2019秋六年级英语上册 Lesson 6《It’s on the fifth floor》课件4 科普版.ppt

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2019秋六年级英语上册 Lesson 6《It’s on the fifth floor》课件4 科普版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋六年级英语上册 Lesson 6《It’s on the fifth floor》课件4 科普版.ppt_第3页
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No 3PrimarySchoolofNingling Lesson6It sonthefifthfloor Firstfloororsecondfloor Writeoutthefollowingwords 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve Readandwrite 1 Children sDay 儿童节 isonthe dayofJune 2 Thereare months 月 inayear 年 3 Teacher sDay 教师节 isonthe dayofSeptember 4 Threeplus 加 sixis 5 Sundayisthe dayofaweek 6 Septemberisthe monthofayear first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth first twelve tenth ninth first ninth 1 Where syourbedroom 2 Doyouhaveastudy 3 Whereisit 4 Whereisthelab 5 Whereistheteacher soffice 6 CanIreadthisone It sonthesecondfloor Yes Ido It sonthethirdfloor It sonthefourthfloor It sonthethirdfloor Sure Firstfloororsecondfloor 一楼还是二楼 BruceandJessarefriends TheyareinClassThree GradeFive BrucecomesfromtheUKandJesscomesfromtheUSA TheyliveinthesamebuildinginBeijing 布鲁斯和杰西是朋友 他们在五年级三班 布鲁斯来自英国 他们在北京住在同一栋楼里 杰西来自英国 JessisfromtheUSA IamBruce I mfromtheUK Iliveonthefirstfloor Brucesays I mJess I mfromtheUSA Iliveonthefirstfloor Jesssays Oh youliveonthesamefloor Linglingsays No Jesslivesonthegroundfloor saysBruce No Brucelivesonthesecondfloor saysJess 我是布鲁斯 我来自英国 我住在一楼 布鲁斯说 我是杰西 我来自美国 我住在一楼 杰西说 哦 你们住在同一层楼里 玲玲说 不 杰西住在一楼 布鲁斯说 不 布鲁斯住在二楼 杰西说 IcomefromtheUK Doyouknowwhy BecauseintheUK thefirstfloor isthesameas thesecondfloor intheUSA 你知道为什么吗 因为英国的 第一楼 和美国的 第二楼 是一层 Iliveonthefirstfloor Jesssays 杰西说 我住在一楼 Brucelivesonthesecondfloor 布鲁斯住在二楼 wordsandphrases same se m 相同的反义词differentbuilding b ld 大楼动词是buildfirst f st 第一基数词oneground gra nd 地面second sek nd 第二基数词two 1 thesameas和 一样2 ontheground在地面上efrom befrom来自4 livein住在 5 thesamebuilding同一栋楼里6 theUK英国7 theUSA美国 BritishEnglish AmericanEnglish英国的英语美国的英语thegroundfloorthefirstfloor一楼一楼thefirstfloorthesecondfloor二楼二楼thesecondfloorthethirdfloor三楼三楼thethirdfloortheforthfloor四楼四楼 Nowlet strytoreadthestoryquicklyandanswermyquestions 1 WheredoesBrucecomefrom 2 WhatclassareBruceandJessin 3 DotheyliveinthesamebuildinginBeijing 4 DoesJessliveonthesecondfloor 5 DoesBruceliveonthesecondfloor HecomesfromtheUK TheyareinClassThree GradeFive Yes theydo No hedoesn t Yes hedoes Exercises 随堂检测 Fillintheblanks BruceandJessare Theyarein Brucecomesfrom Jesscomesfrom Theyliveinthe inBeijing Doyou why BecauseintheUK isthesameas intheUSA friends ClassThree GreadFive theUK theUSA samebuilding know thefirstfloor thesecondfloor Homework 1 Pleasetrytoretellthestorywithyourownlanguage 请尝试用自己的语言复述文章 2 Copythekeysentences Seeyou

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