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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级上学期开学考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you play _ football? -No, I can play _ violinAa , aBan , aCthe, theD/ , the2 . -_ you Li Xiaoming?-Yes, I _.AIs , amBAre, amCAre, isDAm, is3 . _ the printer?Its on the table over there.AWhatsBWheresCWhereDWhat4 . We all want to try something new, but finding the _ to start is always the hardest part.AsuccessBprideCcourageDprogress5 . It was hot this summer and there was_rain,_there?Afew,wasBlittle, wasCfew, wasntDlittle, wasnt6 . Xian is a very old city.Sure. It has a _ history.AbigBsmallCshortDlong7 . It is polite _ a gift when you visit somebody for the first time.Ato takeBtakingCto bringDbringing8 . Our teacher gives us _advice on how to study English well.AaBanCsomeDMany9 . -Hi, kitty. This is my cousin Andy. Andy this is my new classmate. -_AGlad to meet youBWhats your name?CWhere are you?DExcuse me10 . Do you think life is better now?Well, it is.Aon the wayBby the wayCin some waysDin the way11 . Try your best _ with your parents and they will understand your decision.Ato talkBtalkCto playDPlay12 . What did your English teacher ask you _ just now?Ato doBdoCdidDdoing13 . The fridge is empty, _ we may have to go out for dinner tonight.AforBorCbutDso14 . Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.Sorry,mum. Ion the phone.Aam talkingBtalkedCwas talkingDhave talked15 . Tony, why are you so glad?Oh, you know, there _ a football match tomorrow.Aare going to haveBis going to beCis going to have二、补全对话6选5补全对话。E涂AB;F涂CD。A: Excuse me, Is this your pen?B: No, its Jacks.16 . A: Are these pencils his?B: 17 . . Theyre Lucys.A: What about the two rulers?B: The blue one is Jacks. 18 . .A: Well, is Jack at school now?B: 19 . .You can call him.A: Whats Jacks phone number?B: 20 . . A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome. ANo, they arent.BIt is 0352-7715609.CAnd the yellow one is mine.DSorry, I dont know.E(AB). Mine is in my school bag.F(CD). Who is Jack?三、补全短文5选5My friend Kitty is a good designer(设计师). She designs many nice clothes.21 . All my friends say it looks cool on me.22 . We invite(邀请) her to our school today. She gives us a talk(报告) about fashion(时尚). She shows Chinese fashion to us.23 . Then many students ask her some questions.24 . We are happy to know something about fashion.Kittys favorite color is green.25 . Today she is in a green dress and a pair of black shoes. She looks nice!AAll the students think the talk is good.BAnd they often ask Kitty to design some clothes for them.CThese questions are all about fashion. DShe says green is the color of spring.E.My new brown skirt is one of them.四、完型填空Mr and Mrs Green had different(不同的) ideas about where to go for the weekend. Mrs Green wanted to go to see her sister, but Mr Green didnt like to go there. He wanted to go to Maine. “Florida is too hot in summer,” Mr Green said to her.“Maine is a little cold,” said Mrs. Green. “I like swimming, but the water in Maine is usually not warm enough.”“Florida is too far,” said Mr. Green. “We dont have enough time to drive there. Itll take us more than two days.”Just then, the telephone rang(铃声响). Mr. Green answered the phone. It was Mr. Greens mother. “Is that Jim speaking? Please come in the shortest time. I need help. Im calling from the hospital in Boston.”They stopped their discussing, and in no time(立刻) they both went out.26 . Who did Mrs Green want to see?AHer mother.BHer sister.CHer brother.DHer father.27 . Where did Mr Green want to go that weekend?AFlorida.BPenangCBoston.DMaine.28 . Why didnt Mr. Green want to go to Florida?ABecause its cold there.BBecause its too far.CBecause his mother was in hospital.DBecause its warm enough.29 . Where did Mr. Greens mother live?AFlorida.BMaine.CPenangDBoston.30 . Whos Jim according to the passage?AMr. Greens son.BMr. Green.CMr. Greens brother.DThe writer五、阅读单选Christmas wont be Christmas without any presents, said Jo.Its so terrible to be poor! sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress.I dont think its fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all, added little Amy.Weve got Father and Mother and each other, said Beth from her corner.Jo said sadly, We havent got Father, and shall not have him for a long time. She didnt say perhaps never, but each silently added it, thinking of Father far away, where the fighting was.Nobody spoke for a minute; then Meg said, You know the reason why Mother asked us not to have any presents this Christmas was that it is going to be a hard time for everyone; and she thinks we ought not to spend money for pleasure when our men are suffering in the army.Weve each got a dollar, and the army wouldnt be much helped by our giving that. I agree not to ask anything from Mother or you, but I do want to buy Undine and Sintram for myself; Ive wanted it so long, said Jo, who was a bookworm.I planned to spend mine on new- music, said Beth.I shall get a nice box of drawing pencils; I really need them, said Amy decidedly.Mother didnt say anything about our money, and she wont wish us to give up everything. Lets each buy what we want, and have a little fun; Im sure we work hard enough to earn it, cried Jo.31 . What is the relationship between the four girls?AThey are friends.BThey are neighbours.CThey are classmates.DThey are sisters.32 . When did the story happen?AIn an ancient time.BIn a modern society.CIn the war time.DIn a peaceful time.33 . What was their life like?APoor and tough.BRich and wonderful.CExciting and delightful.DSimple but comfortable.34 . What is NOT true about the girls according to the passage?AThey cared about others.BThey were strong and active.CThey gave up all their hobbies and dreams.DThey still kept their dreams.Mary is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a hospital in Hangzhou. She is also learning Chinese medicine(医学) there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves to work for the patients(病人), because its interesting She works hard in the day and read English books on Chinese medicine at night. She learns Chinese from Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read some Chinese, too. Her husband John is from America, too. He is a policeman. He works in a police station in Hangzhou, too. He works hard, too. Hes very busy. He works on Saturdays and Sundays. His work is kind of dangerous, but he says, “I love my job very much. Its exciting and I can work for the people.”35 . Mary and her husband are from _.AAmericaBEnglishCChinaDAustralia36 . Mary loves her work, because _.Aits busyBshe can help the patients and her job is funCshe likes Chinese medicineDshe can work in Hangzhou37 . Mary often reads books on _.AChinese historyBEnglish medicineCEnglishDChinese medicine38 . How is Marys Chinese? _.AShe learns Chinese from Chinese booksBShe doesnt want to learn ChineseCShe learns Chinese from others and can speak and read some Chinese nowDShe can speak some Chinese and read it.39 . Which of the following is wrong(错)?AJohn is not busy.BJohn loves to work for people.CJohn neednt work on weekends.DJohn and his wifework in the same city.六、阅读判断第一节根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的涂“T”,错误的涂“F”。并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置。Mr. Green is a man with short curly black hair. He comes from Canada. He is forty years old. He teaches us English. He is very friendly to us. He often tells jokes and interesting stories to the class. After school, he often plays footballs with us. He can speak a little Chinese and he can also sing a few Chinese songs. He often asks us to tell him something about our school. We all like him very much.40 . Mr. Green has long curly hair.41 . Mr. Green teaches Chinese.42 . He loves to tell jokes.43 . Mr. Green works as a teacher in China.44 . He often tells us something about our school .七、填写适当的单词补全句子据意填词。Complete the sentences with proper words.45 . Could you please tell me _ the restrooms are?46 . At the second turning turn right you will _ to the post office.47 . They are planning to set up a big _ club so that they can communicate with people from different countries.48 . It has been a bit cold in my house because they stopped providing _ to my house even in cold days.49 . I wont believe her _ what excuse she has got because I know she is a liar.50 . Since _ phones are cheap and popular many people dont have phones at home.51 . My class teacher thinks over everything carefully. She never makes up her _ too quickly.52 . The boy didnt admit _ the school rules though he did.53 . The police are _ the man who might have committed a crime.54 . Could you _ us with some useful things that can help to solve the crime?55 . Sit _ I can brush your hair and you will look nice.56 . If you are _, they might still be serving lunch. Go there quickly.57 . I visit my mum every week and call her every _ day.58 . They deserve _ for their achievements. We are thinking of giving them reward.59 . All this happened in full _ of the cameras. The robber will be caught soon.用适当的介词或者副词填空60 . Look_ the screen, please.61 . Can you paint some pictures _ the party?62 . We can heat the food _ in the school kitchen.63 . The soup is made _ chicken and vegetables.64 . You can eat the soup _ a spoon.65 . Its eaten everywhere _China now.根据句意在下列各句的空白处填入一个最恰当的单词,使句子意思完整。66 . We can make a _ before we blow out the birthday candles.67 . It is very _ in Changchun in winter. People wear a lot to keep warm.68 . Mr. Wang stayed _ late these days to watch the World Cup.69 . Dont _ about me. Everything will be OK.70 . You must look at the traffic lights (交通灯) before you go _ the road.71 . I taught my son how to _ the dishes after dinner.72 . It _ Linda half an hour to get to the store yesterday.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空73 . There are many ways of _(shop).74 . _(read)in the sun is bad for your health.75 . Its very safe _(shop)on the Internet.76 . The boy has many _(advantage).77 . Miss Fang is her _(one)teacher.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词正确形式填空)78 . Whales are the _ (large) animals on the Earth.79 . Its _ (danger) to stand in front of the moving car.80 . The oceans are _ (importance) to all animals on the Earth.81 . Water covers almost three _ (quarter) of the Earth.82 . Theyre preparing for a class _ (compete) about the oceans.83 . We should brush our _ (tooth) every day.84 . My father and my uncle are _ (fish). They like fishing very much.85 . Do you think dolphins are _ (intelligence)?86 . People use _ (brush) to clean their teeth.87 . Now Shanghai has become one of _ (beautiful) cities in China.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.88 . The bride and groom have sent all the _ (invite) to the guests.89 . We all live on the _ floor. (twelve)90 . Excuse me, where is the _ to the exhibition hall? (enter)91 . _, the museum was not damaged by the earthquake. (luck)92 . The old man looked angry and _. (friendly)93 . Only the timely _ of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse. (arrive)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。94 . The doctor said he should not lift heavy _ (weigh)95 . Everyone is in_(agree)that she should join the English club.96 . I dont want to miss _(see) that singer on TV tonight.97 . He heard someone _(knock) at the door just now.98 . What the teacher said made me think_(care)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。99 . I was _(hit) by a car when I was riding my bike.100 . Slowly, the little girls ball _(roll) onto the street.101 . Linda was _(wash) her clothes at ten this morning.102 . You shouldnt _(shout) at him. He just wanted to help.103 . Its going to rain. I should stop him from _(go) out.九、单词填空短文填空。根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。In 1971 , a poor young man was traveling across the country , trying to make a new start for himself . On the way, he had completely run out of104 . , so he had no food to eat and had to live in his car.This continued until one morning. After a week of sleeping in his car , he walked into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast . After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found he had to105 . to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet . He was so embarrassed that his face turned red. The waiter, also the owner, walked behind the young mans seat. He bent down(弯腰), and stood up106 . a $20 bill in his hand . It seemed as if it had fallen on the floor. “Son, you must have dropped this . ” the owner said . The young man was so107 . that he couldnt believe his eyes ! He quickly108 . for the breakfast and headed west.On the way out of town, he realized, “ Maybe109 . dropped the money at all . Maybe the owner of the restaurant just knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didnt embarrass me . What a kind person he is !110 . I have the chance in the future; I will do the same to help others. ”Now older, the man lives near Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars to poor people. He is111 . as the “Secret Father Christmas”, because at Christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those homeless people on the streets. Last year, he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City.十、回答问题Little David likes to eat in a restaurant. He often eats a hamburger and an ice-cream. People in the restaurant know him very well. They often ask him, Why do you like to eat here? LittleDavid says, Because I like the toys here. Why dont you go to the toy shop then? They have toys but they dont have hamburgers and ice-cream. 112 . Where does Little David like to eat?_113 . What does he often eat in the restaurant?_114 . Do people in this restaurant know him very well?_115 . What do they often ask him?_116 . What does Little David say?_十一、话题作文117 . Writing(作文):Write at least 60 words about the topic “An argument”(以“一次争吵为题写一篇不少于60词的短文”)我们的生活中难免会与人发生矛盾或争吵,请你描述你生活中经历过或看到过的一次争吵,并说说这次争吵是如何解决的,你从中得到了什么启示。Use the following points as reference. (以下要点供参考)1.When and where did the argument happen?2.What caused the argument? / How did the argument happen?3.What did you learn from it?第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、3、4、5、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、3、4、5、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、话题作文1、

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