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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年九年级下学期3月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I thought she was a shy girl. But she made a very good _at yesterdays meeting,which made me surprised.ApersonalityBspeechCqualityDsign2 . There isEuropean boy in my class.boy likes Chinese very much.Aan;ABa;TheCan;TheD/;A3 . Hi, Lucy, may I sit here?No, _. The seats are for teachers and parents.Ayou needntByou arentCyou mustntDyou dont4 . Mum. Christmas Day is coming. I wonder _.How about Paris?Awhere can we goBwhere we can goChow can we goDhow we can go5 . Smiths went to bed _ they arrived at the hotel.Aso that B. as soon asBas if D. before6 . It is hard _ his strange idea.AunderstandBsayCunderstoodDto understand7 . I want to be an_like Yang Liwei when I grow up.AdoctorBengineerCpianistDastronaut8 . _ car is it?Its her car.AWhoBWhosCWhoseDWhat9 . The host _ his hand and _ hands with his guests one by one.Ahold out; shakeBheld out; shookCholds out; shakenDhold out; shakes10 . Can you speak English, Mr Wang?Yes, but only _.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few二、完型填空One summer afternoon, when I was about eight years of age, I was looking at a beautiful rainbow(彩虹). Somebody said, If you should go to the_of the rainbow, you would find there great pots of gold and silver. Without hesitation, I rushed from the house, and set off toward the_. I was so sure that I knew just_that rainbow ended. I remembered how glad and proud I was in my thoughts, and what fine presents I_to all my friends out of my riches. Before I knew it I had_the thick forest, and the end of the rainbow was not there! _I saw it shining down among the trees a little farther off. So on and on I struggled, _the thick bushes and across rapid streams. The woods grew_and darker, and the ground wetter. Suddenly I met in my way a large porcupine(豪猪), who made himself still larger when he saw me._that he would attack(袭击)me, I ran from him as fast as my_feet would carry me. In my terror and_I forgot to keep my eye on the rainbow, and when, at last, I_and looked for it, it was_in sight! It had disappeared. I burst into tears, for I had lost all my_and had nothing to show for my pilgrimage(journey to a holy place)but dirty feet and a wet body. But I soon found that my_had only begun: I was lost! I could not tell which was east or west, but wandered about here and there, crying and calling, though I knew that no one could_me. All at once I heard my nickname called, so I_. It was my eldest brother. He hugged and kissed away all my tears, and then he told me what the rainbow_is: It is only painted air, and does not rest on the earth. But_ tell(s)us something more. When you set off on a pilgrimage, you will be_by the rainbow through all the dark places of this world to treasures in your heart, better, far better, than silver or gold.11 . AfrontBrightCtopDend12 . AlakeBmountainCwoodsDtrees13 . AhowBwhenCwhyDwhere14 . AexplainedBpromisedCspokeDwrote15 . AnoticedBpassedCreachedDfollowed16 . AButBAndCAsDFor17 . AaboveBtowardsCfromDthrough18 . AthickerBlargerCwiderDlonger19 . ALookingBHearingCFearingDLearning20 . AinjuredBtiredCbleedingDcold21 . AsurpriseBhurryCsorrowDworry22 . AcriedBrememberedCreturnedDdecided23 . AsomewhereBanywhereCnowhereDeverywhere24 . AdreamsBwaysCtreasuresDthoughts25 . AfailureBexperiencesCangerDtroubles26 . AunderstandBfindCseeDhear27 . Ajumped upBran outCgot upDheld on28 . AusuallyBreallyCfinallyDprobably29 . AyouBitCheDthey30 . AnamedBmovedCledDcaught三、阅读单选Here are some ideas for learning English faster.You are like a new baby.Babies learn their language slowly. First they learn to listen. Then they learn to talk. Finally, they can read and write.Listen to English every day.Listen to English radio, watch English TV, go to see English movies or use online lessons.Practise the conversations.Make up conversations and practise the conversations. Youd better use beginner textbooks.Read English storiesStart with children storybooks. Try to read stories for ESL (非母语英语教程) readers. Read ads and so on. Try to join an English Club for young learners.Write down new words.Start a new word notebook. Write words in alphabetical order (A. B. C). Make some sentences. Try to use an English-English dictionary.Keep an English diary.Start with one sentence. Like how do you feel? How is the weather? What did you do today?31 . How do babies learn their languages?ASlowly.BQuickly.CLoudly.DQuietly.32 . what does the underlined phrase “alphabetical order” mean in Chinese?A按音标顺序B按字母顺序C按简易顺序D按长短顺序33 . The writer gave us _ ideas for learning English faster.AfourBfiveCsixDseven34 . What kind of books do we start to read when learning English?AChildrens story books.BChildrens textbooks.CChildrens picture books.DChildrens music books.35 . Which of the following is TRUE for English learning according to the passage?ABabies learn to read and write first.BListening to English radio is not helpful.CWe should always use an English-Chinese dictionary.DWe can start with one sentence to keep an English diary.On May 5,2017, Chinas home-made passenger aircraft(飞机)C919 completed its 90-minute first flight and landed safely back at Pudong Airport in Shanghai.C919 is developed by COMAC, a Chinese aircraft company. It is designed to compete with Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. The first C919 aircraft can carry 168 passengers and is able to fly a distance between 4,075 and 5, 555 kilometers. Its reported that a C919 costs around 50 million dollars, less than half of a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320. Up to now, more than 570 aircrafts have been ordered from 23 customers, mostly Chinese, but also American and Thai companies or airlines. COMAC aims to take one fifth of the worlds narrow-body aircraft market and one third of the Chinese market by 2035.The name C919 has its special meanings. The letter C stands for both “COMAC” and “China”. The number 9 is pronounced as jiu in Chinese, which means “forever”. And the number 19 refers to its capacity(容量) of 190 passengers.The large passenger aircraft is praised as “the flower of modern industry”. It is a symbol of the nations industrial and technological standards as well as the comprehensive(综合的) power. In order to realize the century dream of flying in the sky and the strategy(战略) of the nation, COMAC bears the nations dream and peoples trust. China considers it as a national pride.36 . C919 is produced by _.ABoeingBa Thai aircraft companyCAirbusDa Chinese aircraft company37 . Which of the following is TRUE about the first C919 aircraft?AIt can carry 160 passengers at most.BIt can only fly a distance of 4,075 km.CIt costs less than half of a Boeing 737.DIt costs more than half of an Airbus A320.38 . Which picture shows COMACs aim to take the narrow-body aircraft market by 2035?ABCD39 . The news report is written mainly to _.Aintroduce the design of C919Bdescribe the first flight of C919Cexplain “the flower of modern industry”Dshow Chinas achievements in aircraft industry阅读短文,从各题所给的三个答案中选择最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。Welcome to Jessicas 6th Birthday PartySaturday, September 27, 20151:00 p.m.4:00 p.m.2485 Roory LaneMiami, FLPlease reply to Susan at3453473 by September 20Delicious food and drinksSweet candiesFun games (small gifts for winners) and beautiful storiesCome dressed in your night clothes!40 . Its an invitation for _.A. an class party B. a birthday party C. New Years party41 . The party will start _.A. at 1:00 p.m B. at 3:00 p.m C. at 4:00 p.m42 . Lisa wants to go to the party, so she should reply by _.A. September 17 B. September 20 C. September 2443 . If you go to the party, you cant _ there.A. watch TV B. get drinks C. play games44 . Which of the following is TRUE?A. Its Susans birthday party.B. The party is on Sunday September 27.C. You should wear your night clothes if you go to the party.四、单词填空阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空一词。Thanks to better health care, most people are living 45 . (healthy) and longer lives. Someone who is born today can expect to live about thirty-five years longer than someone who 46 . (be) born in the nineteenth century. Here are five 47 . (rule) for a healthy life.First. Doctors say you should get off the sofa. To keep fit, you have to walk 48 . (介词) least 10, 000 steps every day. In the past, peoples jobs required more physical effort They often 49 . (have) to walk for miles every day. When farmers were 50 . (work) in the fields, they were keeping fit at 51 . (冠词) same time.Second. Rest while you can! When we were babies, we 52 . (sleep) for much of the night. Teenagers do not need as much sleep as babies, but it is important for you to get about eight 53 . (hour) sleep a night. At weekends, you have 54 . (get) more time, so use it not just for your friends, but for rest too.五、多任务混合问题(题文)Although people everywhere seem to enjoy drinking coffee, they dont all have the same coffee culture. In Europe for example, coffee shops are common places for people to meet friends and to talk while they drink coffee. On the other hand, places like this were not as common in North America in the past. Instead, people in North America liked to drink coffee in their homes with friends. The coffee culture in the USA changed when Starbucks coffee shops spread across the country.ZXXKThe first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle, Washington, in the USA. It was a small coffee shop that cooked its own coffee beans. The coffee shops business did well, and by 1981 there were three Starbucks stores in Seattle.Things really began to change for the company in 1981.That year, Howard Schultz met the three men who_Starbucks. Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment. He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers, which caused his great interest. Schultz went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did. In 1982, the original Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the companys head of marketing(市场营销).In 1983, Schultz traveled to Italy. The special environment of the espresso (浓咖啡) bars there caught his eyes. Back in the USA, Schultz created an environment for Starbucks coffee shops that was comfortable and casual, and customers everywhere seemed to like it. Starbucks began opening more stores across the USA. Then the company opened coffee shops in other countries as well. Today, there are more than 16,000 Starbucks coffee shops all over the world.However, that does not mean Starbucks has not had problems. In fact, many Starbucks stores have closed over the past few years. On the one hand, this is because there were too many coffee shops competing for business in one small area. On the other hand, stores in some countries closed because the coffee culture there did not match with the “feel the same everywhere” environment offered by Starbucks.55 . (小题1)The underlined word “ran” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”.AmovedBmanagedClovedDused56 . (小题2)According to the passage, which is the right order for the following sentences?a. This man helped to make Starbucks a huge coffee company.b. He went to Seattle to learn about the company and later worked for it.c. Howard Schultz noticed Starbucks ordered lots of special coffee makers.d. Starbucks began as a small coffee company in Seattle in the USA.A. a-d-c -b B. a-d-b-cC. d-c- b-a D. d-c-a-b57 . (小题3)Why did so many Starbucks close in some countries?AAll of the coffee tastes the same.BThe coffee in these places was too expensive.CThe people in these countries didnt drink coffee.DThere were too many coffee shops in one place.六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句58 . let,wish,us,success,them(.)59 . feeling,how,you,are,today(?)60 . some,exciting,have,news,I,you,to,tell(.)61 . as,I,live,happily,before,as(.)62 . my coat,old,that,want to buy,I,is,so,a new one(.)七、材料作文63 . 假设你是Li Ming, 本周末学校举行英语角活动,讨论游泳安全问题。请你根据以下要点用英语写一篇简短发言稿。词数:80词左右。1.游泳有益健康,但有些地方不安全,不适于游泳;2.不要独自到江河游泳,应有家人或朋友陪伴;3.游泳前做好准备工作,不要立即下水;4.游泳时相互关照,时间不要太长;5.写一至两点个人建议。词语提示:安全地safely,合适的suitable,建议 advice,代替instead of , 跳入jump into, 疲劳 tiredGood morning, everyone! Im Li Ming. Now Im going to talk about how to swim safely._Thats all. Thanks.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、单词填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、

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