to do _(杂务). What about you? 19. (1分) (2018七上长春月考) Bob and I are good f_. We often play together. 20. (1分) His T-shirt m_his trousers so perfectly that he appears more energetic today. 21. (1分) _(无论什么) he says, no one will believe him anymore. 22. (1分) Several students o_the old ladies their seats when they saw them on the bus. 23. (1分) (2020七下) Our family usually take a w_ after dinner. 七、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)24. (4分) 用方框中所给的单词填空 twelve seven twenty-eight thirty twenty-nine(1) There are _ days in a week. (2) February(二月) has _ days or _ days. (3) He is _ years old, and today is his twelfth birthday. (4) In our class there are _ students- seventeen boys and thirteen girls. 八、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)25. (1分) Screen City has_(big) screens in our city. I like to go there. 九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)26. (3分) (2017七下鄞州期中) 请你帮助校刊编辑把插图AD张贴到对应的便签下。Hello, my name is Annie. I like giraffes. They are tall and friendly. They dont hurt (伤害) people. So we dont need to be afraid of them. Giraffes can live to be about thirty years old. My name is Tina. Im a Chinese girl. Pandas are my favorite animals. They have black eyes and fat bodies (身体). They are quiet and funny. There are only about l, 600 pandas in the wild (野外). They are in danger and they need our help. My name is Sophia. I dont like big animals. I like cats. I have a pet cat. Her name is Cici. She is lazy and sleeps all day. Sometimes, she likes and playing with balls. We are good friends. Hi, Im Peter. I live near the sea. Dolphins (海豚) are my favorite animals. They are smart and interesting. They like to live together. The baby dolphin usually lives for a long time with its family. I often watch dolphin shows with my parents on weekends. (1) _A. B. C. D. (2) Which part of the magazine will these notes (便条) be on?A . Food.B . Sports.C . Animals.D . Health.十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分) (2016七下西安期中) 假如你是Carl,写一封e-mail, 从外貌特征、职业及爱好等方面向你的笔友介绍你和你的家人,60词左右Dear penfriend,Im Carl.Yours,Carl.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回 (共2题;共8分)6-1、6-2、7-1、7-2、三、 听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,完成信 (共1题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、四、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)9-1、五、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、六、 根据句子内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空 (共10题;共10分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、七、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、八、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)25-1、九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)26-1、26-2、十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、

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