2020年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 5 自我检测C卷

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2020年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 5 自我检测C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you please_in the library?Anot to talk loudlyBdont talk loudlyCnot talk loudlyDnot talking loudly2 . I always feel _ after lunch. A cup of coffee may wake you up.AsleepyBhungryCsadDangry3 . Hobo was kind _ Eddie and often shared food _ Eddie .Awith , withBto , withCwith , toDof , on4 . _ having a barbecue in the park?AHow areBHow aboutCShall weDWhy not5 . -_do you go to see your grandparents?-On Saturday morning.AWhat timeBWhenCWhereDWho6 . Why not ask Bob to join us in the trip to the zoo tomorrow?Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems.AanxiousBpersonalCcruelDcareless7 . Why didnt you buy the pen on your way home? -Sorry, I forget _money with me.AtakeBbringingCto takeDtaking8 . The good news makes us very _.AhappyBangryChappilyDangrily9 . Must I finish _ the book in two days? No, you _.Areading;mustntBreading;needntCto read;needntDto read;mustnt10 . There are _people in the market.Aa few quiteBa quite fewCquite a fewDa lot11 . My sister is a book lover and she enjoys _ very much.AreadBreadingCto readDto reading12 . Science is _ difficult for some students _ learn, so many of them dont like it.Aenough, toBtoo, toCso, toDmuch , to13 . Eagle Father(鹰爸) was so _ with his son that he kept the fouryearold son running on the snow without(没有) clothes.AhappyBsorryCcarefulDstrict二、完型填空完型填空Yoga(瑜伽) is a kind of sport , It is very _ around the world now. Everyone can do yoga. Its good _ both men and women._ do people like yoga? Its _ to say. The short answer is that yoga helps you to _ in good health. For many people, this answer is enough(足够的), _ theres more if you are interested.Yoga _in India about 5,000 years ago. At that time, people wanted to be free, _and live a long life , so this kind of exercise was born. Yoga is a Sanskrit (梵语的) word and it _ to join together. There are_parts in yoga: exercise, breathing and thinking . Yoga can make you feel better14 . AeasyBimportantCpopularDinteresting15 . AinBforCwithDat16 . AWhyBHowCWhereDWhich17 . AhardBdifferentCheavyDlittle18 . AtakeBmakeCturnDkeep19 . AsoBbutCorDbecause20 . AbeginBbeginsCbeganDbeginning21 . AhealthyBwarmCbusyDuseful22 . AshowsBmeansCplansDbrings23 . AmanyBtwoCfewDthree三、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。24 . 请站起来,不要躺下。Please stand up and dont _.25 . 那听起来是个不错的主意。That _ a good idea.26 . 她妈妈要她上床睡觉。Her mother asks her to _.27 . 我希望你很快好起来。I hope you _.28 . 他每天都喝很多水。He drinks _ water every day.29 . 当你胃痛的时候,你不应该吃任何东西。When you _, you _ eat anything.30 . 我不知道穿哪件外套。I dont know _ coat_.31 . 这件夹克穿在你弟弟身上很好看。The jacket _ your brother.32 . 我的电脑没有问题。There is _ my computer.33 . 我不喜欢粉红色,因为它是女孩的颜色。I dont like pink because its _.四、回答问题任务型阅读34 . - What did Tina lose? - She lost a _.35 . - When did Lisa lose her bag? - She lost her bag in the_.36 . - What color is the bag? - Its _.37 . - Whats Tinas phone number? - It is _.38 . - Whats in Lisas bag? - There are some _.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、完成句子1、2、四、回答问题1、

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