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2020版外研版英语九年级上册Module9U1同步测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you help me clean up the classroom, Bill?_AYes, quite rightBNever mindCThats all rightDSure, with pleasure2 . I apologize for having made a mess in your bathroom._After all,you didnt mean it.AYoure welcomeBIts my pleasureCDont mention itDI cant agree more3 . (题文)-Where _my books?- _ on the bed.Ais; ItsBis; TheyreCare; ItsDare; Theyre4 . -Did you have any interesting_in China? -Yes. My host family_ me to a lot of local cultures.Aexperiences; introducedBexperiments; challengedCexamples; invited5 . -May I go home now, Miss White?-No, you_. You _stay here?Aneednt, mustBcant, mustCmustnt, mayDneednt, have to二、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required:6 . Tom has already booked an afternoon flight on China Eastern Airlines.(改为否定句)Tom_ booked an afternoon flight on China Eastern Airlines_7 . Kim put on his finest suit for the interview to leave a good impression. (对划线部分提问)_Kim put on his finest suit for the interview?8 . Lets roll up our sleeves to work harder. (改为反义疑问句)Lets roll up our sleeves to work harder,_.9 . Alice asked Tina, Have you got everything ready for the competition? (改为宾语从句)Alice asked Tina_ she had got everything ready for the competition.10 . The captain will choose ten boys to work as volunteers. ( 改为被动语态)Ten boys will_ to work as volunteers.11 . The speaker spoke loudly. All the audience could hear him. (同义转换)The speaker spoke loudly_all the audience could hear him.12 . his teacher, apologized to, being, for, late, school, Jack, for (连词成句)_三、用所给单词的正确形式填空完成句子根据括号内的英(汉)语提示,完成句子。13 . The people in our _(neighbor) are very kind and helpful.14 . Excuse me, sir, but you _(不允许)to smoke here.15 . Guilin is a _(漂亮的)city, and many visitors come there every year.16 . If everyone _(遵守) the traffic rules , there will be fewer accidents.17 . Look, the baby is _ (wake). He is looking at us with a smile.18 . While the girl(shop), the alien got out.19 . He hasnt told the(true). He is lying.20 . he(go) to an amusement park?Yes, he did.21 . What does she like for lunch? She likes hamburgers, salad and some(鸡肉).四、单词填空John Allen, an American scientist once said, “The Internet is the worlds largest library, but all the books in it are on the floor!” What he meant is that the Internet is full of 22 . (信息), but it can be difficult to find what is helpful and what you really need. The Internet has another23 . (缺点). It is possible for anyone to 24 . (创造)a website, so you can find websites about whatever you can imagine. However, a lot of what is 25 . (写) on them is not always true.At the same time, the Internet26 . (提供)many other things for people. On some websites, you can download music and films. They are usually very cheap and some are even27 . (免费的). On some other websites, you can28 . (连接)with people from all over the world. Its true that the Internet has improved the way we work and communicate. But we should not depend on it too much. Some people are also afraid that 29 . (冲浪) the Internet has taken the place of other healthier activities,30 . (尤其) for young people. 31 . (不论) you love it or hate it, though, youd better get used to it and not avoid getting in touch with it.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、句型转换1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、单词填空1、

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