2020年秋人教版八年级英语(上)Unit 1 教学质量测试题

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2020年秋人教版八年级英语(上)Unit 1 教学质量测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Teachers should encourage students to practice _ English as much as they can.AspeakingBspeakCspokeDto speak2 . Our English teacher wants us _ English stories out of class.AreadBreadingCto readDreads3 . More and more people would like to go on vacation abroad They should remember _ with good manners.Ato actBactCactingDof acting4 . Once my son cut off all the hair of the little girl next door. The neighbours _ to us since.Adidnt speak Bdont speakChavent spokenDhadnt spoken5 . fail the final exam, he studies English day and night.AIn order toBSo as toCIn order not toDSo as not to6 . Not only my cousin but also his parentsinterested in DIY. They often make many interesting things.AareBisCwereDwas7 . Whycantyoubuythatbike?Becauseitis_.Idonthaveenoughmoney.AcheapBbeautifulCluckyDexpensive8 . _said that some foreigners will come to our school.AThey areBThatsCThere isDIt is9 . The movie seems _ boring. I dont want to watch it again.AbeBbeingCto beDto being10 . Where did you go last vacation? - I _.Ago to the beachBwent to doctorCwent to the mountainsDwent to school二、完型填空The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years Day. It usually_ in January or February. Everyone in _ likes the Spring Festival very much. There are a lot of_for Spring Festival. I usually help my parents clean our house and do some _. _ that day, _ eats _, New Years cakes and some other food. But I_ dumplings best. We usually _ dumplings and _ TV. I like the Spring Festival.11 . AcomeBcomesCis comingDto come12 . AChineseBChinaCEnglandDJapan13 . AtraditionalBsayingCtraditionDtraditions14 . AdancingBfishingCreadingDshopping15 . AOnBInCAtDOf16 . AeveryoneBsomeoneCno oneDpeople17 . AeggsBmeatCdumplingsDfruit18 . AeatBmakeClikeDget19 . Ais making and eatingBmakes and eatsCmake and eatDare making and eating20 . AlookBhave a lookCseeDwatch三、阅读单选Teachers Day is the best time for us to express(表达) our thanks. Chinese Teachers Day is on September 10th. On this day, students send cards with warm wishes and gifts to the teachers.Different countries have different Teachers Day. In the US, Teachers Day is the first week of May. American students give gifts with pictures of apples to the teachers, such as mugs(马克杯) and pencils, because an apple means health. In India, Teachers Day is on September 5th. Students and teachers change their roles(角色) for a day. The students will know how hard it is to be teacher.No matter(无论) which country you are in, one thing is always the same. Say thanks to your teacher 21 . When is Teachers Day in the US?A. On September 5th.B. On September 10th.C. In the first week of May.22 . In the US, teachers get gifts with pictures of apples because apples mean_.A. healthB. hard work C. do nothing23 . Chinese students _ to their teachers on Teachers Day.A. give apples B. send cards and gifts C. do nothing24 . What can Indian students learn from their Teachers Day?A. Being a teacher is not an easy job.B. Studying hard must come first.C. Giving teachers gifts is important.25 . What is the most important gift for the teachers on Teachers Day?A. To show your thanks.B. To give mugs and pencils.C. To send cards with warm wishes.四、书信作文26 . 书面表达假设你是王英,你的美国笔友Tom对中国文化很感兴趣。这次他写信向你询问中国的传统节日元宵节(The Lantern Festival)的习俗。请你根据下面的提示,写一封回信。提示:1. When is it celebrated?2. What do people usually do during the festival?3. What do you think of the festival?要求:1. 必须包括全部要点,可以适当发挥。2. 80词左右,回信开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:猜灯迷guess lantern riddles放鞭炮let off firecrackersDear Tom,_ Yours,Wang Ying第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、书信作文1、

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